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Web Development

How GDPR Impact on Web & App Development Company ?: A Comprehensive Guide

written by Admin | May 16, 2018
GDPR Impact on development companies a comprehensive guide

Have you noticed that Google is again and again, reminding you about the law European data protection regulation. Yes, this law has grabbed the goggle attention at a high level. It is going to apply from 25th May 2018, whereas GDPR will help the users to secure the personal data and its responsibility is particular on the web and app development company from where the particular website and App has developed.

Hence, this law is going to impact not only the users, in fact, it is going to affect the web and app development companies because this law will not only to keep the records it’s about keeping track of changes and data access also.

How GDPR Will Affect the Web and App Development Companies:

Responsibilities: By introducing this law, the responsibilities of the web and app development companies will increase as the companies don’t only have to maintain the records they also have to manage the data. It is essential to manage all the data of the customers.

Rules and regulations: Now companies have to change their rules and regulations as a flow of work will change so according to that the new rules will be framed and they include which will keep record of all types of processing activities carried out, including transfers to processors (3rd parties), which includes cloud service providers. Hence you need to update the terms and policies.

Web developers: Now web developers have to play the major role and to provide the healthy data protection is the responsibility of developers in terms of code, data, and security.

Web developers have to need to know about the new data protection regime and they have to update on these points:

  1. All Change For Data Protection

  2. The Changing Privacy Landscape

  3. Impacted By The Privacy Overhaul

User Demand: Now companies have to work according to the user demand and customers have right to demand with the companies and they can even demand to delete the data, as well as Businesses, must request consent to collect, use and move data.

Hire Data protection expert: To secure the data is a big responsibility and now companies are forced to hire the data protection offices as they mandatory for the firms and their packages will also high, A huge amount will as a salary of a hire data protection officer. But Big companies have to hire an employee who can perform this duty and will be dedicated to their work.

Technologies: It is imperative that you have to immediately notify the owners of a business or to the customers as you get a hint of leaking the data for that you should have a proper and updated technology and at that moment, that technology should not ditch you out. It is a responsibility of the companies that within 72 hours, they must notify the national supervisory authorities. So to avoid the obstacles companies have to invest in the latest and best technologies.

Redesign: Now companies and apps have to modify their sites and apps as in upcoming time GDPR will the demand of people and it will be the new approach to the people. Now your apps and websites should ensure privacy and data protection is a key consideration.

Language: Whatever language you were using that doesn’t matter but GDPR requires you to be more structured and transparent

This is how GDPR impact on the web & app development companies and here we have provided the points on which you have to focus as they are essential and now to fulfill the requirements companies has to opt for these strategies.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.