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Golang Guide: Top Golang Frameworks and Tools

written by Admin | May 01, 2019

Mobile App Development experts are putting their high efforts to enhance the mobile applications. Each day a new technology and tool is introducing in the app market. Now, app development process has been changed, and with the implementation with latest and advanced tools and technologies the mobile applications are turning into advanced platform.

Now, a new programming language has hit the app market named as Golang. It is the most preferable platform of the mobile app developers.

Today in this blog, we would be providing you the complete Golang Guide and our focus is on the top frameworks and tools of the Golang language.

What is Golang?

What is Golang

The Golang is a compiled programming language designed at the famous brand Google by Ken Thompson, Robert Griesemer, and Rob Pike. This language is similar to the C. The modern language is attracting many developers towards it. The development of this programming language was started in the year 2007, but it launched in the market in the year 2009.

Main motive of launching this language is to exclude the garbage of language like C++.

Advantages of GO Language


Advantages of GO Language

Compile Language

This language is based on the Compiled feature and this has been known for its robust speed. The best benefit of this is it has been directly modified to the machine level code system. Reading of code enabled directly from the computer. It turns the process into a short process.

Error Free

It provides the error-free service as this enabled to detect the variable which is being unused. It only allows the necessary components to be a part of it. Compiler uses to detect it during the process of developing only.

Supports Cross Platform

The Go Language supports cross platforms, it can be installed in various machines. It can also be installed in the other foreign machines also. It requires original source code to run on multiple machines.

Open Source

Exploration has become easy, as the programming language is open source

Everyone is enabled to utilize it. It turned as better, cleaner and effective.

Easy to Learn

This language is very easy to learn and if developers want to switch them from old to new language so it is a perfect choice for them. In the developing language, there is only a little bit different in the Syntax. It is similar to other languages and its documentation process is very easy to follow up. If one tries to learn with full dedication then this language can be learned in some hours and the developer can turn as a master in it.

Built-in Testing

Now, developers don’t have to run from testing as testing is a harder process but Golang has turned it in an easy process in it the inbuilt testing feature has been integrated.

Top Golang Frameworks and Tools that You Should Know About Them

Revel & Hot Code Reload

It is a high productivity framework and it developed with the help of Hot code reload tool. This helps to create the project on every exchange of the file. It includes an array number of features. This framework doesn’t require a huge number of libraries.

Beego & Bee

The Beego framework is based fully enriched MVC framework based on its own library, web framework and ORM. This doesn’t allow to integrate the third party libraries. The bee tool helps to change the code and bring in notice when any alterations comes in notice. The Beego tool saves a time.


It is known for its light and powerful feature. It has been launched by Sinatra and easy to use with exclusive wide features and Martini framework is fully compatible. It is known for the use of it’s reflection.


It is lightweight and fast framework. The Goji language is known for its simplicity and known for the priority purpose. It has many more additional features like re-configurable middle ware stack, graceful shutdown, and URL Patterns etc. It has served millions of entities world wide


The developers want to opt for go craft as per its robust programming language. The back end web applications process is very easy to read and write.


This framework not actively supported by its creator. Fame like Paul Bellamy, still use it. The amazing feature of it is it can be modified. Variety of libraries can be choose to be the part of the project.

Gin Gonic

It is a framework like main API, and it provides better performance. It is similar to gin gonic and if you are not aware with it so it is easy to learn. Experts declared, it takes only 10 minutes to learn this language. It includes all the essential features from the library. It turn it perfect with high performance.

Tools Of Golang Language

Tools Of Golang Language

1) Apicompat

The Apicompat tools help app developers in the development process by recognizing various changes, backwardness, and exported declarations.

With the helps of Apicompat, you can opt for the hassle free process as these tools helps help to detect the incompatible process.

2) Checkstyle

  • The checkstyle tool has been inspired by the Java checkstyle

  • It is based on print out coding style suggestions,.

  • The checkstyle tool allows developers check the various aspects which includes file line, line, param number, It can be configured by the user.

3) Depth

  • The depth tool helps designers to bring the visualization in an appropriate manner.

  • This tool can be utilised as a standalone command line app.

  • Customization feature can be integrated easily.

4) Go-Swagger

  • The GO- Swagger tool has a wide number of features.

  • This tool is an implementation of the platform Swagger 2.0.

  • It has an ability to organise and unorganised the swagger apps.

  • Other Features: API Generation, Spec document generation based code, string format.

5) Go Meta Linter

  • This tools helps to normalise the output concurrently.

  • It is used with a text editor.

  • Go Meta Linter helps to support enlarge variety of configuration files and linters which includes JSON.

6) Go-callvis

  • Basically, this tool works to visualize the call graph of your Go program.

  • It tool is helpful for developing the huge projects which have compex code base.

  • If developers stuck in the situation to modify other developer’s code structure or architecture, Go-Callvia makes this process easier in the modification.

7) Gonative

  • It supports cross platforms

  • The Go native tool helps user to develop Go toolchains with native libs.

  • It offers Binary distribution to each platform.

  • To exclude unnecessary rebids, correct mod time.

8) Grapes

  • It is based on light weighted tool.

  • Grapes is useful to distribute commands in a easy way.

  • It is launched by Yaron Sumel.

9) Gosimple

  • It is based on simplifying the Go source code.

  • The Go tool focus on the latest versions.

  • It works for Go version 1.6 tool.

10) Go Vendor

  • This tool is enable to work along with standard Vendor folder.

  • It offers an opportunity to the developers to copy the existing dependencies.

Hire Golang Developers of BR Softech & Get Solutions for Your Business


In this blog, as a leading app and web development company, we have brought all about advanced and robust programming Golang language. Along with this, we have you about the top tools and frameworks through which the platform can prepare easier and without hassle.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.