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Game Development

How Much Does It Cost To Make A Draw Poker Game

written by Harshita Khangarot | Oct 28, 2020
Draw Poker Game

The year 2020, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, has ruptured many industries hence forcing the industries to adopt digital alternatives. An increase in demand for software development is registered, and so is the demand for software development companies. 

Out of many online poker software providers, BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. is a reliable one with its hands-on expertise in mobile game app development

Read this article to get information about online Draw poker game app development, the key features to enrich the gaming app, the cost of app development, and the role of experienced software development company like BR Softech Pvt. Ltd.

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Poker Game App Development

Poker is one of the oldest and evergreen card games that can be seen playing in almost all the casinos. However, with the advancement of technology and the increasing affordability of smartphones, software developers felt the need to introduce the next-gen poker gaming platform. 

The mobile poker app has become one of the most trending concepts in 2020. The concept has flourished to such an extent that it has become a multi-billion dollar industry by this time. 

However, app development is a complex process, and a lot of factors should be considered before venturing into an app development project.

Scroll below to know about the process of poker game app development along with other essential aspects that you need to know about the same.

Process of Poker Game App Development

Poker Game App Development

The process of draw poker game app development comprises different phases. An experienced poker game development company will help you shape up your business idea while creating a seamless poker game app with advanced functionality.

Below mentioned 6 processes are the ones that the client will come across during the complete process of poker game app development.

  1. The idea: This is the first step in the game app development. It is important to have a basic idea of the app to form better communication and bridge any gap between you and the poker software developers. Make sure that you are able to communicate your idea thoroughly before switching to the next phase.

  2. App’s functionality layout: This is where the online poker software providers come completely into the scene. After going through a series of discussions and suggestions, the software developers, jointly with clients, decide about each and every technical and non-technical aspect of the Draw poker game app.

  3. App design: After deciding the features and functionalities of the app, comes the app designing part. The detailed layout of the interface is created and displayed to the client. Clients suggest if in case any changes are required before finalizing it. It plays an important part in determining the extent of user engagement and hence should be created by keeping user appeal in mind.

  4. Coding the app: It is an important part and plays a vital role in determining the cost of app development. The time developers take to code the app directly influences the cost. Hence, complex the coding, the higher will be the time required by the developer to code, and hence it will shoot up the price. On the other hand, a basic app can be coded in much lesser time, thus will keep the price of app development low.

  5. Testing the app: Firstly, the initial version of the app is created, it undergoes rigorous testing to detect any bugs and glitches. The developers check for the app’s performance before it is ready to deploy in the market.

  6. Releasing the app: After going through all the time-taking processes of planning and development, the app is the final version of the app deployed in the market, and the users’ response is observed closely. Moreover, the suggestions and recommendations are collected for the developers to work on for the next version of the application. 

Essential Features

Features of Poker Game

After knowing about the process of app development, now comes the turn of introducing you to the essential features to enrich the content and services of your poker gaming app.

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Easy to download

The first step towards accessing a Draw poker game platform is to download it. The downloading process should not only be convenient, but also it should be instant. 

Easy to play

Once the user has downloaded the app from the app market, the next thing will be accessing the app. Once done, the user should seamlessly navigate through the interface of the app without any hassle. 

Multiplayer option

The user should be able to connect with its friends and family for a fun poker playing experience. 


Apart from the multiplayer option, playing with bots should also be emphasized upon. It will let the user access and enjoy the gaming experience, even in the instance of slow or no internet connectivity.

Targeting all mobile versions

The cross-platform functionality is a must-have. Limiting the number of targeted platforms will result in low user accessibility and hence lower revenue. 

Cost of Poker Game App Development

Cost of Poker Game App Development

Determining the exact cost of poker game app development is next to impossible until and unless the requirements, functions, and features of the gaming platform are pre-determined. However, by considering some of the essential factors that influence the development cost, a basic idea of the cost of a poker game app can be determined. 

  • The location of the online poker software providers plays a major role in determining the cost of app development. Moreover, the time taken by the app developers that are driven by the complexity of the project is also considered while estimating the price. 
  • The number of platforms that you target also influences the cost of app development. The higher the number of platforms, the higher will be the price. However, it should also be noted that the higher platforms you target will eventually increase the ROI from the project. 
  • Features that you select to integrate is another factor that manipulates the price. Advanced poker apps are costlier than the one that boasts basic features. However, an enriched customer experience should be the sole purpose while deciding the features to integrate. 

All the factors that are mentioned above hikes up the price of poker game app development. Summing up all the criteria that are mentioned above, the cost of developing a poker game can start from $3000 and reach anywhere around $5000. However, this is just a rough idea, and the actual cost of app development can be much more than stated.  

Role of BR Softech Pvt. Ltd.

BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. is a leading poker game development company that can be hired at a cost-efficient price and, in return, provide complete front-end and back-end assistance. The company has a long history of more than a decade, during which it has ventured into more than 7586 successful projects. 

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The company is known for lending app development services for a variety of platforms that includes iOS, Android, Windows, and many more. The poker game development company has a team of more than 450 full-time employees, out of which more than 250 excels in software development and maintenance, capable of turning your dream into a reality. 

If the rapid flourishment of the mobile poker gaming platform aspires you to venture into the business, look no further than BR Softech Pvt. Ltd.

Final words

After reading this article, you must now be aware of all the phases involved in app development. Moreover, the article highlights some important features to consider at the time of app development.

Also, the cost of app development that is mentioned in the article will help you to effectively manage your budget and get the best out of it. 

The increasing dependency of mobile users on the gaming platform as one of the ideal modes of entertainment makes investing in poker game app development a lucrative business venture in the long run. BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. is a company that promises and delivers industry-leading poker game software for an ultimate user experience. 

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Harshita Khangarot

A skilled content writer and a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn more, I specialize in technical, banking, hospitality, and poetry content writing; while taking every opportunity as a responsibility and believe in creativity that is beneficial for society.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.