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App Development

What Does It Take for a Brand to Create a Successful Mobile App ?

written by Admin | Jul 06, 2017
Brand to Create a Successful Mobile App

Almost everybody has smartphones these days and most of them obviously have internet access on their mobile. It’s because of this fact that web searching and browsing are evolving at such a faster pace. This laid a huge impact on a brand’s online presence. It doesn’t matter if you are on the go or chilling at home, mobile devices are becoming a huge necessity for people.

Many brands and companies these days understand the actual importance of a strong mobile presence. The growth rate of mobile apps is reaching a massive extent at this time. According to a recent research, it’s been predicted that the number of mobile users will reach 4.77 billion in a very short time. To cope up with this emerging trend, you need a remarkable mobile presence. If you and your business don’t want to be left behind then it would be a great idea to think about a mobile app of your own.

Requirements For a Brand To Create a Successful Mobile App

To make this article very precise and up to the point, we have mentioned only the essential points to keep it simple, short, and quite straightforward. Points mentioned below have their own significance so there is no particular order followed. Let’s start…


Here, functionality refers to the way in which your app will work and what characteristics it will bear. If your mobile app is just same as your desktop website i.e. no additional features and functionalities then it’s a sure thing that users will show no interest in downloading it. Your mobile app must offer something different or unique that is app exclusive and can’t be found on your website. You should try adding some kind of special feature for users that makes your app stand out.

When your mobile app is in the design and development phase by you or some mobile app development agency, it is recommended to start with a minimized basic version of your website, so that iteration process according to the needs of the users will be easy for you.

Let’s understand this with an example. Amazon’s mobile app is very easy to use, beautifully designed, and regularly offer some app exclusive sales and discounts. This strategy behind the concept of their mobile app is so mesmerizing that users just can’t resist themselves from downloading the app on their mobile device.

Responsive Design

Before investing your time and efforts to design a mobile app, you need to make sure that it doesn’t miss the fundamental properties that define a standard of an ideal app. Responsiveness is a highly essential feature of any website or app. Not everybody uses the same screen size to check your website or app so prior to take the step of mobile app development, it’s critical that you first make your website mobile-friendly.

Responsive design of your website is one of the most important steps to prioritize before you start designing a mobile app. A mobile-friendly design adapts the user screen size, ensuring a smooth onsite UX (User-Experience). Without a responsive design, users will always experience a website layout that requires constant zooming in or out and scrolling.


A mobile app will only be used by users till it gets updated regularly in various ways which keep the users engaging. If your mobile app is just sitting in user’s smartphone ideally then it’s likely to be un-installed by the user soon.

Though focusing on the development and design of the app is a good thing but you should also think about doing something that makes the users use your app regularly. Customers open an app only when they are looking to consume something like buying a new discount offer, book a favorite restaurant table, or engage with brand somehow. If your app successfully fulfills their desires, then you are on the right track.

App Marketing

A mobile app is the most effective way to connect or interact with your audience. As mobile app development is already very expensive so for app marketing you need to devote extra time, determination and efforts for marketing your app.

Just imagine a scenario that you have an amazingly engaging and beautifully designed app, but if your audience can’t find it on app stores like Google Play Store and Apple iTunes, then what’s the point of investing your precious time in developing it?

Mobile app marketing is a very crucial part of the marketing cheat sheet of your brand. To drive more app downloads, it is important for you to emphasize on right audience at the right time with the right marketing tactics.

Conclusion : How to Create a Successful Mobile App ?

Mobile apps are setting a new trend as being one of the most valuable ways to engage with your audience regularly. Making your mobile app a huge success is not a rock solid task nor a piece of cake. Websites are not sufficient nowadays as mobile devices have become a minute-to-minute necessity for people. So, in order to generate success for your brand, it is necessary that you have a well-defined mobile app strategy before getting started with your mobile app design and development.

It is important to keep the thing in mind that your app will be used regularly, for this you need to come up with something interesting and valuable, and enough money in your piggy bank to effectively promote your app initially and at times of need. If all these things can’t be managed by you alone then simply hire mobile apps developer or a freelancer who can help you with generation more content for the app and awesome functionality that can make your audience to download and use your app regularly.

So, what do you think? If you find this article helpful in any way then don’t forget to share it with your loved ones. Don’t hesitate to ask your queries or share your opinion about this article in the comments section below.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.