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Game Development

How Much Does It Cost to Develop a Rummy Game?

written by Harshita Khangarot | Nov 17, 2020

Rummy is a popular matching-card game that has been prevailing for a long time now. However, with the help of Rummy Game Development Company, the game has now made its way onto the mobile platforms. The game is now available on Android as well as iOS platforms that make it more accessible. All that you need is a smartphone and an active internet connection (for online playing sessions) to play the card game on your device. 

If you are also interested in investing in an Online Rummy Game App, then this article is a must-read for you. The article not only covers the essential features that enrich a rummy game app but also mentions the cost of rummy game app development and the factors that influence it. Make sure you do not skip any of the points. 

Must-Have Features In Online Rummy Game App

Features In Online Rummy Game App

Selecting the features for your Online Rummy Game App could be a complex process. However, to make things easier for you, we have shortlisted some of the essential features that you should consider integrating into the rummy game app.

  1. Easy registration:

For the first time users of your rummy game platform, the user registration will be the foremost thing that they will come across. Make sure that you provide an easy user registration experience and allow them to register using an existing email ID, phone number, or any other social media networking ID.

  1. Play as a guest:

For the users who are in a hurry or do not wants to register their profile, ‘play as a guest option’ holds great relevance. It will eliminate the hassle of creating a profile directly, taking the new users into the game lobby.

  1. Easy download:

The rummy game app that you feature on the app market should be quick to download. In order to achieve that, make sure that the app you feature is compact in size.

  1. User-friendly interface:

Emphasis on creating a user-friendly interface for leaving a lasting first impression. The app should be easy to navigate and deliver a clutter-free user experience. 

  1. Game history:

In-app ‘game history’ feature allows the players to keep track of their gaming history and eventually track their progress and earnings. 

  1. Real-time updates:

This option holds great importance for the committed rummy players. It will provide them real-time updates of all the tournaments, offers, or any other related event running on the app. 

  1. Unlimited gaming sessions:

The whole purpose of your app is to let the players enjoy their favorite matching-card game, rummy. Hence, it makes it necessary for you to provide unlimited rummy gaming sessions to keep up the user excitement and pursue the users to return to the app on a regular basis. 

  1. Tutorial:

For the users who are not familiar with the gaming concept and are accessing the app for the first time, a well-laid out tutorial is of great help. Hence, you should consider integrating an interactive bot-tutor to make them well-versed in the rules of the game.

  1. Secure payment options:

Adding a secure payment option should be laid emphasis on for the players who like to personalize their gaming experience by buying coins, themes, or purchasing memberships for getting extra bonuses and rewards. 

  1. In-app chat option:

The in-app chat option holds great importance for the players. It lets the player interact with each other while they are in a gaming session. Moreover, the player can create chat rooms and send invites or join any tournament.

  1. Daily bonus:

Rewarding the players a daily login bonus will increase player engagement. It will motivate the players to access your app more frequently to collect the daily bonus. 

  1. Refer and earn:

It is a must-have feature in your Online Rummy Game App. Refer and earn not only aims in providing a referral bonus but will eventually help you to grow your player’s community accessing the app. 

  1. Real players:

Adding bots to the rummy game platform is a good option; however, limiting the functionality of the app up to bots is not a good option. The rummy game app should allow the app users to connect with other active players accessing your app worldwide.

  1. Cross-platform functionality:

Cross-platform functionality is one such feature that will help you to target more and more customers. Consider at least creating an app for Android and iOS App Development Company, the two most popular smartphone operating systems. Moreover, you can also create web-based rummy game apps to expand the domain.

These are just a glimpse of the features that are trending on a rummy game app; however, you can get a more detailed overview when you Hire Game App Developer.

Advantages of playing Rummy Game Online 

Advantages of playing Rummy Game Online

There has been a gradual shift amongst the Rummy game enthusiasts on the online versions ditching the old trends of playing offline. This section covers some of the main reasons that are responsible for the Rummy players to opt for the Online Rummy Game App.

  • Easy to play

One of the main reasons behind the rising popularity of the Online Rummy Game App is its player-centric approach. All it requires is the user to register and sign-in in the app, and he is ready to explore the many variations of the Rummy game in a single app.

  • Offers and rewards

Another great feature that boosts up user engagement is the attractive offer and rewards that the player receives for being loyal users of the apps. Daily login rewards, weekly, and monthly bonuses are few such examples that can help elevate the player’s experience.

  • Ads-free gaming experience

There are many gaming apps that are full of pop-banners and advertisements hindering a smooth gaming session. No doubt, the motive behind the involvement of such ads is to generate some extra revenue; however, to make your app distinctive, you could emphasize earning profits when the users purchase coins and themes instead of bombarding the screen with frequent ads. 

  • Endless gaming sessions

To be distinctive from the rest of the Rummy game apps, you should focus on providing a wide range of gaming experiences to add a touch of versatility to your app. It can be made versatile by providing endless gaming sessions while organizing frequent paid games and tournaments to leave them with multiple choices.

  • Secure payment options

Unlike the old online Rummy game versions, the modern apps infuse secure payment options that add reliability to the gaming platforms. Hence, you should also seek to integrate multiple reliable payment gateways in your Rummy game app to facilitate convenient in-app purchases.

  • Constant updates

All the apps that we see around in-app markets host frequent updates that help to keep the users engaged, and so do the Rummy game apps. The Rummy game apps available in the app market are constantly upgrading their app versions to enrich the gaming experience with every update. All this eventually helps in retaining the customers for a longer period and, in some cases, during the entire app life. 

Factors affecting the cost of Online Rummy Game App

The cost of Online Rummy Game App

If you want to know the cost of developing the Online Rummy Game App, then you should be aware of the factors that influence the cost of app development. There are many factors that influence the cost to develop the app; however, in this section, we will be emphasizing the ones that are the most basic but highly influence the total cost.

Moreover, it will be able to help you to estimate the cost; however, a precise figure can only reveal by approaching the Rummy Game Development Company

  • The number of platforms: The number of platforms that you target is highly influential in determining the total cost of app development. The more platforms you target, the higher gets the price. But a higher number of platforms also ensures that you will make the Online Rummy Game App accessible to a large number of people. 

At least you should consider investing in Android development services and iOS versions of the app and target the web version if the budget allows.

  • Features: To make your rummy game app distinctive, it is important to integrate as many essential features as possible. There is no limit to the number of features that you integrate, but you should adopt a selective approach as adding too many features will not only increase the app size but also make it look too complex. 

However, you should not omit the essential ones, or else they might lead to a poor user experience hence impacting your brand image. The number of features that you include will also add up to the total cost of app development.

  • Team size deployed for your project: The size of the team deployed to create the Online Rummy Game App also manipulates the total cost of development. In short, the more experts involved in the development process, the higher the cost. However, the more experts you deploy for the app development to take on the different aspects associated with it will make the process speedy. 

The minimalist team that a Rummy Game Development Company will deploy in your Rummy game development project will consist of a-

  • Project manager to lead the entire project. 
  • Android and iOS developers for creating the respective app versions. 
  • Back-end developers that are in charge of the server-side of the web application. 
  • Quality Assurance Engineers who are in charge of enriching your app after its initial creation.  
  • Business analyst who actively participates in forming a communication between the IT and business aspect by interpreting analytics and statistics for providing suggestions to improve the project, backed by realistic data.

Considering all the factors that have been mentioned above in the article and the ones that are not, the cost of developing an Online Rummy Game App would range between $25000 to $40000. The price may even touch a figure of $60000 in the case of an app with advanced functionalities. 

However, the figures that are mentioned are just an estimate, and the actual cost may vary with the project requirements. To get an accurate price estimation, approaching a reliable Rummy Game Development Company is recommended.

Rummy Game App Market Worth

The rummy game app is gaining popularity worldwide. More and more smartphone users now prefer and demand the online version of the app either for entertainment or a source of extra income (via rummy game apps featuring real money). 

The rummy game market is worth multi-billion dollars, and the experts expect it to reach USD 22.2 billion dollars in the 2020 to 2027 period. There are many factors that contribute to the rise of the demand for these online rummy platforms. Few of them are the increase in disposable income, affordable smartphones, economic data plans, and, most importantly, the expanding mobile phone gaming market worldwide. 

No doubt, the rummy game is popular in India, but it is getting into mainstream development in western countries as well. This makes investing in an online rummy platform, a lucrative business opportunity. Hire Rummy Game App Developer who excels in providing effective software solutions with complete after sales assistance for a hassle-free experience. 

Final words

After reading this article, you must have developed a better understanding of the processes and costs involved in the Online Rummy Game App development. The next challenge that might arise in the process is opting for a suitable game app development company. 

No doubt, there are many developers that promise to deliver a high-end Rummy game app; however, they might not be experienced enough to keep up with the commitment. 

To hire a rummy game app developer who excels in rummy game development, we suggest you conduct in-depth online research about the history, achievements, and client satisfaction rate of the app development company. Lastly, an ISO certified company like BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. is capable enough to provide complete front-end and back-end assistance in your project, hiking up the chances of success of your Online Rummy Game App.

Harshita Khangarot

A skilled content writer and a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn more, I specialize in technical, banking, hospitality, and poetry content writing; while taking every opportunity as a responsibility and believe in creativity that is beneficial for society.

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