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App Development

A Complete Guide to Know Everything About Development of Laundry & Dry Cleaning Services

written by Harshita Khangarot | Jun 23, 2020
Development of Laundry & Dry Cleaning Services

It is the fast-paced world we live in. And coping with this fast speed, we require modern solutions or say smart solutions catering the individual needs. Mobile apps make everything available at one’s disposal in a matter of a few taps on their smartphone. 

Laundry app solutions are one among the many initiatives that come on the on-demand service apps. 

BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. can help you promote your laundry services to the masses by means of a mobile application

But before you invest in the laundry app development, reading this article that covers the basics of laundry delivery service and the top-most factors that the customers look at before availing the services is strongly advised. 

Concept Behind On-Demand Laundry Services

On-demand laundry service provides a platform for the customers to book their laundry via a smartphone, an internet connection and a laundry service app. It is a smart solution for busy people. 

BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. deals in providing ideal laundry software solutions to take your laundry business online. Investing in advanced applications will help promote your business, increase its efficiency and contribute to better accountability. 

Top Factors To Consider While Selecting The Best Laundry And Dry Cleaning Service

Factors to Consider While Selecting Laundry app

Scrolling below will make you familiar with the top-most factors that are responsible for more inflow of customers hiking the success rate and eventually generating higher revenues.

Timing: It is one important factor that influences customers’ footfall. No one would appreciate keeping their date waiting because of incomplete laundry. To make your laundry service a hit, focus on reducing the time duration and delivering quick services. 

Read more: Dry Cleaning And Laundry Delivery Business App Development Cost With Features

The faster the services are offered, the happier is the customer. However, the customer should also be able to modify the delivery date and time in case of any special situation.  

Damage policy: Make sure to deliver the laundry as clean as possible with efforts towards a stainless appearance. 

No matter how professional the service is, there are coincidentally some areas left unseen that might lead to accidental damage. There should be some provision to cover any accidental damage done to the customer’s clothing. 

Privacy: As laundry comes under personal belongings, it is important to have a well-built mechanism that safeguards privacy. BR Softech Pvt Ltd. provides reliable solutions for laundry app development that ensures that the privacy of customers’ does not get compromised. 

Washing and drying options: Offer customers the freedom to select from a wide range of cleaning modes and drying options. This idea will not only benefit the clients with some allergic history to optimize their laundry option but also the clothes that have special cleaning requirements. 

The app should allow customers to add the detergent type, change washing temperature or mention the need for any other chemical agent like softener etc.

Pricing: Price determines one major driving factor for the customers that motivates them to opt for your laundry service. So, it is advised to keep a piece of knowledge about the prices of other nearby laundry delivering services and keeping your price chart reasonable.

Considering the points as mentioned earlier and implementing them wisely in your blueprint and hence in the laundry app development will help to flourish your business.

Features Of Laundry And Dry Cleaning App

After knowing the factors that customers look for before opting for a laundry service, now comes the turn to uncover the features to integrate into the app development process to ensure customer satisfaction.

Placing optimized laundry requests: The customer should be able to make an optimized laundry request. The request optimization should be based on things like the type of clothes, requirement in case of special treatment, washing and drying instructions or any other special care that needs to be taken.

One tap request: For the customers that are in a hurry, there should be a dedicated button that allows them to make a one-tap laundry request to the service provider. It will lead to enhancing the rate of customer satisfaction and will be a bliss for the busy working professionals, or students during their exam time or for any temporary tenant.

In-app chat: The laundry service app should allow the customers to chat with each other. Also, one-tap access to chat with the service provider in case of any alterations in the service. 

Push notifications: App should alert the customers at every phase of their laundry. Providing real-time notifications to the customer will increase the user-engagement and prove authenticity. 

Tracking order: Once a laundry request is made, the app should allow the users to instantly track their order. From the estimated time of laundry pickup until the laundry delivery, the customer should be able to access their order status for their mental satisfaction and accountability.

Scheduling: Customers are sure to have a wide range of schedules. Often, there will be instances when you will be having an over-crowded laundry waitlist and some times when a minimal laundry request is received. Allowing the customers to schedule their laundry in advance will help you manage an organized functioning of your laundry business.

Online payment: Customers get lured with the services that allow the user to choose from a wide range of payment options. Some customers prefer using cards for payments (debit and credit), while others might consider the cash payment as a priority.

Consider partnering with payment gateways for an additional payment option.

Cost Of App Development

Cost of app development is a crucial factor to know before diving deeper into app development. In the case of laundry app, the cost is determined by various factors that are mentioned below-

  • User interface: Depending on the design that your blueprint holds, the cost of app development varies where simple design is available at a much reasonable price as compared to a bulky design.
  • Platforms: More the platforms that you target costlier is the development process. A single platform app will cost a little as compared to a multi-platform laundry application that is supported on iOS, Android, Windows etc.
  • Time duration: The developer might charge you on a per hour basis, that is usually followed. The process of app development is a complex one and therefore, time-consuming. Developing a full-fledged Android app might take up to 750 hours, whereas the iOS app development might exceed 800 hours.

All the factors, as mentioned above, hold an important value in determining the development cost of an on-demand laundry service app. The approximate figure of laundry app development can be anywhere around 10,000 U.S. dollars to 25,000 U.S dollars. 

However, these figures are just an estimate, and the actual cost may vary depending on your requirements. Counseling with an expert company like BR Softech will help you create a clear picture about the cost of app development that fulfils your business needs. 

Laundry App Clone

The use of laundry app clones is on a surge due to the benefits associated with it. App clones like Laundrapp Clone, Washio Clone, Rinse Clone, ZipJet Clone are time-saving and cost-efficient alternatives to investing in new research and development. 

Read more: – Cost and Time to Build a Laundry App Like Washio

As they are open-source platforms that offer similar functionality to their parent app, they offer the flexibility to incorporate additional features for an optimal app. 

Taking Appropriate Precautions In COVID-19

During the pandemic time, an increase in the demand for the online laundry app has been witnessed. 

Online solutions are helping laundry operators to regulate their business in the tough times of outbreak of COVID-19. 

Contact-less pickup and delivery make the online laundry services suitable even during this phase. 

Also, these online solutions boast a range of digital payment options that eliminate the need for direct or indirect human contact. All the factors give the laundry app development an edge over the old methods of laundry service. 

Laundry app development


The busy lifestyle has made people opt for smart solutions for their basic needs. This has inspired the brick and mortar laundry service providers to take their services online. 

Though looking for a company that expertise in app development can be challenging, however after doing a background check online, you will find some reliable companies like BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. that excels in app development.

BR Softech, a leading software solution company, is a perfect stop for the laundrymen who are willing to level up their business and showcase their services through a mobile-based application.

Harshita Khangarot

A skilled content writer and a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn more, I specialize in technical, banking, hospitality, and poetry content writing; while taking every opportunity as a responsibility and believe in creativity that is beneficial for society.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.