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App Development

How to Get On-Demand Classified App to Sell And Purchase Old Items?

written by Harshita Khangarot | Apr 08, 2020
How to Get On-Demand Classified App

As the world is getting digital day by day, every business is going online slowly. People can now find anything they are looking for, just online, in a few clicks, through their smartphone. This kind of platform allows various buyers and sellers to carry out online purchases effortlessly. Different smartphones are being rolled out with cutting-edge technologies that make operating an olx clone app easy through smartphones. 

Different industries are getting their application developed to attract users. One such industrial segment is classified business. Numerous buyers and sellers can easily come online for buying or selling different products online. Entire shopping trend is changing from then to now with the launch of easy to use apps. Various companies are able to spread its wings widely to attract more customers.

The classified apps are developed with the use of new technologies that are being rolled out in software development. This is another good reason why people prefer online shopping.

Quikr clone script offers easy functionality to people for selling or buying new or the old products through an online platform, by sitting anywhere. Earlier people had to post the ad in a newspaper and go with traditional methods of selling used or new products. It was really time consuming and now classified apps have replaced that old traditional mode.

It is very easy to create an olx clone script but the most important factor to keep in mind is that it should include unique features that will eventually attract the users. It will lead to increase in app downloads and higher revenues.

Read More: BR Classified | Apps For Sell Your Old Items

In this digitalized world, various classified applications offer hassle-free online buying and selling different products like electronics, home appliances, etc. Moreover, the industries into classified business should offer 100% user satisfaction.

Important features to include in classified app for users: 

  1. Ad posting form to fill is essential to include: 

This particular form in the app will enable a user to fill up the required details as per the classified details. Moreover, any user must be able to submit this form quite easily. 

2. There should be a search box in the classified app: 

Another essential factor to keep in mind for classified portal development is the inclusion of search boxes. This particular feature enables the user to know about their queries. This particular section must have a bigger space on the app. 

3. Search as per the particular location: 

Another essential feature about classified app is that it must include different kinds of categories according to the place where users stay. This feature is essential because people prefer purchasing and selling of products in their own location. 

4. Responsive website and app: 

The most important thing to consider while developing a quikr clone is that it must be able to function smoothly on any electronic gadgets with a good network. In the current scenario, usage of smartphones is increasing with each passing day. This is the reason why a website has to work efficiently on smartphones too.

Read More: How to Build an App Like Letgo, OLX, Quikr, Dubizzle

5. Easy for SEO: 

The classified website must be built in such a way that search engine optimization can be carried out without any hassle. An SEO friendly website will enable the user to reach out to the masses in no time. Ads which are posted on the website must be easy to index through different kinds of search engine tools available. The user must be able to perform research about right keywords to be used for the same.

Classified Clone script

6. Simple user interface attracts the user a lot: 

The app must have a simple to use interface. This helps a user to carry out other procedures of the app without any hassle. Therefore, olx clone must have this particular feature included in classified software. 

7. Form must be included to contact advertiser: 

This form is mainly included so that any user will be able to contact sellers for purchasing the products through the app. 

8. Comment box is also essential to include in a classified app: 

This feature allows the users to directly talk to any particular seller, through a comment option. Accordingly, the sellers will proceed further to solve the user’s query for purchasing any product from a classified application. 

9. You can also include the images of products to be sold out from the classified app: 

With this feature, a user is able to check the condition of the product and accordingly make a decision to buy the product or not. 

10. Chat support: 

This feature will be able to offer the platform for ease of chatting with the seller, in case a user has to know something about the product. 

11. Include the different sub-categories of product: 

Yet another most important part to include in an olx clone script is the sub-categories of different products so that it becomes easier for any user to select the exact product which they wish to purchase from your classified app. 

12. Share on social media platforms: 

It is also essential to include the option of sharing the app on different social media platforms. This feature will also enhance marketing of your app and eventually generate higher revenues. 

Important feature to include in the app for admin panel: 

How to Get On-Demand Classified App

1. Impressive back-end panel: 

The most important feature to include in a ready-made classified website or app is the backend panel that has essential parts like product category, sub-category, information about the locality, etc. 

2. Spams should be easily detected in the application: 

The classified business owner must see to it that there is a feature that helps to find any kind of spams in an application and all such activities can be further reported without any hassle. 

3. Payment gateway must be easy to use: 

The very important feature for an online business is the ease of payment method. The buyers or sellers should enable the easy to use payment gateway that offers different kinds of payment options to choose from. This will help a user to make payment faster while buying the product required.

4. SEO friendly admin panel: 

This panel must be easy to optimize with the help of useful links, right keywords addition in the content, and another essential factor must be kept in mind. 

Read More :Top 10 Free Classified Websites Over world

5. The admin panel must be highly secured: 

When it comes to online purchasing from php classified script, it is vital to know that everything is safe and secure online. Moreover, even the payment gateway must be safe to use so that there is no risk of data theft. 

6. The application must also provide stats of various things: 

Admin panel must include accurate stats of different products sold so as to know which products are being sold faster than others. It will make the app completely authentic and reliable. 

7. This app must also have an attractive homepage: 

The user and admin panel will love the classified app a lot when the homepage is something so catchy in an application. You should avoid adding too much information to it otherwise it doesn’t attract the user. 

8. Advertisement that are listed must be according to the product: 

This goes without saying that ads listed on the classified application must according to the product being sold and nothing sort of strange. Every olx clone app involves this part in a classified app to make it more informative. 

9. Product review option must be included in this app:

The important part to include in a quikr clone app is that the user must be able to drop the reviews of the product so that it will be of great help to other users. 

10. Rewards and Loyalty program: 

Whenever the admin figures out any user who keeps coming back to the classified app then the admin can provide reward for the user. This will also help you increase word of mouth marketing.

Closing Thoughts: 

So, now you know the essential factors to include in a classified app. Your next important task is to choose the best classified website development services providing company. If you still yet to decide about the same then look no further than BR Softech Pvt Ltd.

As a fastest flourishing IT based company, we have a team of dedicated developers having laudable experience in creating mesmerizing applications as per the requirement of clients. 

Harshita Khangarot

A skilled content writer and a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn more, I specialize in technical, banking, hospitality, and poetry content writing; while taking every opportunity as a responsibility and believe in creativity that is beneficial for society.

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