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How To Choose Whether Cloud-Based Or Device Based AR Is Suitable For My Business?

written by Harshita Khangarot | Sep 09, 2020
Cloud Based Or Device Based AR

Scope of augmented reality has expanded its domain in recent years. The sector is rapidly evolving with many new innovations in various industries for consumers as well as business operators. Though the technology was initially limited to the gaming and entertainment industry, over time, it has contributed to enriching the quality of coaching and practice in many professions.

After witnessing the demand for the augmented reality game app development company, the technology is registering a huge demand for other sectors as well, such as retail, healthcare and many more. 

Read this article to get familiar with the concept of augmented reality and its applications in various sectors. Also, the article aims at clarifying the doubt whether it is the cloud-based or device-based AR services that will cater to your business needs. 

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is the technology that creates virtual objects and environments, projecting it over real-world elements via. The computer-generated medium of perceptual information that generally involves various sensory modalities.

Augmented Reality has found its implications in routine activities that enhance the overall experience. Experienced software development companies can help you get an app that is tuned with augmented reality for an enriched experience.

Cloud-Based Vs. Device-Based AR Service

There can be a lot many questions that might arise in your mind while initiating the planning for your augmented reality app development project. Choosing the right business model can be one. There are limited choices that can be considered while deciding the appropriate business model for your business purpose.

Deciding between the cloud-based augmented reality services and device-based augmented reality services can become quite confusing. However, these are the practical business models that exist and are trending these days. 

Cloud-based AR services are an upgrade to device-based AR services; however, the application varies with the nature of the business. Cloud-based augmented reality benefits those that aim to create, transfer, and access augmented reality projections for a real-time experience. 

Progress monitoring can be a prime example where the implications of cloud-based AR is suitable. Cloud-based services improve efficiency by supporting computing speed, unlike the limited and poor computing speed of mobile devices. 

A device based AR can be suitable for gaming and entertainment purposes or to create any similar experience that demands accessing the digital environment via dedicated devices.

Many industries like healthcare, retail, real estate, interior designing, travel and tourism and many others are finding its greater application with every progressing day. Deciding on which business model to choose can be a tedious task without the help of an app development company

No one approach can be called the best as the criteria for deciding the optimal solution varies with the requirements of the business. It can be concluded that all the technologies like augmented reality, internet of things, artificial intelligence etc. are interdependent and support each other to form a bundle of hybrid software kits optimized to suit the business needs.

Under the expertise of BR Softech Pvt. Ltd., you will be able to figure out the optimal platform to launch your app services that are powered by augmented reality. 

Applications Of Augmented Reality

No matter what nature business is, BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. has the required augmented reality solution structured for your business. The applications that are mentioned below are just a glimpse of the potential of the technology. By appropriate counselling, you will easily figure out how investing in augmented reality app development can boost your influence over the competitors.

Real Estate And Construction

The Internet is the perfect platform for buyers and sellers when it comes to exploring new homes and land. With the help of augmented reality, the buyers are now able to experience properties in a completely different way.

The technology is also helpful in construction projects. Augmented reality helps visualize the blueprints to clients in their completed form. 

Entertainment And Games

Entertainment and gaming industry is getting highly benefited from the existence of the technology. The thrilling games like Pokemon go have inspired various game developers to make optimal use of the technology for the game development purpose. Also, augmented reality is finding its implications in the concept theme parks, enhancing the visitors’ experience. 


Augmented reality technology helps retailers provide a better experience to their customers. Retail operators, especially who are related to fashion retailing, can provide virtual trials to better judge a product before making a purchase. 

Interior Design

From curtains to furniture, a client can visualize almost everything in their new home and toggle a wide variety making the most time-efficient application of augmented reality in interior design. Augmented reality is also helpful in enhancing the creativity of the interior designers by allowing them to test various patterns and showcasing their best in every project. 


Tourists are able to receive more informed experience while exploring new locations. The innovation had reached to such an extent where audiences can aim their smartphone at the skeleton as seen in the virtual image of the creature; it looked like the time when it used to exist. 

A tourist can easily locate restaurants, bars and all the major attractions almost anywhere in the world using the AR-powered smartphone and high-speed internet access.  

Maps And Navigation

Technology has its significant usage in enhancing the navigating experience of tourists. The dedicated apps in smartphones trace the users’ location and provide accurate location of nearby attractions and lodging facilities. 

Training And Education

Another important application of AR technology can be found in training employees and educating students. Augmented reality creates an environment that enhances the quality of training.  


Augmented reality has tremendously revolutionized the healthcare industry. It allows healthcare professionals to diagnose symptoms and carry out effective treatments.

Cost Of Augmented Reality App Development

There is no one approach to estimate the price of an augmented reality app development process. A basic demo app can be created for as low as $5000 however developing a feature-rich app infused with advanced features can take up to a whopping figure of $300000 or even higher and taking almost a year or more to complete.

Many factors contribute to determining the cost of app development. A few from the lot are listed below that will help you in getting a better picture of the budget required to fulfil your business purpose. 

Complexity Of The Project

The amount of complexity involved with app development is one major factor that determines the cost of app development

You must be wondering about what derives the complexity of a project? The answer to this question can be, basic or broad, depending on the nature of the business. Features, amount of app logic, and all other crucial aspects of app development altogether contribute to defining the complexity of the project. 


The time-frame of completing the project also determines the cost of development. The shorter the deadline gets, the costlier will be the price as compared to a longer deadline. 

Development Company 

Price of app development also varies with the location of the selected augmented reality app development company. The time taken by the developers to create the optimal product is also calculated in cost estimation. A common practice of charging hourly rates is witnessed amongst the developers. Companies operating in Asian countries such as BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. charges a reasonable price for the augmented reality app development while ensuring top-notch quality.

The nature of the project is something that can not be neglected while estimating the cost of app development. It can be subdivided into three formats that are mentioned below.

Demo App

A demo app is the most basic version that is used to project a business idea to its target audience in the most realistic form, but digitally. Demo apps consist of the most basic features with a user-centric UI that can be accessed by a basic smartphone. 

Accessing a demo app requires minimal knowledge of the subject that makes the whole experience user friendly. A demo app has limited features, however, allows the user to perform the most basic of them such as rotate, tilt, screen capturing and much more. 

Basic App With Customized Features

It is a level-up over the demo app and includes custom features with personal branding and logo. The basic apps are dedicated to catering to users’ needs and hence are the commercial versions of demo apps. The most popular usage of this kind of app is as a configurator or a catalog. 

Also, there are advanced solutions that are created for clients that intend to spend a minimal amount in the maintenance of the platform. 

Advanced Level App

An advanced augmented reality app is created with an intent to satisfy the requirements of enterprises. Established corporates are seen implementing the technology for employee training purposes to encourage a better understanding of the subject, eventually leading to higher employee engagement. 

An enterprise-level augmented reality application is often based on wearable devices that are available in the market. 


Augmented reality has evolved from the phase of the augmented reality game development era, now having much wider implications in simplifying daily life. Be it personal or commercial purpose, the efforts of AR app development company has made it possible to encroach businesses on the territory of augmented reality making the never-like-before experiences possible.

Many software development companies promise and fail to deliver a glitch-free and enriched AR experience, so it is advisable to choose an experienced one like the BR Softech Pvt. Ltd that has over a decade of software development experience.

Harshita Khangarot

A skilled content writer and a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn more, I specialize in technical, banking, hospitality, and poetry content writing; while taking every opportunity as a responsibility and believe in creativity that is beneficial for society.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.