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How To Grow Your Business With The Help Of Business Intelligence Technology?

written by Harshita Khangarot | May 02, 2020
Business Intelligence Technology

There is no doubt that the demand for software solutions has been increasing in every sector. This is the data-driven world which we live in and hence collating this data is utmost important. Business Intelligence solutions help integrate technology with the manual work of collating data for organizing the business data systematically.

With the help of Business Intelligence services, you can enhance the business mechanism and increase efficiency. BI tools not only help in data management but also lets you categorize operations, set priorities, observe market trends and consumer behavior.

A team of software solution experts can help you in the development of an optimized BI tool developed by keeping in mind the nature and needs of your business. BR Softech is a leading IT company with more than 9 years of experience that will help you achieve your business goals by providing a full-fledged Business Intelligence solution.

Introduction To Business Intelligence Technology 

Published in 1865 by Richard Millar Devens’, Cyclopædia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes witnessed the first use of the term Business Technology. The book also enlightens about how the banker Sir Henry Furnese strategically used the data that he received in outperforming the competitors and generating tremendous profits by using the data in planning the operations.

Evolved from the concept of Decision Support System, an information system initiated in the 1960s that developed all the way throughout the 1980s was innovated to assist in business making and planning.

Business Intelligence services are aimed to enhance the business potential by aiding in organizing, managing and disbursing the data in an aligned way. There are various ways by which the Business Intelligence solutions help the business to strengthen its roots and improvise its approach that we will discuss in this article. 

Role of Business Intelligence in business planning and operations

Role of BI

Business Intelligence tools play a significant role in improving business operations in multiple ways. 

Firstly, it helps in collating the data and organizing it in a format for convenient access. This data helps regulate the daily operations as well in planning long term goals.

Secondly, It is a proven fact that the role of data is crucial in laying out the pre and post-operation strategies. The information not only helps in developing the blueprint but also provides the advantage to introduce timely improvisations.

Thirdly, with the mobile-based platforms developing for every business and the growing number of smartphone users, it is essential to integrate the BI tools in a mobile platform to make the real-time data accessible with the help of smartphones giving you enhanced control over the business.

Fourthly, it allows retailers and other business operators to locate and manage their inventory. With the increasing competition and a hectic lifestyle, the consumers demand fast and secure logistics. Business Intelligence helps track the inventory and eventually leads to capitalize trends.

The role of Business Intelligence does not limit here but extends its potential from influencing the initial phase to the final phase. 

Approaching an IT hub like BR Softech will provide you with effective coaching and give answers to your queries related to the development and implementation of the Business Intelligence tools.

Benefits of Business Intelligence technology

Business Intelligence development is the one-stop solution to your business needs that can significantly boost your business potential. When we talk about Business Intelligence technology, there is not just one but many benefits associated with it. Let us uncover them one-by-one in the article-

  • Boost the decision-making process
  • Enhancing internal business operations
  • Hike up operational efficiency
  • Generate higher revenues
  • Analyzing market trends
  • Identify possible business problems
  • Adding competitive advantage

With the above listed 7 advantages and more to be listed, Business Intelligence had introduced the new way of managing the business. Let us dive deeper into the revolutionary technology that has been revolutionizing the concept of business mantra persistently-

  1. Influencing decision making: When an important decision related to the business strategy awaits, having sufficient data that is accessible is not enough. It is crucial for the data to be structured in a way that it is easy to interpret and simplifies the process of accountability. It is then possible for the organization to take important decisions with a firm footing.
  2. Internal business operations: Customer relationship management serves the business purpose by connecting the employee with the administration for efficient collection and monitoring of the database. Many aspects need to be categorized and analyzed for purposeful business planning. Let us have a look at them-
  • Productivity: Productivity has many facets, production hours and production of goods and services are two of them. With the help of the CRM software, the manager/management can scrutinize the mentioned aspect of the business.
  • Performance: Performance of the individual employees and the whole team is better monitored with the help of CRM software. It not only helps in rewarding the employee but also helps identify the area/individual requiring coaching.
  • Service and products preferences: The CRM software helps prioritize the products and services to adopt a selective approach and eventually filter out the unnecessary production line up. This lets the business grow in its qualitative aspect rather than the quantitative aspect.3. Operational Efficiency: Business Intelligence services help you enhance the efficiency of operations by collating the data, allocating tasks and defining the priorities. It also helps to keep a check on any type of bottleneck encountered in the process. Furthermore, you can detect any loopholes in the activities, and immediate efforts to fix it can be issued.

    4. Boost-up revenue: All the mentioned points that lead to enhancing the quality and efficiency of the production rate will ultimately amp up the business and hence improve the revenue generation capacity of your business model. Therefore, BI service providers can help you change the cards with a little investment in the Business Intelligence solution.

    Read More : How will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Transform the Future of the Transportation Industry?

    5. Analyze market trends: The close monitoring achieved with the help of the Business Intelligence solutions not only helps with the data analysis of the employees and production activities but also indirectly contributes to conveniently estimate the market demands and any fluctuation encountered. This estimation allows the management to swiftly change their business tactics and set priorities.

    6.Coping with hurdle: There come many phases in the business operations that stagnates the efficiency or the output. This severely impacts on the profit-generating capacity of the brand. 

With the help of an effective Business Intelligence solution, you can have the advantage to screen the operational data and tactics that further helps to improvise it for meeting the new challenges faced by the business. This makes Business Intelligence technology a catalyst for your achievements.

7. Adding competitive advantage: From planning to execution, no aspect remains untouched after you incorporate intelligent business solutions in your business operation. 

The technology is still far from the understanding and reach of many small enterprises and doubtful in the minds of business operators in charge of big brands. 

However, with sufficient research about the technology, you can get the motivation to rely on this revolutionary technology that caters your business demands. Beat the competition and emerge victorious with the help of the Business Intelligence service that has the potential to optimize the business approach.

All the points, as mentioned above, eventually lead to an enhanced return of interest or say ROI. Scroll down the article to know how to enhance the ROI by inculcating the Business Intelligence technology into your business.

Business Intelligence and its effects on ROI


Benefits of BI

No matter what technology we rely on, the blueprint we stick to and the business model we use, all the efforts are made to achieve the ROI or return on investment. 

The Business Intelligence solutions by every means help you to raise your revenue generation, let us see how-

  • Better staff management will help to segregate the workforce based on their skills, efficiency, specialization and tenure. Assigning tasks on the basis of mastery will increase productivity.
  • Analyzing the market trends will help you prioritize the production.
  • Keeping a record of delivery of goods and services to the consumers will help analyze the consumer behavior. This lets you scrutinize your coaching techniques and improvise accordingly. 

Final words

Gone are the days when running a business administration required piles of files and paperwork. Thanks to the Business Intelligence services that is not only a cost-effective replacement of the traditional methods to manage the data but also a more accurate, efficient and secure platform.

Business Intelligence consulting is the first step in getting an optimal BI tool for your business. It covers all the essential phases that one will encounter in the process from cost estimation to idealizing the business model and sensing the requirements. 

There are many development companies in the market dealing in software solutions; however, it is mandatory to have a background check before you invest in the development of any particular company.

A company like BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. that is a house of IT and software professionals can help you in the development of the optimal tool with complete aftersales assistance.

Harshita Khangarot

A skilled content writer and a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn more, I specialize in technical, banking, hospitality, and poetry content writing; while taking every opportunity as a responsibility and believe in creativity that is beneficial for society.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.