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Designers vs Developers: Is a Perfect Workflow Possible ?

written by Admin | Jul 27, 2017
Designers vs Developers Is a Perfect Workflow Possible

The quality of any web project relies upon the cooperation of the designer and developer. However their work process is not generally as smooth as it might appear. In this article, we will give you some understanding about contrasts amongst designers and developers. So, without wasting any time, let’s start our today’s topic…

Developer vs Designer

It is critical to understand, who are developers and designers independently, before discussing about their cooperation. How about we begin with some history here ? Quite recently, back into the 90s, there was no difference between designers and developers. Around then one individual performed the two capacities. As technologies advanced, individuals needed to make a division between those who compose codes in HTML and CSS and the individuals who make a visual picture of the site page. That is the means by which “developer vs designer” relationships began.

Designer and Developer Work Flow

Throughout the years, both designer and developer work process are progressively changed and isolated from each other. Today designer may not know how to implement in all actuality every one of the pictures he/she made and in addition a developer can be totally new to the work done by the designer. So with regards to building up an application, for instance, such an absence of data on the work of the partner often makes issues. Presently, we should quickly talk about how the responsibilities in the team are isolated.


  • Recognize customer’s objectives and necessities
  • Comprehend what is possible and what is most certainly not
  • Resolve ease of use concerns


  • Address browser limitations
  • Code it
  • Troubleshoot technical problems and issues

As mobile applications development is a totally different field so if you want a professional looking smartphone app for your business then you should hire mobile apps developer.

Designer and Developer Collaboration

There are two fundamental methods to organize the workflow. The primary way speaks to a consistent solution of every objective: characterizing the idea, then designing, then developing. That is the reason most organizations now need to organize their work process the second way, in particular simultaneous work of the designer and developer, which depends on the general objectives of the project. It is vastly improved for clear reasons:

  • It makes such a work process when both developer and designer similarly contribute to the project all through the process of its advancement.
  • It for all intents and purposes bars the designer-developer gap, as designer and developer cooperate as an inseparable unit.
  • It helps focusing on the fundamental goals of the project, as they are effectively examined again and again during the developing process.


So, as per all that has been discussed above, following is what the perfect designer-developer work flow should have:

  • High level of communication: We have just talked about everything over, yet, in any case, it is about communication. No communication – no work will be done legitimately. So, focus on vanishing the communication gap
  • Respect in the team: Nothing will be managed without it. Just remember, that your accomplice’s work is as muddled as yours. Never simplify endeavors of someone else particularly in the event that you are not familiar with their work.
  • Trust: Trust your work accomplice to do his errands in time. Make your work partner feel that you are deserving of his trust. It isn’t that difficult, yet it makes an extremely solid trusting relationship in a team and work turns out to be a great deal more charming.
  • Ensure proximity: Work together in the meantime, sitting at tables beside each other, dealing with a similar piece of information. You will have a considerable measure of questions to each other amid your work, so make it less complex for yourself and your partner.
  • Remote working: On the off chance that you can’t be physically present and work alongside your partner, you should in any case attempt to connect in some chat rooms or video chats.

In this way, now you are totally prepared for making some astounding tasks with another person. Good luck with that.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.