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Game Development

How to Develop Augmented Reality App ?

written by Admin | Apr 14, 2017

The craze for the Pokemon go and other augmented video game is still alive. Many people in this world are wishing for more new games. Now with the help of some guidance a non technical guy can also be a game developer. Some companies are in need of game developers as these games are moving viral in the on-line market. A non technical can also develop technical techniques. Isn’t it interesting?

Augmented Reality App Development:-

Yes, it is. You can earn some money from these augmented games in order to make them more reliable and you can also look for many features and levels which can be added to the games. Now-a-days many Pokemon players are hunting for augmented games as they find this more enjoyable and pleasurable. Many companies want to launch their own games which can increase their home page standard. For example, for church and bars or banks, they are taking a huge advantage of Pokemon go as they can publish their products as much as they want. So better if you are starting your business then you also opt for augmented reality apps which can increase your business goals. These apps are compatible with all the operating system. These can be used for exploring your business add some tags related to your business in mid of games.

You will not believe that these games are more popular than the social media networking sites. A person spends 43 minutes 23 seconds from his daily routine which means this is more quantity than the whatsapp, messenger, instagram etc. If you want to display your company or your products then this is the best platform. This is a very good time when you can build your own AR app. You can explore more of your products to the people. You can get many contacts through this application. You can also look for many alternatives to reach your customer. But this is the best platform to reach customers and know what all are their demands so that you can develop an application which can satisfy their needs. You can be the first one who have understood the needs and follow all the requirements. Let’s throw lights on Augmented reality concepts.

#1 Introduction to Augmented reality:

There is a link between the physical world and the digital world. You can easily link them through the AR technology. Do you know what brings both the world together? The interest which is generated among the people about knowing how to link the digital world and physical characters. The best part is that you can choose your physical characters instead of cartoon characters. You can easily win over your friends through this platform. This software runs over all the operating software. You can play these games in your PSPs. Actually, this is a reality based video games which can keep you engaged. You will love these games once you start playing. You can get many offers through this app. This is a full on package of entertainment and rewards.

#2 Interesting facts about Augmented reality:

The invention of the AR concept was done by Thomas Caudell, former researcher of the company Boeing, in the year 1990. Augmented reality is a mixture of physical creatures and digital marketing, which integrates the virtual objects into the reality. There are so many types of wearable augmented reality devices. They are mounted displays and devices in which the image is projected onto the user’s eyes. Smart-phones and tablets are not assumed to be one of these devices. For example – demonstration of the offside line in football on screen of mobile devices or PSP. This technology has so many uses in business, medicine, navigation, art, design, biology, architecture, military conflicts, archeology, translation, office work and other kinds of human activities. This technology is also used in smart-phones. If you ever have noticed these games provides helmets of state of the board and weapons systems for the attacking and fighting games. AR-technology is famous among the game developers irrespective of the operating system. For creating this type of devices you need these required set of components

  • Processor
  • Display
  • Camera,
  • Electronics instruments (accelerometer, GPS, and compass)

#3 Advantages of Virtual Reality investments:

It is one of the most interesting topics for startup business. The scope of virtual reality always has an increasing slope which is proven by a most of the investments in these types of projects related to AR technology. Even now many social media networking sites have developed their own gamed to explore their platform. Big game studios have also adopted this technology for games. For example, Sony is planning to have PS4 which should launch soon in the market. The investments are in the right way if you are investing in the virtual reality investments.

Binding up:

There is a simple conclusion that you should also adopt this technology to make your projects or websites fast. You can learn simply how to implement with the help of AR technology to form virtual games. BR Softech is the best Augmented Reality App Development Company. These are very important in their own styles. You can add many of your published tags in the games. You can allow people to share the app through the game requests like in candy crush saga and criminal case.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.