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Google Glass apps for enterprises

written by Admin | Jun 20, 2013
Google Glass apps

A company Dito that has proved competency to developing apps for Google is now developing a series of enterprise applications for Google glass that should be available in first quarter of 2014. Dan McNelis, co-founder of Dito said, “We’re in the early stages of developing apps for Google Glass”.
Here it is required to know that what Google glass is? Google Glass is the wearable device like specs that is the search giant which was announced in 2012. Since then the system has been in developing stage and will likely to be released for the common peoples in late 2013.

McNelis also said that Dito is progressive for both “Glassware” and the apps of Google’s API (application programming interface), and screening the distinct use cases to develop apps for Glass. In E2 Conference Boston, McNelis said “Having worked with Google in the past, one of the things we want to be cautious about is we don’t want to build an application to sit on top of an API or platform if it is still evolving”.
Google has specifically ruled out facial recognition system in Glass platform. The Company was in news last month for banning facial recognition and pornography applications on Google Glass.
McNelis said about that, “However I suspect that Google recognizes that this is a use case and a need. As the market warms up and Google figures out the right way to solve this, this would be a capability that one way or another would be possible”. McNelis said that he and his 5-6 officials of his company are testing and reviewing Google Glass, that will whether set on a user’s face like a pair of glasses without lenses or not. Voice commands can be given to Glass for perform basic tasks like searching the Web, taking a snapshot or video recording by user. Battery life of the device will be three hours in general usage, but McNelis is hopeful about the processing power of the glass that will increase and battery life will lengthen through development of the system.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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