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Google is all set to launch “Mobile First Indexing” Rule

written by Admin | Dec 03, 2016

So, did you come to know about recent technological trend of Google’s upcoming technology, “Mobile First Indexing”?

Many people make use of the trendy mobile handsets for browsing and surfing internet on on few taps on the smartphone without any hassle. Compared to desktops and laptops, it is quite plain sailing to use internet on the mobile phones.

Watching this trend, big giant Google is also heading towards rolling out technology trend for ranking websites. This technology will be able to enhance user experience which will give them numerous options on the first page of search engine. So, are you looking forward to know about this smashing new technology?

If yes, then you are headed towards the right place and you will know about this new technology in further paragraphs in the blog.

Current website ranking basis:

Till date, Google has been assessing the designing, frequency of new activity and shaping the desktop version of new websites as such for determine its ranking in the search engine results. This new activity might be of little hassle for the people who internet-savvy and love to surf internet through trendy mobile gadget and land on the websites which don’t optimize content for the smartphone screen devices.

Being the leading IOT application development company, our developers keep themselves updated about the recent technological trends that hits the market for providing IT services to the clients around the globe.

This will lead to less results ranking ranking as compared to those which are meant to be optimized for the mobile devices. These kinds of UX aspects will have stronger position now which were earlier ignored in determining the ranking.

Alterations in indexing: Mobile first:

Google has an objective to give quality-oriented searching experience to its users, regardless of whether they make use of desktops, mobiles or the tablets. Mobile first indexing will be of great help in this regard. Google states that this new technology is the experiment to fetch the relevant and optimized website results for the users. Who will get influenced by this step of Google? All those websites which have bad mobile version will be get affected by this technology. Those websites which are responsive will have stronger position in this respect. Because responsive websites developed by mobile application design and development company runs smoothly on all the devices, desktop, tablet, laptop or the mobile.

6 ways to get ready for this change:

So, are you all set to make necessary alterations to your website? It solely depends on your current website as to how is it displayed and appears to be like. Here are 6 ways to prepare for this new change:

  • If your website is thrilling responsive or the dynamic serving website then there is not problem for you at all. You don’t have to be worried regarding this new step of Google.
  • All the websites which make use of different mark-up for desktop and the mobile versions need to change some elements.
  • You need to make certain that the structure of data for the both the devices is according to the visitor’s good readability quotient.
  • You must see if your website have highly mobile friendly design.

If your don’t have just the desktop version of your website then no need to worry at all. Google will carry on with indexing of the desktop version. Its better to have no mobile site than having poorly designed one.

Google is not making any change to canonical links as they don’t require any.

Wrapping Up:

Well, Google company have clearly mentioned in its blog that this change will be applied on the experimental basis and its continuation will be determined on the base of how effective it has been proved for the online users as such. So, for better user experience you need to plan and enhance your website accordingly for getting higher ranking on the search engines as such. For getting highly responsive website developed, you must hire dedicated developers of the leading web 7 mobile application development company.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.