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App Development

Effective Ways to Promote Your Mobile App

written by Admin | Jun 20, 2017
Effective Ways to Promote Your Mobile App

All ideas are not mandatory to put into practice as one can select handful or even just one that would be most appropriate and best suitable as per their marketing plan.

Here you go with some of the better ways to promote your app.

1) App Site

Develop a dedicated site as a standalone entity for a brand. This kind of promotion clearly highlights your new App that distinct from your primary website and assists in eliminate disruption from your potential clients.

This small site with one or two pages should be simple and effective as well as showcase with large download-able button strikes the chord. You can get a clue from Snapchat & Tinder.

2) Freemium App

According to one recent surveys, 80% of apps in the Android marketplace is free and are far more popular in terms of downloads too. At the occasion of launching, offer it free for a limited period of time to boost the consumer base and later on add some advance feature in your premium version to price your App. This promotional strategy is advertising in itself and there are many online platforms that cover App promotions.

3) Garner the power of Social Media

Social media is vital for the promotion of Apps and more the content is shared, the more eyes will draw towards you. Create your App accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube.

They represent many markets, many industries and have groups for just about everything one can imagine. Positive response shouldn’t be underrated; engaged users became digital carrier of your app on social media. You can manage quick contest, lucky draws and early bird discounts. If the users love it, leave it to them to make your app a success!

4) App store Optimization Company

The App Store behavior pattern is similar to Google search engine and has a ranking criterion for specific keyword searches & Here App optimization comes to play. App title, App description, App logo & App screen shots are the imperative element of App optimization. Secondly, your keyword of choice should heavily figure in the description of your app and that is what ultimately encourages users to download your App.

It’s better to write a bullet list of your App’s biggest feature to create App description. Human are visual creatures and App logo with minimalist and simplistic design grab users’ attention. With over 1.6 million apps in the Google Play Store and 1.5 million in the iPhone App Store, create your Icon that gives a sense to the users what’s the App is all about.

Your first three or four screen shots are your visual selling points to customers as the App stores only display three or four screen shots in the gallery. This is a unique opportunity for the new and unfamiliar brands to utilize this space as an advertising platform to attract user’s attention for swift rise and shine.

One more important tool is to employ App indexing to drive traffic SERPs right to your App product page in App store.

5) Endorsement

Leverage the power of influencers to drive traffic to your App. A journalist or an App store Editor or even a good blogger or a tech reviewer has got the capability to share your app with a very large, qualified audience. Develop genuine connections with them and make them notice you by commenting and sharing their posts to have a better prospect of getting them to share and endorse your App and content. Find them by researching on Kred, Littlebird, Klout and many other research engines.

6) Email is still powerful

The prominence of social media undermines the effectually of Emails while as your existing email newsletter database is a powerful marketing tool. Any email, whether it is from your tech team, newsletter or even the payment confirmation email should engrave one line advertising app into footer contains a direct link to the App download page.

If you don’t have an email list, start preparing one through your social media sites as it’s an economical option for re marketing efforts for years to come. Our favorite option for email marketing includes SumoMe, Campaign Monitor, and MailChimp.

7) Alternative App Stores

Launching a new App on Google App store or iPhone App store to attract attention is quite difficult nowadays but bear in mind that they’re not the only players in the town. In this ever-increasing App dominated market, there are healthy Eco-system of third party app stores and directories to upload your App and even to get noticed too. According to one survey, it’s better to advertise your brand on different channels to boost your sales opportunity rather than few and famous ones.

8) Leveraging Local Marketing

Most of the people buy products from the local stores if available and that’s an advantage for the App owners to focus on local marketing also. This means using resources like local newspapers, local media, flyers, bulletin boards, public access channels, or even just word of mouth to publicize your app.

This form of marketing is very much ideal for small business, local retailers, and restaurants that need more exposure. It’s also comparatively cheaper than other modes of advertising. Apart from this one can make use digital billboards and hoarding at the crossroads or busiest and travel spot to get noticed.

Even design few t-shirts, mugs, pens from Instant print or vistaprint and offer it free to some friends or customers. Keep plenty of Business Cards with discount codes and QR codes to download the App and hand it to your near and dear ones.

Closing up:

To conclude, our main motive isn’t just generating traffic to our App page by employing various tips and tricks but instead making sure that our App is discovered by relevant and genuine users who will install our App and get benefited by utilizing it when in need and became our loyal followers and publicize it amongst their friend circles to create more conversions. You can download free teen patti game on google play.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.