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Which are the best lead generating ideas for enhancing conversion rate of your website ?

written by Admin | Dec 20, 2016

It is the era of digital world where the people are internet savvy. Everybody desires to have the fully functional website for increasing the revenues of the business because a customer can be in touch with the business 24×7 and the business can answer any query of the customers 24×7. This is the reason why everybody is using the website for their business. This calls for increasing the conversion rate of your business at a rapid pace. When the marketers aspire to generate decent sales leads from the website then it is quite necessary to know about the ways for getting attention of the customers. This involves good lead generation.

The best lead generation strategy involves creating the wonderful offers and experiences which is in relation with what people like to buy online and desire to research for. It is the world of consumers and the marketers just wants to grabs the attention of the customers through multifarious ways. There are different methods to increase conversion rates on your website through facebook also. You can increase website conversion rate by some of the smart lead generation tactics. Numerous methods are available to get highly creative with the lead generation that will lead you towards success quickly. Here in this post you will get to know about the lead generation ideas which the B2B & B2C marketers must opt for. All you need to do is to add them, adjust them as per the choices of your targeted audiences and begin with sharing your valuable and precious ideas which you have in th comments box.

5 Smashing lead generation ideas for enhancing conversion rate of website:

Here is the list of flabbergasting lead generating ideas for increasing the website conversion rate and getting higher revenues for the business:

#1 Your calls-to-action must depends on the customer:

One of teh best way to increase conversion rates of your website is through the top-rated calls the action where you want your customers to lead at for getting good revenues and profits of your business as such. It cannot be said that each and every marketer is taking good time to ponder over the same but then making good use of the calls to action. Your CTA placement must be for the web page which attracts the people to the core. There are different ideas for business startup and lead generation which you must know if you desire to be an entrepreneur. At the time of placing the CTAs on the homepage and other different web pages, then your experiment must also make good sense for the best marketing story to be told.

#2 Make use of the pop-up and slide-in forms in best way:

Since very few years only the pop-ups have been defamed. Many of the marketers make use of these interrupts the experience of people on the website apart from making it popular. The pop-ups also work wonders for increasing the conversion rate of the website to the extreme. It can be the best part for your marketing strategy. If you are still unable to decide and pondering over if you should use the pop-ups or not then the answer to this question is a big yes. This does implies that you are providing the valuable thing to your customers who drops on your website page and this is what they aspire to have. When you are thinking about the pop-up type as to which one to opt for and which of the actions will set off and make them think over how the people are getting engrossed in your web page. When people starts with reading your blog post then they just scroll down to read further. In such a case you will think of using the slide-in box which comes as someone will scroll the page down further. The main factor here is for aligning whatever you provide on the pop-up with the web page which you are adding. It must also have considerable value.

#3 Adding the anchor texts for the for your old blog posts:

All the business blogger must opt for adding the end-of-post banner CTA at the end of all the blog posts. This is also the surefire way to increase the conversion rate of your website and generate higher revenues for your business. At first, these types of CTAs will appear to be like the ads which will lead to banner blindness from our readers.
Anchor ext CTA is nothing but a kind of standalone line text in the blog post which is being linked to the landing page which is being styled in H3 or the H4 for making it awe-unsporting fro mother parts of the blog post. The anchor text CTA is also efficacious for satisfying the search of the customer. Just from the first few paragraphs of the blog post. The visitors will find it effective to the core.

#4 You must start the new campaign with the launch post itself:

Whenever you opt for the new marketing campaign then you can also post the good news on your blog post itself that can include the major part of your launching plan. It works out wonders to make your current subscribers aware of the new products, new content which you add to your website. This will also be effective for introducing the new launch for new targeted audiences. The launching post must be around 150-300 words long. It must involve the catchy introductory paragraph of the general topic and other paragraph must be such that which tells about the offer which will also help you to list some of the bullet points to drive more customers.

#5 Social media also works best for generating the leads:

One of the best way to increase the traffic of the website is through the social media marketing for lead generation. It is the best medium for brand awareness. This marketing channel will also not cost you a king’s ransom. You can highly promote your new blog post on various social media website like the Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and various others. All you need is to make sure that you post the links on the social media platforms on regular basis which will keep the customers engaging in various ways. You can also check about the posts which are performing good through the analysis of lead generation of your blog posts.

Lead Generation Ideas Closing Thoughts:

So, these above listed 5 best lead generating ways which will help you to increase the revenues for your business and increase the conversion rate for your website to a lot of extent. So this post might have certainly gives you some ideas for generating higher sales leads strategy which are mentioned above. These strategies will help you generate higher sales leads for your business.
You can start with trying these strategies and you are free to share your worthy and precious comments in the comments box below.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.