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How to Promote Food Delivery Business

written by BR Softech | Sep 19, 2018
How to Promote Food Delivery Business

Nowadays food delivery services are in high demand, every second person is looking for the food delivery service and food delivery owners are looking for the tricks on how to promote food delivery business. In this 21st century, people have a desire to get the food in their beds, it has been observed that most of the people use to order the food and instead to go out and relax, they wish to order the food and have it at their respective places, as lives have become so hectic, in this hustle bustle of live you can order your favorite food and can get it on your doorstep.

Yes, the style of living has become so easier that only with the few taps on the mobile screen can fill the desire of your stomach. Food delivery applications are the solution of the craving tummies, whereas, You can order anything there is no limit whether it is pasta, pizza, fries, Chinese and can have it while doing your work or watching your favorite show on Netflix. You can even order from the most famous brands such as Pizza Hut, Domino’s, Papa John’s and Burger King.

According to the research ‘’Food Delivery Services’’ worldwide have generated an unexpected revenue and that is the revenue of 121.848 million USD in 2018, Growing at a CAGR of 17.7%, the revenue is expected to hit 234,206 million USD by 2022.

By seeing the demand and statistics, if you are also interested to deal in food delivery apps or already you have invested so today BR Softech the leading food delivery development application company will guide you to How to Promote Food Delivery Business.

First of all, let’s know more about Food delivery applications.

Models of Food Delivery Service

There are two types of models, on which food delivery services depend upon:

The aggregator food delivery startups

The logistics, food delivery system like Swiggy/UberEats

The Aggregator Food Delivery Startups: Here you can direct order your food with the brand you want without third-party interference, In this, you can direct order by login to the platform like Dominos, Pizza Hut, KFC. In this, the restaurants are responsible for the delivery also.

The logistics, Food Delivery System like Swiggy/Ubereats: Here, people have to order from the third party, it is a platform where you can find all the restaurants and place your order. It is a combination of different restaurants. Example: Uber, swing, Foodpanda etc.

Read More: 4 Important Features to Consider Before Developing an App like Uber for Food

For any restaurant, the partnership proves beneficial, the restaurants only have to prepare the order the person himself will pick the order and will deliver to the location.

Essential Points for Developing the Food Delivery App

To be successful in the market, you should have the proper strategy, you can’t go start the Food Delivery business while focusing on the fact that food is delicious and liked by all. To survive in the overcrowded market, you have to be smart enough and you should have a proper strategy and people should be aware of your brand.

  • Target your audience
  • Decide the restaurants
  • Partners
  • Plan the Marketing strategy

Target your Audience: This is the foremost step, you have to target your audience you have to decide to whom you want to serve it could be any particular cuisine as well as to the professionals, students, all or you can go with healthy food, Indian, Chinese cuisine. First of all, decide your audience to whom you want to serve.

Decide the Restaurants: Decide the restaurants which you want to link with your platform, have a conversation with them and involve them in your platform to serve their service

Good References to Build the Partnership with the Restaurants: Have good references, so you can develop better relationships with the owners and have the best funding and branding. It is essential to have the perfect references for the branding and funding.

Plan the Marketing Strategy: The platform should have the proper marketing strategy so people can know about it. It’s important to reach thousands of people. There should be a proper strategy for the promotion.

Market competitors Food Delivery Business

There are some market competitors, who are ruling the industry and they are perfect rulers of the industry. Here, are the perfect competitors who have their successful presence in the market.

  • Swiggy
  • UberEats
  • Zomato
  • FoodPanda

Your Application should have the Various Features in your Platform:

Only Developing the Application is not enough, the Application should Develop in the best way and should have the Imperative Features:

1) Best functionality: The platform should have the best functionality, it should work better as customer’s demand and the platform should function well and respond immediately.

2) Appealing Design: The platform should have an ability to attract the viewers and it act as a first impression on the viewers. Have an appealing design for your platform which is able to attract the viewers. Colors and graphics can bring a lot.

3) Support: On the site, there should have a chat support so this how you will get to know the queries of your clients and you will be able to sort the issues. The chat service should be for 24 hours. Support is the best way to get in touch with your client’s.

4) Decide the versions of your application: The food delivery app service development is different from other applications, as in this user play different roles there are the restaurants who deliver the order, the customer who order food and people who search for the best place and food. So, to fulfill everyone’s requirement you have to plan the platform according to it.

5) Add the Advanced Feature: Add the advanced features, to your platform try to make it modern and advanced platform which will include other facilities, there should be something advanced to attract the customers.

6) Best Dashboard – controls all the features: It is imperative that you should have the relevant dashboard, to function appropriately. The dashboard should have an ability to control all the features.

7) Easy to use: The platform should be easy to use, as users don’t prefer to have complex they need an easy and responsive platform.

How to Promote Food Delivery Business – Know the Strategies from BR Softech

BR Softech, one of the leading web and Food Delivery Application Development Company brought some effective strategies to promote your food service:

Drop Off the Pamphlets: Drop the pamphlets at different places in the city so they can spread and people will be able to know about your service. Leave at the local restaurants, distribute them to the locals and students. Don’t forget to leave the pamphlets at the corporate offices.

Social Media: Social media is the best way to reach to millions of people in a second, nowadays most people are addicted to social media and apps like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn are the most popular applications by creating your account and page you can reach to billions of people as well as it will be effective too. Different posts will attract your audience.

Hotels and Resorts: Sign a contract between hotel and resorts and request them to leave your pamphlets in the customer’s rooms. If the hotel’s restaurant gets closed then people can prefer this service or while staying they can come across your service and in the future, they might be using your service.

Partnering with Restaurants: Arrange your business card to be available at every reception desk. Ask restaurant managers to have their team staple your card or menu to all takeout order bags.

Offer Desert on First Delivery: On first delivery offers a compliment to your customers in the form of ice cream, dessert or something to impress them. It will be the memorable order for them.

Refer a Friend: Give a platform for your customers to share it with their friends and give them rewards for sharing the application. It will increase your visibility.

Announce offers: Time to time announce the offers for your customers to attract them, 20% off or add any complementary to the order. Announce offers from time to time.

Ending Thoughts

So, here BR Softech has brief you if you want to develop a Swiggy Type App, so you can Buy Food ordering app clone If you want to serve the service like swing and Uber eats and you are interested in UberEats Clone Scripts so to develop the site and application is not enough, you should know how to promote it in the best way as marketing is an essential part of any business.

BR Softech

BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning Company that delivers olx clone script & software development. Its thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. We are armed with 180+ geeks & 2753 clients worldwide.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.