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App Development

Business Networking | Professional Networking – Blue Tie App

written by BR Softech | Sep 13, 2018
Business Networking Professional Networking - Blue Tie App

Professional lives have become the essential part of our lives, nowadays people concentrate on their career growth, there main motive is to enhance their skills and grow professionally. In this era, people are running behind the career, even for the successful professional lives they are leaving their native place and migrated to the urban areas. The style of working has also changed a lot as now new technologies has introduced and has become the vital part of our life.

In our professional lives, 75% of the population have registered on the digital platform to build networks for the career growth. Obviously, networking is the imperative part of the career growth, whether you want to start up your business, seeking for the job or you are in need for the fund, to fulfill all these purpose, you need a proper communication with the right people.

The best example of networking can be seen on social media the applications like Facebook, twitter, Instagram are ruling our lives, and when it comes to the professional social networking application like Linkedin is the best example. Now the human resource department has wide options to reach till the best and highly talented employees and even people can utilize the platform Up work to earn online and can acquire their skills through freelance projects. There are array number of Business Networking Apps Like Blue Tie

There are different sites and application which fulfil the requirements of the professional lives by providing various services. But if these multiple services can provide at one application so this platform can become a stepping stone for the employees.

Yes, blue tie provides this service, today BR Softech brought a detail about the Blue Tie to enhance your professional lives.

What is Blue Tie?

Basically, a blue tie is a platform where all your professional requirements can be fulfilled. It is a one stop destination for the professional lives. Hence, your every requirement can be fulfilled on this application. On one platform, you will get solutions related to the career, jobs etc. Blue Tie is a professional networking application, which works for the Android and IOS devices.

Therefore, Blue Tie is a global network and a platform where professionals, experts, seekers all can connect with each other. This solution helps to connect people across the geographical areas without maintaining their own network. It brings the professionals from all around the world and enabling you to access them by matching your mutual requirements and unlocking your possible opportunities. All the professional requirements can be facilitated by a single App called BlueTie. It is a new era networking platform. Hence it is a Business Networking Apps Like Blue Tie

Aim of Blue Tie Networking application – Business Networking Apps Like Blue Tie

It provides the opportunity to the users to grow professionally beyond their individual networking. It makes the professional lives modern and simple. The main aim of the Blue Tie application is to sort out the challenges which people face in their daily lives and it plays the role of connecting, network and collaborate in this era.

Social Media Apps Similar to Facebook

History of Blue Tie – Business Networking Apps Like Blue Tie

This application is founded by the duo brothers, Kalyan Garud, the founder of La-Tigid and Kunal Garud, the Former CEO of Shrooms Creatives. These brothers found the application when they realized that social media is only connecting people but not providing any solution.

Mr. Kunal Garud, Founder & CEO – BlueTie -, “At this time of digitization, there is pretty much nothing that effective networking cannot resolve. But we also firmly believe that an objective-driven approach is a key to a definite result, and if you do not approach a person with a complementary objective, there are negligible scopes of constructive networking. This is where BlueTie percolates by helping our users find people who share common or correlated synergies, thereby making networking a win-win situation.”

Mr. Kalyan Garud, Founder & Executive Director – BlueTie, said, “There is a thin line that differentiates networking from network building. BlueTie was conceptualized to address this very difference. Our philosophy is simple – to complement the speed at which you are growing today, you need to create professional relationships based on mutual synergies at that point in time. Simply adding people to your contact list does not serve any purpose.”

Features of the Blue Tie – Professional business Networking Application

Integral Part: It is an imperative part of your career growth, by marking the presence on this platform, it means you are aware of the professional world.

Connect with Professionals: It gives you the opportunity to connect with the professionals from across the worldwide, even beyond your direct circle.

Mutual Objective: It also connects people who share the same objective or motive, the similar career or issues all can connect from all over the world.

Access Anytime: You can access this platform anytime and communicate with the concern people anytime.

Different jobs: You can find the jobs from this platform in different regions.

Find Match According to Your Requirements: Here you can find the appropriate match which fulfills your requirements.

Discuss Your Strategy: You can discuss your business strategies with the professionals. Many times the ideas come across to our mind but we need someone to discuss it, so you can discuss the strategy with the people who share the same interest as well as to the professionals.

Crowdfunding Opportunity: You can have the opportunity to access the crowd funding software also.

Advanced Features: This platform includes the advanced features, as the demand of this century. There are advanced features which help to create your interest in this platform.

Reduce Gap: It reduces the gap between the people and helps them to connect with each other, it acts like a bridge and brings connectivity worldwide.

Helps to Learn New Skills: It helps to enhance your skills as the world is wide and in each corner experts survive, but due to varying locations they are not able to connect with each other, this platform connects you and gives you an opportunity to enhance your skills.

How You Can Utilise this Platform?

You can download this app via Apple store and playstore , on both devices this application is available. Android and IOS both users can download it and utilize this platform.

If you want to meet with the professional demands so just download this application and enhance your skills.


The application is like Blue tie is the demand of today’s world as career growth is essential and youth are looking for the guidance at high level. So build your professional connections and enhance your skills with Business Networking Apps Like Blue Tie.

BR Softech

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