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App Development

Why Do You Need to Develop a Fantasy Horse Racing App

written by Harshita Khangarot | Mar 02, 2020
fantasy horse racing app development

The primary motivation to participate in a fantasy sports game is the fun and excitement that it gives. Developing a fantasy horse racing app is a fantastic idea. In most countries a fantasy game like horse racing is not considered as gambling and illegal. They have explored various ways to keep their fans engaged and are rising extensively ever since their inception around the mid of last decade.

Owners of racetracks have already started to figure out new ways to implement horse racing as a fantasy sport. Fantasy horse racing software development will make it easier for the horse racing lovers to participate in the racing events. Also, this Fantasy sports software will give a new revenue source to the racetrack owners.

Fantasy sports in the U.S. continue to grow and show no signs of slowing down. The U.S. fantasy sports industry had grown from an estimated 32 million players in the U.S. + Canada in 2010 to 59.3 million in 2017. The industry grew in the U.S. from 42 million in 2015 to 45.9 million in 2019. (source)

The benefits of having a Fantasy Horse Racing App

Before starting any business, it is imperative to know the positive and negative side of that business. So here we will discuss how a fantasy horse racing app development can benefit a horse racing business.

benefits of having a Fantasy Horse Racing App Or website

  • Expand product selling
  • Enhance the sport, product and brand awareness.
  • Helps in gaining email databases of new customers
  • Helps in making relationships with your clients and suppliers
  • Impressively establishes loyalty among the online community
  • Helps in boosting website/app traffic.

Reasons to Invest in Fantasy Horse Racing App Development

Investment in any business requires a lot of research and information about the pros and cons of the business. Also, people like to invest in a business that can provide long term profits. A fantasy horse racing app/website development is a smart way to generate good revenue in a short span of time.

  1. Lower Competition

The concept of fantasy horse racing website development is very new. That is why the market is not highly competitive, like other sports. There is throat cut competition among other fantasy sports, so you will be the lucky one to start your business with negligible competition in the market. If you are loyal to your business, then it will surely pay you off a lot in a short period of time.

  1. Numerous Possibilities

Developing an application for horse racing multiplies the opportunities that you had earlier. In this adaptive environment, now everyone wants to try new technology, techniques that are available in the market. You can attract more racing lovers by using various tactics. You can provide them with a different operating system supported apps for multiple devices like Android, iOS, Windows, Mac etc.

  1. It Is Legal

Fantasy sports are no longer illegal now. The government has allowed these games to define them as a game of skill. That is also an essential reason for you to develop a horse racing fantasy app. However, horse racing is legal in almost all continents and countries with a huge fan following. Take advantage of this opportunity before anyone else takes it.

  1. Attract New Customers & Generates Revenue

Horse racing is one of the oldest sports; hence it has a huge fan following. You can convert that fan following into your loyal customers by developing a horse racing app/website where they can get live updates of the race and bet more. The more customers you get, the more revenue your business will generate. You can provide both facilities to your customer, virtual racing and real racing.

  1. Connect The World

Gone are the days when horse race lovers need to go to see an update of a horse race. Now, any fan can place their bet on any sport they want from any corner of the world. Currently, horse racing is not limited to one city, country or continent. Anyone can place a bet on any racing horse all around the world. And can enjoy the game of speed.

Read more: – Features in Online Horse Racing Betting App

Guidelines to Make a Fantasy Racing App

If you are planning to develop a horse racing app/website, here are some guidelines that will help you. Integrating your own ideas after some market research with some guidelines will produce a fantastic output.

  • You should use a cloud service to store the vast amount of data and sports content that you will need to have available all the time.
  • It is very important to secure your fragile data so that your competitors are not able to access it.
  • If it is a fantasy horse racing app, designing the first designing interface or the first look is even more important. Then the interfaces of the app should be both instinctive and pleasant.
  • Push notifications are a must for a business, but they must be personalized according to a user’s preferences. Sending too many notifications may irritate the user. While sending so, few might cause loss to the business opportunity.
  • Integrating a payment gateway is a must for fantasy sports apps/websites so that the users can make in-app purchases.
  • The fans should have the facility of interacting with their favourite teams or players in real-time.

How the Horse Racing Business Earns 

The main goal to develop an app or website is to add some extra revenue to the business. Here are some of the monetization strategies of the fantasy racing app that makes fantasy apps to make money.

How the Horse Racing Business Earns

  1. Subscriptions

Most of the fantasy sports apps run on a subscription model. The subscription may be weekly, monthly or annual depending upon the user’s preferences. They offer affordable subscription plans for the customers.

  1. Advertising

In this digital world, there is a requirement for digital solutions to make money. Advertising is one such way to earn money. They offer advertising spaces like videos, ads, and banners to the advertisers, and in return, they get money.

  1. In-app purchases

The purchase that a user makes in an app is known as an in-app purchase.  Purchasing such as e-tickets, contests, sports merchandise, betting, etc. are some of the examples that customers can make within the app.

  1. Referral

People believe those things very quickly; they are referred to by friends and family. The company runs some ads and attracts customers to refer the application to their friends and family. With this method, the company gets more customers, and customers get some benefits.

  1. Sponsorship

Sponsorship is also an attractive way to generate revenue through fantasy sports apps/websites. By organising or sponsoring an event you can attract people and your targeted audience. That is why businesses are happy to sponsor events and contests on the public platform.

fantasy horse racing software

  1. Collecting and Selling Data

When a user starts to use an app, he/she needs to fill in their details. Those details are collected from the app. A vast amount of data about user behaviour collected through these fantasy sports apps: selling this data could be a good idea for a regular revenue stream.

Read more – Things to Consider in White Label Fantasy Sports Software Development

Summing Up

If you are thinking of adding some attributes to your horse racing business with minimal effort, then fantasy horse racing app development will be the best idea for you. Without many struggles in the market, you can grow quickly. Do not wait until a plethora of fantasy racing apps flood the market.

If you are looking to develop a fantasy horse racing app, we can help you develop an app for your horse racing business. BR Softech is the best fantasy horse racing app development company that gives ultimate solutions to its clients. We have a pool of talented and professional applications and fantasy horse racing app developers  who turn your imaginations into reality.

Harshita Khangarot

A skilled content writer and a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn more, I specialize in technical, banking, hospitality, and poetry content writing; while taking every opportunity as a responsibility and believe in creativity that is beneficial for society.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.