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8 Mistakes You’re Making That Are Choking Your Website's Traffic

written by Admin | Aug 19, 2017
8 Mistakes Youre Making That Are Choking Your Websites Traffic

You can get a considerable measure of site traffic through some genuine ways, and you can settle on some easy routes (illicit) approaches to win the race. Being an online marketer, you must settle on the choice whether the strategies you are deciding on are ethically worthy all alone or not.

From a marketing point of view, the traffic you will get from a few methods will give you short-term results, i.e. hurt your brand reputation, or you will never get conversions. In this way, all your brand needs to evade these traffic generation errors to gain authentic, high-converting website traffic.

Mistakes That Are Choking Your Website’s Traffic

#1. Reposting the Self-Promotional Message Again and Again

This is probably the most common reason why so many brands fail at social media. Here is a misconception: Without a sales message, consumers won’t bother to buy your products. So, you need to repost the same message with a pure sales message again and again.

Social media marketing works best by offering a genuine incentive to your buyers and deals message, on the other hand, at times offer an incentive all alone. In case, if they provide value, reposting a similar message over and over makes it less ineffectual. If somebody has already seen your post, the value is no more. They won’t click your link once more, and you won’t get more traffic.

Yet, that doesn’t mean you ought to never post a business message, yet with regards to online networking marketing for small business, you have to guarantee the rate of offers components inside your posts is less. Your posts require to provide value to your purchasers before you can utilize it to elevate your items to your group of onlookers.

#2. Not Giving Your Visitors a Real Reason to Follow You Back

If you want to see people follow your brand on any of your social media handles, you have to give your audience a genuine reason to do so. What’s more, the best reason you can give to users to follow your brand is by offering value with your posts on social media. Without that value, you won’t have the capacity to expand your followers. If you don’t offer value to the audience, at that point how could you expect that individuals will follow your brand and visit your site?

#3. Trying to Be Everywhere on Social Media

That’s a good thing if you are harnessing the potential of social media marketing, however, it doesn’t intend to be active on every network at the same time. By doing this, you will get yourself stuck in an unfortunate situation without getting the desired results.

A vastly better approach is to deliberately choose the best digital platforms where your target audience invests their large proportion of time online. You can simply widen your horizons later on, but for the beginning, try to be actively present on 2 or 3 channels. Don’t try to work hard on every platform at a single time, instead of that, strategically use a couple of networks at first.

#4. Generating Unnatural Link Profiles

Many new companies that buying unnatural links from some other company or freelancer will improve their SEO in a very short period of time to get more traffic. This short term tactic might work initially, but one day it will backfire in terms of rankings for sure. Google may either drop your rankings or strike you from the indexing.

If you want to build backlinks without harming your search engine rankings then the safest approach is to do it manually by writing guest posts for bloggers & webmasters, participating in online communities and forums. It is a long-term strategy, it may take some time, but you will get results for sure one day. The things that happen naturally are always the best. Same in case of SEO, organically growing your links slowly through high-level ranking techniques can effectively build your audience according to the backlinks.

#5. Creating content is enough sometimes

There are some marketers who surmise that creating content is sufficient for your site. Of course, content plays a key part in enhancing your online presence. Apart from that, doing some keyword research, making some backlinks and optimizing your content are a couple of basic strides that you have to do in order to improve your ranking on the SERPs.

#6. Content Marketing and SEO are the Same

Some online marketers feel that creating many pieces of content that don’t add value for the audience, ineffectively optimized and don’t have shareworthy data can do wonders for their brand. In any case, this is precisely not the situation, such content pieces never work well for your SEO strategy.

Content marketing is tied in with creating valuable content that makes your readers to like it, share, and engage. Content promoting is there to pick up client engagement, while SEO can make your effectively valuable traffic more noticeable to get higher rankings on search engines.

#7. Underestimating the Power of Content Distribution

Content distribution is a vital part of content marketing strategy. Making a few pieces of content, posting them on blog and sit tight for the massive traffic to come to your blog won’t work. For content marketing, you have to find the ways how your content will reach to your intended audience.

Social media promotion plays a key part to get your content distributed and let your brand voice be heard by new users. SEO and email marketing also play an indispensable role in content distribution efforts.

#8. Expecting Results Too Soon

Anticipating that content marketing should do wonders for your business in a very short span of time is the most common mistake many organizations make. You won’t get huge traffic just by posting one guest post, or blog post. It requires time to accomplish huge number of page views, likes and shares. Content marketing is an intense strategy that takes time and works for long run, it won’t give you overnight success.


Are you feeling bad for making any of these mistakes ? Did you get more traffic to your site with any of these tricks ? In the event that you discover trouble increasing your web traffic then connect with us. Here at BR Softech, we help startups transforming their sites into lead generation machine by giving powerful social media marketing solution to get traffic, leads and conversions.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.