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Game Development

Advantages and Disadvantages of Best Game Development Tools

written by Admin | Feb 25, 2017
Advantages and disadvantages of best game development tools

In today’s game development trends, majority of the game developers are opting for developing the class apart games for the top-notch operating systems like the web and mobile gaming apps. The game developers either opt for building the gaming apps right from the scratch or writing their own engines itself. The leading game studios many time opt for building their own kind of engines and the tools and also personalize the open source solutions for meeting their requirements related to game development.

Know about the advantages and disadvantages of the leading game development tools:

In this post you will like to know about the pros and cons of some top-rated game development tools which are being used by the game developers:

#1 Unity game development tool:

Unity is considered to the best game development tool which is highly favored among the game developers around the globe who have knack in development of huge download worthy games on the leading operating systems.

Unity 3D and 2D game platform:

Unity game development tool is such that it is meant for supporting in both the 2D sector as well as 3D sector game development and is very unusual for the gaming engine. It can also be said that Unity was also designed for 3D kind of games having the good support of 2D support which gets locked on or at the later time. The 2D game features were at first for developing the menus of games and also the 2D game screens which are required in the 3D gaming apps. This helps in neglecting the requirement of external tool in the game. As this Unity provides the cross-platform for the game developers, this also helps the game developers to build the games through this technology. Being the leading game apps development company, we have the team of adroit game developers who understand the requirements of the clients before developing the feature-rich gaming mobile apps.

Advantages of Unity game development tool:

  • It is the game development tool which has got whopping community of asset and the plugin developers and you will be able to get the reasonable and free content available.

  • Unity provides the class apart editing tools for the game developers and this can also be extended with the plugins.

  • It also supports the assorted range of asset formats which is meant for conversion automatically to maximum formats for the target platform too.

  • It also supports the elite range of operating systems and platforms, like the mobile, desktop, and the gaming consoles.

  • This game development tool is available at the free license and have got class features.

  • Even the paid licenses available are also quite reasonable for many professional developers which are also available for the subscription. At $75 per platform at present.

Disadvantages of Unity game development tool:

  • In this particular game engine, developer teams perceiving is full old hassle as such.

  • This game development engine is not completely made to effective use for the mobile devices by the time the current Unity 5 had hit the markets.

  • The developers are not being able to get the complete source code by using this game development engine as such.

  • If any kind of bugs arises then you will have to wait for long time until this particular issue is being addressed by the company itself.

  • Any server product which offers quite good platform for the collaboration is just very costly by tech different game engine standards.

#2 Unreal Game engine platform:

This particular game development tools supports the languages like C++. It is also very easy ad plain sailing for writing the code by making use of the Blueprints which is a visual programming environment where the nodes can be connected through the lines as such. This is includes in the category about the elite range of top-rated games development tool having the class feature set and the best graphic output. It is highly preferred by tech game developers because of the fact that it has got the best range of blockbuster games to its credit as of now.

Advantages of Unreal engine:

  • It has got quite good community support.

  • The class support feature and also the updated mechanism assures the good care.

  • Wide range of easy operated tools are easy to be managed and that too by any layman who is not fluent with this game development engine.

  • Best for the leading operating system platforms.

Disadvantages of the Unreal game development engine:

  • It is generally somewhat old-fashioned game development tool when compared to the other kinds of leading game development engines in the world.

  • It has some of the complicated tools which also gives the hard time for a learner.

  • The costing platform is also too high for many of the game developers.

#3 Hero Engine:

This is yet another class game development platform which has got high reputation from the huge online gaming community and also from the console gamers too. This particular gaming engine is action packed with maximum gaming features having the best in class interface and also the impressive graphic output. The licensing is quite costly for the first time game developer if you are generally die-hard in the game development project sector.

Advantages of hero engine game development tool:

  • It has also got the best class of APIs which makes it as the good game development engine having the myriad features for game developers.

  • It also includes the open world maps and also the best transition too which fits well as per your need.

  • It also includes the best scripting feature for giving good shape to the tough missions and also putting class resources into optimum usage.

  • It has got the Cloud Support with the HeroCloud as per the client server too.

Disadvantages of Hero engine game development tool:

  • The major drawback of this game development engine is that it has got the high learning sector for any new game developer.

  • This particular gaming development engine with the backup of cloud is generally quite costly for the game development startups.

  • In this game development tool, even the scripting is not so powerful.

#4 Cocos 2D game development engine:

Cocos 2D is also a well known game development engine for 2D games. Highly favored by the game developers, this particular game development engine have got different versions which are also supporting the wide range of programming languages which includes the C#, C++, Java, JavaScript and the Ruby platform.

Advantages of Cocos 2D:

  • This is the best in class platform which involves many of the mobile platforms that are being supported by this game development tool.

  • This is available for free and the open source under the MIT license.

  • This also includes different kinds of extensions and the tools.

  • Better performance of the graphic output.

  • Quality-oriented online support community.

Disadvantages of Cocos 2D:

  • There is no such commercially motivated support for fixing any kind of bugs which arises and other different issues.

  • It does not include better coding structure and the APIs are also not so orthodox when compared to the 2D gaming engines too.

#5 Cry Engine:

This is yet another game development tool and is the most powerful game engines in today’s date. It is loved by the developers as it have the graphic output plus wide array of quality gaming features inclusion. So this cry engine has also got some advantages and some of the disadvantages.

Advantages of Cry engine:

  • It helps in making the game ambiance powerful and attractive by the programming which are of the level of artist and the inclusion of tools like Flowgraph.

  • The quality-oriented audio tool is the Fmod which is included in it.

  • If you are new into game development field then there are various classes of handy tools available for you to develop the game apps with impressive User Interface.

Disadvantages of Cry engine:

  • For this particular game development engine, there is not much better class support facility if free version of the engine is being concerned.

  • Moreover, this game development engine is new one and does not have much support of the online support community for the developers.

The Final Word:

So, in a nutshell, it can be said that the above listed are the best game apps development tools which has got its own advantages as well as the disadvantages for the game developers around the globe. If you are looking forward to start with the game apps development then the above listed factors must be considered regarding many of the game development tools for the game developers in the world. You must also opt for choosing the perfect and better cross platform gaming experience too. It is important to note that you must hire dedicated developers for your game app development requirements and the needs.


Author Bio:

Written by Nikita Tak. Currently she is working with the leading IT company of Jaipur. She hails from beautiful city, Ajmer. A prolific blogger, shopaholic, fashionista, story teller, poet. She loves to write technical blogs, interior decor blogs, fashion blogs. She also loves to express her thoughts in the form of stories and poetries. Her works have been featured in various books.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.