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6 Benefits of Kanban for Software Development Companies

written by Admin | May 27, 2020
Benefits of Kanban for Software Development Companies

The Kanban methodology is one of the best strategies for managing time and resources when you run a software company. Since software development is a very complex, multi-step process with a lot to think about along the way, using this technique is one of the best ways to break it into steps, allowing you to easily stay on track and stay up-to-date with a project while being able to quickly discover any issues before they begin to have a big effect on the final result. 

Whether you’re just starting out using Kanban to develop software or have had your eye on lean methods for a while and are considering incorporating them into the way that your company is run and software development projects are managed, there are plenty of benefits for you and your team to enjoy. Here are some of the biggest and most important advantages of using Kanban in software development. 

Visual Cues Help Keep Everyone on Task

It’s no secret that many people in the software industry are visual learners. And it’s because of this that using Kanban tends to be most effective in this field. This method of project management is used by companies all over the world because it allows team members to create a visual workflow of what needs to be done and what’s already been done when working on a project, allowing them to stay on task and minimize confusion about the work process. Kanban software is a particularly great tool in software development since it’s where employees are most comfortable. Cloud-based software can be used by everybody working together on a project to define goals, map out the various steps, and allocate certain tasks to individuals. To learn more about how Kanban software may benefit your team, check out the wide range of useful resources available from Kanbanize. 

Develop More Software Programs

Many companies have found that using Kanban has helped to increase their productivity level, as having a visual map of the project eliminates wasted time sending emails and checking up on progress, and enables managers to easily delegate tasks to employees without having to speak to them one by one. This is especially true for software companies. Kanban has its roots in lean manufacturing, which was designed specifically to reduce the cost of production. As a software company, reducing the cost of production makes it possible for you to develop and sell more software and apps. 

Ensure High Quality

Kanban is designed to streamline and reduce the cost of production while ensuring the best quality results. In fact, Kanban methods come with high-quality control techniques built right into the system. Since the method has its origins in assembly-line manufacturing, it is designed to quickly eliminate errors and identify any bottlenecks in the process at the earliest possible stage in order to rectify any problems as you go along, rather than only finding out about them when the project is completed and things aren’t quite as expected. Because of this, when developing an app or software program, you can easily use Kanban to increase productivity while greatly reducing the chance of defects in the end result. 

Respond Well to Demand

There are many other resource and time management techniques out there, but a lot of them fail to adequately account for unexpected events, which can often be an issue for software development companies. Even the smallest of computer hardware problems can cause massive issues when you are developing a mobile application or a new piece of software, so it’s important to take this into account when optimizing the workflow of a project. The ability to take unexpected events in its stride is one of the biggest advantages of using the Kanban method. 

Prevent Overproducing Prototypes

While everyone in software development knows just how important it is to have prototypes of your software, it’s also crucial that you don’t have too many of them, as this can confuse things and make it difficult to decide which one is going to be marketed. The good news is that there are many highly effective methods that can be incorporated when using Kanban to ensure that your employees don’t overproduce prototypes, reducing both time and cost. 

Better Inventory Management

Although software design and development doesn’t involve as many physical materials as some other industries, you will still need to manage many types of resources, such as storage space, device operating capacity, and finances. Using Kanban can make it easier for you to better manage all of the resources that you have to hand when developing a software program, which in turn can help ensure that the entire project is as cost-effective as possible. 

There are plenty of reasons why Kanban is so popular in the software industry, and these are just some of them! 


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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