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How Big Data is Changing the Whole Equation for Business

written by Admin | Feb 11, 2019

Data plays an imperative role in every sector of business. Effective data has the ability to change a strategy into a profitable business. Hence, the organized data is a need and mandatory part of the entities.

With time, the medium of a collection of the data has increased and now the data has been collected from the various platforms such as emails, phone calls, online mode including social media and various other platforms are there to gather the information from.

In the contemporary era, the size of the data is increasing exponentially, and to manage the data with a traditional medium has become complex. To rescue from this situation, Big Data technology has been introduced in the modern world to manage the data in a systematic and organized way.

Growth Rate Of Big Data Analytics Services:

The big data analytics service is impacting on every industry and according to Forrester, the big data market has grown 14% from the previous year and this year, it would be worth $31B. 59% of executives believe that Big Data will enhance the working system of their companies.

According to a recent McKinsey Analytics survey, 50% of the respondents responded that Big Data has changed the business practices in marketing and sales functions. Hence, it is expected that the worldwide Big Data market revenue for software and service will increase from $42B in 2018 to $103B in 2027.

It is among the fastest growing business sector in technology in the year between 2015 – 2020.

How Does Big Data Analytics Works ?

Know the process of Big Data Solution for the effective outcome.

1) Set Up Goal: The foremost step of the working of the Big Data Tool is to set up the goal for which company the software has to work on. Hence, what is the company is all about the big data requires all the information about the company and its product.

2) Data Collection: The main motive of the Big Data Software is to collect the data with various aspects including phone calls, emails, online mode ( Social Media, Website, Forum etc).

3) Data Processing: This is an imperative process as in this process the procedure of modifying the data has started. The process of filtering data used to take place.

4) Data Analysis: After the data processing, Big Data Software uses to analyze the data. Hence, it filters accurate data which is profitable according to the work process.

5) Data Execution: The last step is to execute the data in a proper and appropriate manner. So it executes, with the latest technologies which include Samza, Spark, Tez, Flink etc.


Why Big Data Is Important For Business ?

The Big Data Analytics can be operated in any size of business, the Big Data Technology effects various business in many ways. Let’s us know how will Big Data Analytics works:

1) Better Business Intelligence: Now, companies don’t waste their time to generate the data. With the implementation, of big data technology now entities use to get the filtered data and they direct work on it and there is not any doubt that the data is not effective.

2) Accurate Marketing: Big Data Technology offers accurate marketing data. Obviously, sometimes the data can’t be 100% accurate for that time but that can be accurate for the future. Through big data analytics services, companies are able to target the right audience, and the efforts will surely bring effective results.

Also Read: Importance Of Big Data In Business ? 

Big data brings the data according to the specific need of the customers.

3) Desirable Product Information: This innovative technology bring effective customer service, Businesses can know, the exact requirements of their customers. Hence, to know the exact requirements of the customers, will help to bring the desired knowledge of the product to the customers and it will attract the wide interest of the client’s and within a seconds the deal will be converted into a business deal.

4) Best Future Product: Rather than relying on the customer’s surveys and response, you can have an idea from the Big Data Analytics tool that in which product your customer is interested in and can work on the specific product. By this process, you can bring the future desired product as per your customer’s needs. It brings a better picture of the future product.

5) Smart Businesses: With Big Data Services, it offers you the rich data which give rise to the smart businesses. Without having effective data, you can’t process the product as relevant and accurate data requires time. So, in this case, big data gives rise to the smart business and works with the theory of Constraints.

6) Saves Time and Cost: The Big Data Analytics Software helps to save time and cost of the company. As it saves the time of the employees to modify the data as it is a long process and with the help of the Big Data, it can be done in a couple of seconds. As well as a company, don’t have to hire other employees to look after data.

7) Real-Time Tracking: Users can also track the data process that how it is implementing and how it is worthful. The Big Data service has the ability to give the reason for every action. It optimizes the delivery routes and also tracks employee performance. It improves the internal efficiency and operations of the businesses.

8) Improve Customer Experience: The Big Data Solution also helps to improve customer experience. As they don’t have to waste their time and efforts to understand products which are not useful to them. They are able to get accurate information about the product in which they are interested in.

Impact Of Big Data in Various Industries

Here we brought how the Big Data has been impacted on miscellaneous industries.

Big Data in the Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry is the most promising industry, as it has a large set of data which includes the information of patients, doctors, staff etc.

Data is a mandatory part here and it is useful for years. To store the large set of data into a file and local disk C can be hectic.

Related Post: Big Data Analytics Opportunities and Challenges for Healthcare 

So, in this case, Big Data keeps the imperative data in a proper and organized manner with all the proper and innovative information. Big Data Analytics Tools improvise the quality of life.

Big Data in the Banking Industry

Big Data is preventing banks from the frauds as it is essential to keep the bank details fully confidential.

The banking sector has to secure the account details, customer transactions, and data as per the date and time. The records should be maintained in a proper way and should be stored in a secure way.

Big Data tool helps to keep the data in a secure and organized way.

Big Data in the Marketing Industry

To improvise the customer relationship it is important that you should utilize the customer data in a proper way. IT is hard to manage numerous customers. So, in this case, the Big Data Tool plays a crucial role to make better decisions.

The Big Data Analytics Tool helps the marketer to make better decisions such as to bring the ideal customers, create better user experience, improve loyalty with customers and real-time engagement with customers.

Big Data for the Government

Yes, the government is also in the queue of using Big Data. As now everything has come on digital.

Now for every document, we have to fill the form on the internet and have to complete the process with the help of the digital platform. Now every sector of government is handled on the portals. So day by day, it gave rise to the data and for government officials, it is hard to maintain the data in a proper way. So, here Big Data helps them out to maintain the data and documents in a proper format.

Big Data For The Education Industry

Time to time schools, universities and collages upgrades themselves with new teaching patterns including course and syllabus. The number of admissions is also getting increased and even the trend of online education has attracted a number of people towards it.

The main aim of Big Data Tools is to improve the learning structure of a student, increase the progress of result and to motivate students in the field in which they are interested.


To implement the big data analytics services is the smart choice and it is helpful in many ways. The major part is it provides relevant and accurate data to the companies. In the tech market, there are miscellaneous Big Data Analytics Solution Providers who offer a high tech big data solution as per your companies requirements.

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I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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