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D-Central (A Revolutionary Device) – Coming soon

written by Admin | Oct 02, 2013
mcafee device

John McAfee is best known for developing software that helps hackers who would steal our passwords & other valuable information. Currently, John McAfee has come up with a technique to thwart the main hacker of all.
At the C2SV Technology Conference, he unveils to make a gadget called “D-Central” that would enable user devices to connect directly with one another. It will communicate with Smartphone, tablets & laptops for creating decentralized networks that government organization won’t be capable to access. The D-Central would work by creating small private networks which deliver as dark web, not accessible by others. He declares to have been working on the technology for the past months.

It’s called “D-Central” gadgets because of the decentralized network, it makes a dynamic local area wireless network. McAfee has called his latest device “revolutionary device” and has told that he “cannot imagine any student not standing in row to purchase one of these.” McAfee said he’s been working on the project for some years, although with increasing importance in recent months.
It will provide a localized dynamic network that permits users to communicate & share information in private. The LAN produced with the D-Central would be a constantly changing, cell phone environment with a range of about three blocks in the town & a mile in rural parts with users connecting or leaving as they wish, on their Smartphone, tablets and other mobile devices. Files would be shared secretly, and the D-Central’s connectivity to the Internet would be anonymous.
If the pressure from the NSA (National security agency) and the intellectual property industries is too great for the D-Central to be openly sold in the United State, McAfee said he would sell the device from other nations.
McAfee has recognized that his D-Central gadgets could be used for such reasons as terrorist cells, but noted that mobile can be as well. McAfee plans to finish the first sample of Decentral in next six months. The finalized device will sell for $100.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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