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Why Uber-Like App Development Services Helpful to Your Taxi Booking Business?

written by Admin | Apr 22, 2021
Uber Like App Development

Technology has developed to unforeseen heights, and it is an undeniable fact that we have completely depended on it. Could you imagine a day without the internet or a smartphone? Sounds horrific? Companies in transportation have made the utmost use of the technology for their benefit. All of us use an app like Uber to make an online taxi booking most of the time. Uber is dominating the taxi booking industry and becomes a million-dollar company within a limited span of time. 

Many other organizations such as OLA, Lyft also tried out their luck in the online taxi booking business and gained popularity across the world. Because of this success, many businesses also want to replicate the concept of a driving app like Uber. 

Read More: How to Build Taxi Booking App Like Uber?

To compete with these well-established organizations, new players have to develop a new driver app like Uber. An online taxi booking app has the power to take your business to the next level and make you stand out from the crowd. The customers have access to make a taxi booking online with a single click. All they have to do is download the app, choose the pickup & dropout location and ride safely with your taxi driver. 

The taxi booking business is on-demand and expected to grow wider. Therefore, investing in an Uber clone app development is a worthy option for you.

How Driver Apps like Uber Helpful for You?

A taxi booking business not only provides convenience to the users but also walks a mile to provide several benefits to the businesses as follows:

How driver apps like Uber Helpful for You?

1. Increased Visibility 

In today’s competitive time, it is really challenging for the business to get an edge in the market. As you know, smartphone users are increasing with each passing day, hence, having an app like Uber will provide you better chances to connect with your customers. You can also stay in touch with your customers to offer them new discounts as long as they have installed your taxi app on their device. 

2. Real-time Tracking 

Real-time tracking is considered the best features offered by the taxi app development company. This feature enables the rider to see the exact location of the driver, hence, the passenger can know the estimated time of cab arrival. The same goes with the cab driver, he knows the exact location of the passenger along with the direction to reach the passenger. The customers can also use this feature to see all the taxis available near them. 

When the driver knows the accurate location of the passenger and the shortest way to reach the pickup location. This will reduce the fuel cost and enhance efficiency. 

Glance Here: Taxi App: Use This for Every Time, Every Where

3. Instant Feedback From Customers

Customer feedback is one of the best things that enable you to understand the areas where your business lacks and needs improvement. A driving app like Uber enables the customer to rate and review the taxi booking service whenever they take a ride. This way customers will feel more connected with your services, hence, you can expect high customer retention. 

4. Monitor Driver Efficiency

With the help of Uber clone app development, you have more control over the activity of the driver. You can keep your eyeballs on the driver’s location and the way to finish the ride. As you know, the driver plays a huge role in fuel expenditure, customer satisfaction, alongside vehicle utilization. Therefore, it is beneficial to improve the driver’s efficiency to make more profit from your taxi booking business. 

5. Creates Brand Value

Today, taxi booking apps like Ola, Uber become a synonym for reputations and big brands. You can also achieve the same by offering your customer’s remarkable taxi booking services. For this purpose, nothing can help you better than the taxi app development service. A well-built application can serve the customers better with their needs and turn them into loyal customers.

For better brand awareness, keep updating the application with unique features. This way customers will spend more time on your application and you can expect better possibilities to make a profit. 

6. Collecting Customer Information

Every business relies on the information of their customer to provide them quality services, taxi booking business is not an exception. With the help of a driving app like Uber, you can collect a variety of customer information such as location, contact information, call recordings that take place between the customer and driver. By utilizing this information, you can create personalized services for your customer. 

Read More: Want to Know Everything About Taxi Booking Complete Solution 

Apart from this, you can send push notifications to the customers related to discount offers or anything else which might inspire them to book a cab with you. 

7. Guaranteed Safety

For most people around the globe, safety is their supreme priority. A new driving app like Uber is rich in terms of security. One of the best security features of the Uber clone app is real-time sharing. This feature enables the rider to share the real-time location of the taxi with their loved ones, so they can see and track your real-time location. 

With traditional taxi services, such a feature was not available and safety is always being a concern to the passenger. 

8. 24/7 Availability

Unlike other businesses which operate for certain hours only, taxi booking businesses can operate 24/7. So riders can make a booking anytime without a hassle. The more working hours means more profit you will make. Hence investing in a taxi app development service won’t let you down.

9. Multiple Payment Options 

A taxi app development company can integrate multiple payment options with your application. This way your customers need not carry cash to make payment, all they have to do is choose their preferred mode of payment and make the payment.

10. Increased Profits

Taxi operators who work with aggregator apps like Uber will tell you about the hefty commission they have to pay to Uber. If you develop your own driver app like Uber, it will cut down the aggregator commission and you will make better profits.

Uber clone app development also has some calculated risks just like the other businesses. However, if the calculations are made after comprehensive market research, the outcomes will most likely be favourable. 

While picking up a taxi app development company, make sure to ascertain the above benefits. BR Softech is one of the well-established taxi app development service providers that can help you with the taxi booking business. 

How Much It Will Cost You to Develop an App Like Uber?

Cost You to Develop an App

A driving app like Uber is a robust application, it should be able to perform well on all operating systems such as Android, iOS. Therefore, the taxi app development cost is going to be high. 

An app like Uber is not a single application, it is made of two applications: one application for passengers and the other one is for drivers. Pay separately to develop both applications. Along with these, some other factors are also there that can increase or decrease the budget, as follows. 

Similar Blog: Features and Development Cost of a Taxi App like UBER

Taxi app Development Cost & Features

1. Complexity

The foremost factor that decides the development cost is application complexity. As a general rule, a complex app will take more time to develop. Hence, the manpower extended to a longer period and the development cost will increase. 

2. Development Platforms

The platform on which you will release your application will also go in a long way to decide the development cost. An application developed for the iOS platform has a different cost than an application developed for the Android platform. And, if you are looking for a cross-platform compatible application, then you have to pay a higher amount than the one discussed before. 

3. Feature

Users give preferences to feature-rich applications. So, if you want to build the same application that comes with several features then you have to be ready to pay more. Features are directly proportional to the taxi app development cost, more features mean more cost you have to pay. 

4. Region of Taxi App Development Company 

Every region has different app development prices depending on the availability of the app developer, resources and other essential things. Let’s understand the development cost for three different regions below. 

  • U.S: $150 to $200 per hour
  • Europe: $100 to $150 per hour
  • India; $10 to $100 per hour

Note: The above prices are the average price of app developers. The actual cost can go down or above depending on your requirement. Consult with BR Softech today to know your exact taxi app development cost.

Bottom Line

As mentioned, the taxi booking business is full of risk. The perfect blend of advanced technology and effective marketing strategies can go in a long way to make you a proud owner of the next taxi booking app like Uber. 

Here, at BR Softech we have proven experience in Uber clone app development. If you have any requirement for a taxi booking app development service connect with us and we will provide you with top-notch development services.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.