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On Demand

How Much Does It Cost To Build a Video Streaming App Like Netflix or Hulu?

written by Admin | Jul 09, 2019

Technology has made a greater impact on peoples lives and transforming the way the media industry works. It provides users with on-demand content, allows consumers to consume content the way they prefer, creates compelling user-centric programs, and bring unique that today’s generation demands the most. In this transforming phase apps like Netflix or Hulu plays a major disruption of television unbundling of cable.

This new age of television, grabbing the attention of millions and opened completely a new world for people to explore more and enjoy watching movies, TV series, documentaries, and daily shows.

In the first quarter of 2019, Netflix had over 148 million paying streaming subscribers worldwide as well as over 6.56 million free trial customers, Of these subscribers, 60.23 million were from the United States. (Source)

The television industry has taken a 360-degree turn and will extinct in a few years. The video streaming app development is the future of the media industry.  All the market players are investing in video streaming app development and wants to develop an App like Netflix.  With the number of increasing smartphone users online video streaming getting all the popularity with enormous media and entertainment industry database.

video streaming app cost

Features that Make Video Streaming App Like Netflix or Hulu Successful

Provide users With Options 

On-demand video streaming software requires to provide users with multiple options like movies, TV series, news updates and a lot more. Various options allow the user to watch something they prefer the most and creates the most engaging experience.

Adaptive Video Streaming

Adaptive Video Streaming is indeed an essential feature when it comes to video streaming app development. It helps you keep your users engaged even when the network bandwidth is down. By adding this feature, you allow your users to watch their favourite video in the quality they prefer.


This is one of the most essential features which can help you generate more revenue and can increase your customer base. This option can make your app successful while attracting a number of people worldwide. It helps you reach the maximum number of people while making your app launch in the market.

Registration Option

By providing users with the registration option you provide them with utmost convenience. One must consider multiple registrations or login option in order to make the user stick with your app and allow them to use social media accounts (Facebook, Google, Instagram) to log in directly using the mobile number.

Social Sharing Feature

Integrate this remarkable feature in your On Demand Video Streaming Software and allow users to share your media content with ease. The social sharing option provides users with the freedom of expression while it works for you like a free marketing tool. It increases the reach and helps you convert the visitor into a regular app user.

Search Option

By adding the advanced search option you allow users to watch their preferred video without having to scroll the entire page. To make the search easier, one can also add the advanced search, filter which helps users to search according to type, language, topic, trend, date, frequently watched, and location.

Push Notification

Add this advance feature in your app to keep your users stay notified about what’s new has been released. This is one of the great features of mobile app developers to keep the users engaged and updated about the latest released and new season update.

How Does Video Streaming App Works? 

Video Streaming apps like Netflix or Hulu is provided with the subscription video on demand services. These videos streaming apps work by breaking a video into small clips and providing them to users via the internet. This type of apps consists of an enormous database of series,  cartoons, and films. Video streaming apps can work with many gadgets and run amazingly on various operating systems like smart TV, Windows Phone, iOS, Android, MAC, and many others.

It has got enormous success in the past a few years while the whole idea of video streaming app is here for a very long time.  It works by streaming data from the server. The server allows you to watch everything in your comfort and convenience, all you need is a net and can watch unlimited videos, movies, and your favorite series.

How To Create Video Streaming App? 


Developing a video streaming app can be a daunting task. It’s hitting the technology world for a long time. It’s one thing which is transforming the traditional way of watching TV and replacing it with popular video streaming apps. App development Companies must follow below-given steps to create video streaming app.

  1. Follow the well-planned strategy to start Video streaming app building
  2. Make your business model and understand the market demand
  3. Use tech stack to create a streaming service like Netflix or Hulu
  4. Add MVP features to build the skeleton of your service
  5. Analyse all important elements to keep up with
  6. Keep improving with useful hints to make your service successful
  7. Provide users with personalised user experience
  8. Publish your app on Google play and apple app store

Development Tools

Being a leading app development company, we help you provide with the fully customized video streaming app. Our advanced technology is leading the industry and bringing the revolution in the market. Here we have listed some of the tools we mainly use to develop such apps and help you follow the success-driven approach by considering market structure.

  • Languages: Java, Javascript, Python, Swift, Kotlin
  • Database:  Cassandra, MySQL, Oracle
  • Frameworks: Node.js
  • Cloud storage: Amazon S3
  • Cloud hosting: Amazon EC2
  • JS libraries: React, WinJS
  • Big Data as a Service: Amazon EMR
  • Operating system: FreeBSD
  • Server: Nginx

Not just that, there are many DevOps tools we use that can be used to develop a video streaming app like GitHub (Code collaboration & version control), Jenkins (Continuous Integration), Sumo Logic log management, Apache Mesos server management.

Total Cost of Developing Netflix Like Service Development

There are some major factors which impact the development cost of an application. If we give you a ballpark figure, then it will be approximately somewhere $5000-$350000 depending on the functionality and the complexity of the project.

To help you understand how the cost is calculated, here we have listed some of the major factors that impact the development cost.

App Design: – To provide users with the most engaging experience, it’s essential to choose the app design which attracts the users. It plays a vital role in the complete development process. The more engaging the app design is, the more it will cost as it’s essential to bring something unique yet user-friendly UI/UX designs to grab the audience attention. It can be simple, attractive and rich as per the budget and desirability.

App Size: – App size is decided by its features and functionalities which decides the cost of the app. It’s the key element which greatly impacts the cost and allows admin to choose feature and functionalities. By selecting it wisely cost can be managed to get a beneficial result.

App Developers: – The overall development cost depends on the app developers as, app developers geographic location, their experience, and expertise can impact the complete cost.

Application Complexity: – The complexity of the app is another factor that impacts the overall development cost. Android apps are harder to build due to googles mobile app development platform and cost higher.

App Platform: – Selecting the app platform decides the development cost and directly impacts it. For developing an Android app one require a well-planned budget as compared to iOS as iOS is more affordable as compare to Android.

Selection of Development Firm: – There are huge app development firms and moderate development organization they both cost application development differently.  Choose the development firm wisely and keeping the budget in mind.

Give your targeted audience with the media content they are looking for by entering into the entertainment industry and providing the customer with a satisfying experience. We at BR Softech helps you develop a top-rated mobile app using the latest technology and keeping market trends in mind. We also provide with  Netflix Clone Script to people who don’t want to invest much and looking for a ready-made solution to enter in the market.

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I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.