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App Development

Build Native Apps and Progressive Web Apps with Ionic Framework

written by Admin | Nov 21, 2016

In the current scenario, people desire to be entrepreneur and start their own venture. App development is all the rage these days. If you are pondering over starting app development then you are headed towards the right place. Hire ionic developers who have affluent experience in developing apps by using recent technological trends in Ionic framework which hits the market.

Know more about Ionic Framework?

Ionic is nothing but an HTML5 based best hybrid mobile app framework which is used for developing fully functional mobile apps which makes life of people easy. Hybrid apps are more highly favoured as compared to pure native apps in context with platform support, speed of development and access to 3rd party code.
As it is based on HTML5, there is a need of native wrapper like Cordova or PhoneGap for running it as the native app. Hire Phonegap developer who will help in making your task easy.
This particular framework also gives you the best option to use the blend of programming languages like CSS, HTML5, JavaScript, etc. Making use of these 3 will lead you towards awe-inspiring user interface for your targeted audience.

Why Ionic Framework is most used by developers?

Here in this post, we will help you to know the reasons why this framework is trending these days and it will help you to know the advantages of this framework:
#1 It is plain sailing to move over different platforms:
Being the leading android application development company, we are well-versed with the fact that if you are looking forward to create the feature-rich app then the ultimate purpose is to get huge success in business. That is the reason you must hire dedicated android developer who will help you in getting the best apps developed on the android platform. The language used for your app makes it easy to change from one operating system to another. If you think of selecting the native language rather than the hybrid then in this case you will have to invest more money as well as time for learning particular programming language for each of the platform.
#2 It is completely free to use:
This factor makes it leading framework for developing apps on the leading operating systems like ios and Android. Our developers keeps themselves updated to use recent hybrid mobile app development tools for creating different kinds of hybrid apps.
Well, it is very costly to develop an app starting with the research and that ends with the perfect marketing campaign. Generally it costs around 1000 dollars for using the frameworks. If you are still musing on making use of this class framework then after reading this post you will surely give it a try as it is completely free to use as such.
#3 User interface created by this framework is just amazing:
This framework provides different kinds of options for customizing the app, for instance, buttons, menus, color schemes, etc. There are assorted range of JavaScript and CSS features which is included in mobile Angular UI because an app user is very first fascinated by wonderful looking apps and which have quality-oriented UI designing.
#4 This is open source platform:
This particular factor grabs the eyeballs of developers. Apart from being open source platform, this is also the stable platform. So being the stable platform, ionic can also be used by those people who have very little knowledge of programming as such. This is yet another reason which makes this framework mostly used.
#5 It is constructed on Angular:
Angular is widely used framework for developing function-rich mobile and web applications for leading operating systems. Other marvelous benefits of using Ionic is that it is advantageous for extending syntax of HTML for involving components of your app and also data-binding. There are different hybrid mobile app examples which you can get created for flourishing your business at a rapid pace.
#6 This framework makes use of Cordova Plugin:
A plug-in is nothing but a piece of code which is being a fixed to your app that is being coded in the JavaScript. This enables you to do multifarious things as it is close to native language of the platform on which you are working. Cordova plugins works wonders as they guide you for accessing numerous features of the operating system, for instance Geo locations, camera, battery and various others. For your app to be a huge success, you will certainly make use of either of the aforementioned features in the app for getting more downloads of your app on the app store.

Wrapping Up:

So, now you have different reasons which will definitely urge you to make use of this top-notch framework for developing different kinds of apps. If you are looking for commendable Ionic app development services then you can feel free to contact us and our developers will assist you in developing industry-specific apps as per your requirements which gives 100% client satisfaction.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.