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App Development

6 Best tips to get your app featured by the app store

written by Admin | Feb 15, 2017

For the app developers around the globe, the major tough task is said to be completed when the function-rich app built by them gets featured on the app store. For any such mobile application development company, it is quite essential to watch the app in the leading app store listings at the major Apple app stores or the marketplaces. Well, meeting this is not completely impossible but then some amount of hard work is absolutely needed to make this possible. For the immense success of app, it is very important to get the app featured on the app stores and it is also crucially important to a lot of extent.

Your feature-rich app might get featured and visible on different places at the app store but the best place is to stay ahead at the front page of iTunes because the desired success is achieved by getting your app featured at this area. It is highly profitable in getting featured on the homepage category of the app store and some tricks and tips will help you to make this possible.

Top 6 tips to get your apps visible as featured by the app store:

#1 App design is primary:

Steve Jobs have also said that, “You have to begin with the best user experience and later work on the technology factor and not in different way.” This is quite true to a lot of extent as there is a high demand of the app market in this digital world for making life of people easy. Mobile app development is taking the focal point in the tech-world with the 2 factors that have got direct relation- UX/UI. Your need to follow the best design and which gives best user experience to get your app successful.

#2 Native apps are highly-favored:

When there had been a discussion regarding hybrid (HTML based applications) and the native apps then came the need to hire native mobile app developer for meeting the demands of the clients in developing the function-rich mobile apps to the clients around the globe. The hybrid apps have got certain disadvantage in getting featured on the app store. But eventually native apps won the race. These particular apps bear an understanding with the user experience and also have lack in making certain mark. Native mobile app provides class user experience to get featured on the app store as such.

#3 App icon plays the important role:

If you are looking forward to make certain settlement related to the app icon, then you need to think again. App icon is just like the face of a particular app. It will not be wrong to say that giant Apple features the impressive app icons in its list of apps on the app store. For getting the app featured, Apple has got the major factor. Your app icon also shows major clues regarding essential features of the app itself.

#4 Networking must also be considered to a major extent:

The app store team here plays the important role. The developers keep these trams in focus through the sources like emails, social media, etc. You must have good network with the app store team and this acts efficaciously regarding the app store. The quick path here is for getting featured at the app store is by making them friends and later on see the influence on the app growth. You need to enhance your network and make good friends who will help you out with the better ratings of your app on the app store.

#5 Creating the ios exclusive app:

You might have seen various trends in the app market available to the tech-sector and also for the developers too. It is Android which sells better than the ios, say about 5 to one. Going with this particular trend, there is also the range of native apps which are made exclusively for the ios or these are generally available way before ios than the Android. This will provide you the best profits and reduced costs of production plus a whopping community have got the best advantages which you can get access to. The ios apps have got an edge for the Apple app store. Mobile app development company have got the team of dedicated developers to build the Android and ios apps.

#6 Better customer rankings and ratings on the app store:

To get your app featured on the top app stores, the ratings, reviews and rankings also has the major role. The major benefits are in having the customer ratings higher than 4.5 itself. Users opt for downloading the app when they see the best ratings. The better the ratings, the higher will be the downloads. Low rating will lead to lower downloads for that particular app. So, ratings of the app also plays an important role.


The above mentioned factors must be considered in developing the best apps for the leading apps stores. These mentioned factors must be taken care of before you begin with the development of apps for the clients. Even he major factor is of setting the story while development of the apps. If you are a new starter in the app development field then the basic criteria for mobile app marketing is to set the story. To get visible on the app store is not tough though but hard work is required for the same and proper strategy must be followed regarding the same. After following all the methods, you will certainly be able to get the best results and get your app visible on the leading app stores. This in turn will help you generate higher revenues through the app development plus it will be help you in generating good sales leads too.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.