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Get the Best out of VPN Deals Discounts

written by BR Softech | Feb 18, 2020

Any deal that saves us some money is a bargain I’m signing up for, times are getting tough, businesses are feeling the pinch, so it’s only right they lend a helping hand to not only keep us in a pocket but for them to keep custom.

Whether companies are offering a discount, or perhaps a buy 1 get 1 free promotion, it will continue to attract customers and keep the revenue steady in the eight months. 

What is Revenue?

To gain a better understanding of the different types of revenue such as business versus government you can click here, but essentially it is the definition of the income a firm receives from the sales of its products as well as the services it offers to its clientele.

Benefits of offering discounts

Putting aside the fact that giving a certain percentage off on a product will increase foot traffic to the store, it creates a brand awareness that might have been lacking in a certain demographic which is now highlighted due to clever marketing strategies and advertising.

Once customers are in the store you will be able to build up a relationship with them and promote services that might appeal to them, and word of mouth is a great marketing tool especially when it comes to social media, with a single post on a social platform you will have a vast number of new customers and recognition.

Stock that has been sitting on the shelves can be brought to the front and promoted so you don’t have dead merchandise taking up space and your money is not ‘gathering dust’ in boxes, take some time to read this handy guide for tips and tricks to give your business that added boost in generating extra sales. 

With technology continuously advancing we are drawn more to online shopping and conducting business online and via the internet, so ensuring you have an online presence is imperative in keeping up with current markets. Likewise keeping safe on these networks is a must to protect your personal information and that of your clients.

Choosing the right security software program

Being safe online when communicating and managing patrons’ details and contracts of a sensitive matter, will send a message to clients that you respect not only their privacy but the intricacies of their needs. 

When using your laptop in public areas to do some work while you sip your cappuccino in the corner, the network you connect to is guaranteed to be open and thus not secure, leaving you exposed to the hacker creeps that trawl the web looking for a way in. Installing a VPN on your computer will keep you anonymous and safe.

What is a VPN?

It is, in more simple terms, a way of disguising your location by accessing the internet via a server in a different location, the reason for this is to keep it from being traced back to you and to ‘spoof’ or trick the internet into thinking you are somewhere when you’re not.

It can get overwhelming and with all the technical computer language being used, almost impossible to sift through what it all means, however, watching this simplified breakdown video of all that is VPN  is the best way to come out the other end and be in the know. 

Cost of VPN

Unfortunately, people are hesitant when it means having to purchase a security program, and while the costs are not as significant as you might think, it is a small price to pay for not having your identity possibly hacked and stolen, which can take years to rebuild and rectify.

Prices ranging from as little as $10-$12 per month, or around $30-$50 per year if you paid a few years in advance can give you the security of that ongoing service and protection, and something to consider if you are serious about your safety and speed.

There are always deals and specials on the table, it just about finding the right one for you, to get you started to have a look at the current sales available and research what features are going to be beneficial for the function you need it for.

4 Advantages of Using a VPN

  • Secure. Your security is enhanced and provides peace of mind when working remotely.

  • Out of office. Sharing files and data with colleagues while not in the office would usually be a problem, but with the VPN in place, it creates that online anonymity. 
  • Abroad. If you are traveling for business certain countries have blocks on the site you are allowed to visit while there, the VPN allows you to bypass these walls and work with maximum efficiency.


  • Illusion. By rerouting and changing your IP address location it fundamentally deceives hackers and with that any chances of them getting your information.

It’s a big, technically advanced giant of a world out there, being safe should be a priority, get your security set up today, and be safe in knowing your identity isn’t going anywhere.

BR Softech

BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning Company that delivers olx clone script & software development. Its thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. We are armed with 180+ geeks & 2753 clients worldwide.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.