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You need to know about the Amazon Go Working

written by Admin | Dec 14, 2016
Amazon Go Working

amazon has recently raised the curtains from the new Amazon Go, which is highly advanced technology that provides class experience of the shopping for shopaholics.

What is Amazon Go?

It is a wonderful kind of store which is a checkout-free technology introduced by Amazon Go. By this upcoming technology, you don’t have to wait in line. All you need to do is to use the Amazon Go app for entering the store, take the products which you want to take and just go!

Voila! Its so amazing technology.
Currently, this technology is at the beta stage and can be used only for the Amazon employees. Nestled at the Amazon hometown of Seattle, Amazon Go is the 1800-square feet outlet which houses the perishable grocery essentials of assorted range, like bread, milk, cheese and various kinds of chocolates. Various other kind of products include the snacks for breakfast, lunch, dinner, which are made by the onsite chefs.

Amazon Go: No need to wait in long line, no checkouts

How does this Amazon Go work?

The patent which was filed by the company in the year 2014 and got published in the year 2015 may shed some light on how does Amazon go works. As per the patent, every customer who enters the store will be getting tagged on the entry. In the Amazon’s video, the visitors also tag their smartphone which have the Amazon Go app in the phone when they will enter the retail outlet as such. Shopaholics keep an eye on similar shopping apps like Amazon which helps them to the core.
This enables the store’s scrutiny system to identify the customers and also for tracking them as they go out from the retail outlet. As per the patent, “when the user’s hand is take off from the inventory location, one or more images might be captured of the user’s hand as the hand will exit the location of the inventory. These kind of images can then be compared for deciding if the user has taken an item from the location of the inventory or not or kept an item in the inventory location.”
Likewise, cameras picks up the images at the time when they just stop in front of the shelves in the retail store, the items which are taken and if the items were taken with the customers or were kept again in the shelf.
This kind of process is very plain sailing for functioning. Just download free Amazon Go app and you will require the Amazon account and also a supported trendy smartphone. Authorized with tech technology which is used in the self-driving cars: computer vision, sensor fusion, deep learning; Amazon Go app’s “Just Walk Out” technology automatically discovers when the products are being taken from or are returned to the shelves and keeps track of them in a virtual cart as such.
This astonishing technology completely removes the checkout processes and the lines. At the time  when the customers comes out from the stores, the users will be just charged on the Amazon account and will be obtaining the receipt.
Amazon Go also goes beyond the range of limits of the computer vision and machine learning for creating the smooth “Grab & Go” shopping lines with no such irritating and frustrating queues at the time of checkout.
Amazon has also acknowledged the fact that various categories of the shopping are unlikely to move completely online as such. In these cases, purchasing the items from the shelves in the store appears to be more attractive theory. With this trending technology Amazon Go, the company is making an effort to bridge the gap between the online and also offline world.

Summing Up:

So, do you want to know as to where this Amazon Go is nestled?
It is nestled at 2131 7th Ave, Seattle, WA, on the corner of 7th Avenue and Balanchard Street.
Amazon has not mentioned clearly as such about the strategy there is any kind of plans for more such stores or what shall come up next. But it can be seen that Amazon Go storefront playing the key role in the “Just Walk Out” technology. This amazing technology will solve the everlasting problem of the retail theft because  when you come out of the store stealing any product, you will be charged for sure.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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