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Web Development

Why Choose Ionic Framework For Developing PWA (Progressive Web Apps) ?

written by Nitin Garg | Jun 09, 2018
How to Build a Progressive Web App in Ionic Framework

PWA (Progressive Web Apps) invention by Google in 2015, which is compatible with conventional websites and domestic mobile applications. This type of web app’s ability to work with offline and online included with unbelievable services. That’s why many organizations have started making such PWA feature apps instead of native app development because it’s provide an existing Mobile Application Development with Ionic or united website.

  • Full screen
  • Splash screen
  • Push notifications
  • Access to hardware sensors (it is restrictive)
  • Access to the phone book
  • Alarms
  • Modifying System Settings

The Progressive web apps main aim is to indicate the mobile app development which brings mobile apps reality for web development without expecting to app installation or uninstallation by the app store or play store. Basically, This type of application is basically based on HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, Dot Net, etc.) but when you start to develop this type of web apps you can learn to build camera admittance, Aid Operators for offline support, Push & Pop Notification and many more, where you can clutch the fast, pleasant and reliable services with the help of this.

Quality of Progressive Web Apps

Quality of Progressive Web Apps

The PWA optimizes and develop this kind of mobile web app which is major and extremely obliged skills for advanced web developers which is constantly growing in the era. That’s why the knowledge of PWS will give a competing edge in the business. These qualities of PWS describe your web quality.

  • A comprehensive explanation gives a definition that what a PWA exactly is.
  • Using a web or mobile app manifest to develop your web-app installable on home device screens.
  • Working assistance workers to allow offline aid by maintaining assets.
  • Excellent co-operation worker usage and caching policies.
  • A refresher on Agreements and the Fetch API as both ideas are massively used in PWAs.
  • How to increase user engagement by adding push & pop information.
  • A method to synchronize data in the history, also if the connection is lost.
  • How to obtain native device characteristics like the camera or Geo location.
  • Using Workbox to obtain assistance worker supervision easier.
  • Descriptions on how to turn your ensuing SPA project into a PWA.

These types of PWS access anywhere and anytime in the global world because its combination of technologies, API’s, design hosting. We also provide the main key feature of PWA.

 Key Features of PWA

Key Features of PWA

A. Offline Access

We know that the website cannot run without internet, but with the PWA web app, it can run with the help of caching in offline mode. Also, you cannot face 404, 504 errors on the web page. The functionality provides the availability and affiance; for wonderfully for an e-commerce website. In presence of internet user can be visited on the page that he hasn’t seen ever in the device. Overall, we can say that the offline access is the best key features of PWA.

  • PWAbuilder
  • AngularJS
  • Webpack
  • PWA. Rocks

B. Faster Loading Time

The working performance is fully faster, according to user and admin panel, but it’s creating more than perfectly with cache system.

  • Connectivity Independent
  • Re-engageable
  • Installable
  • Security

C. App Like Quality

PWA is a conventional website that provides a fully functional and reliable mobile app. The PWA shell model separately divides the app performance part of the content chunk. That’s why the PWA app is impressive, because it react as a mobile app on user, device and provide an attractive user experience

D. No Need to Store Approve Obedience

The PWA can easily download and install the App store and google play store. In this app development, developer or companies hasn’t needed any approval of obedience

E. Service Operators of Web Manifest

The service operators used worker to develop a progressive web app that provides the Push notification, caching ability, offline functionality and synchronization. Also, they communicate with the client server based web browser and acquire HTTP/Get/Post/Set web server requests. The worker improves the web app performance through HTTP/2 Push and provide a seamless web app experience.

With the help of web manifest file you can produce information in a JSON Text file which are installed on the device home screen for quick access with the help of this code:

<link rel=”manifest” href=”/manifest.json”>

Ionic – The Framework

Ionic - The Framework

It is the best framework which is open source, Ionic cross platform development, a hybrid mobile app framework provides with the best tool and services needed to develop the app by using HTML5, CSS, and Sass. The main part of the Ionic framework Development is based on AngularJS that is powered through Apache Cordova to develop a native web app. But nowadays developer can use both development concepts Progressive Web Apps and ionic framework.

The Ionic framework is basically based on the SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) and UI/UX, which give you secure, strong, interactive, original-like applications and give an interactive mobile web app. So, let’s come about to know more development features.

A. No Cost & Open Source Platform

The main reason for the Ionic framework for progressive web app development, but an app development is too much expensive because it includes lots of attractive features which attract the user directly and maintain the services. That’s why sometime developer chooses these types of hybrid mobile applications to develop a Mobile App Developer with Ionic Application and save all your expensive resources. This platform is fully verified with MIT and include the optimize code HTML5, UI/UX, CSS and JavaScript components.

B. Cross Platform

It is a platform independent framework which allows to build an app in Android, iOS and windows. The mobile app developed by Cordova which functionality is compatible for all devices and platforms that’s why it make the application in a consistent way.

C. Angular Language Support

As we know that the “Ionic Framework” is based on the Angular which is commonly used for developing an impressive mobile and web app. The Angular API of the ionic framework which supports to build attractive hybrid mobile web apps. Also, the Angular. Js development features are very helpful to grab opportunities.

D. Impressive Command Line Interface

About this feature, we can say that it is based on quality analysis that make it probable to plan, build, test, deploy for your choice basis. Also, it gives the functionality in the native SDK include with software development server and debugging resolve tool. The CLI interface allows to much faster service with a little footprint of installation and give much better performance based web app.

E. Attractive UI/UX

When a developer develops a website or web app, then he reminds first thing about the attractive UI/UX design which is possible by this framework. In which they describing the layout of the web page, dashboard, buttons, popup, sliding menu and many more.

E. Powerful Section

The community section of this framework is fully reliable where million people and developer use this framework for business purpose and clear all doubts and queries.

How to Build a Progressive Web App in Ionic Framework

Why Choose Ionic Framework

If you want to develop a PWA in the Ionic framework, then you just require the first thing to download and install the framework in your system. Also, it is compatible with Android and IOS devices, but sometimes it does not support Android devices. The Ionic Framework Development support only higher version like Android (4.1+) and iOS (7+).

  • Node.js 6 LTS and NPM 3+ installers.

  • Install Ionic CLI according to this step:

    • sudo npm install -g ionic

  • Verify the command

    • ionic –version

  • New Project starts

    • $ ionic start myCabotApp

  • Run Ionic Server

    • $ cd ./ myCabotApp

    • $ ionic serve (For instance purpose)

    • ionic –help to get a comprehensive

  • Combine Ionic with Cordova

    • $ npm install -g cordova

    • $ ionic cordova –help

    • $ ionic cordova run ios

  • Web Manifest File

    • { “name”: “myCabotApp”,

    • “short_name”: “myCabotApp”,

    • “start_url”: “index.html”,

    • “display”: “standalone”,

    • “icons”: [{

    • “src”: “img/icon.png”,

    • “sizes”: “512×512”,

    • “type”: “image/png”

    • }],

    • “background_color”: “#FF9800”,

    • “theme_color”: “#FF9800”

    • }

  • you have to link the Web Manifest from the index.html in the www directory

  • <link rel=”manifest” href=”manifest.json”>

Ending Thought

The Ionic Framework development For Progressive Web Apps is very reliable and durable service in the present technical age which is HTML5 Mobile App Development Framework. At present time this technology is also based on Progressive Web Apps that’s why the BR Softech develops this technology in the mobile app development. Our development service provides the durable and reliable services. So, you can Hire Ionic Developer which also best in Progressive Web Apps to build mobile apps and increase your business on digital app market.

Nitin Garg

I am Nitin Garg Founder of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning, app, web & game development company. We are armed with 180+ geeks & 2753 clients worldwide, I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

About Us

BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.