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The Impact of Coronavirus in the Crypto Markets: A Completed Analysis

written by Harshita Khangarot | Mar 31, 2020
The Impact of Coronavirus in the Crypto Markets: A Completed Analysis

Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a household name worldwide. It is a kind of disease which is caused when a person gets infected by this novel virus. This disease leads to heart-wrenching respiratory problems such as fever, coughing and also problems in breathing. There are various precaution measures to keep in mind for the same. You need to wash hands often and practice social distancing. Moreover, Covid-19 is also impacting the functioning of the technology companies worldwide.

It is since December 2019, this disease has devastated the lives of many people. The coronavirus outbreak is eventually increasing the fret of stock markets and upsurging fuel panic too. There is also an uprising trend in crude oil cost. By far, the number of Covid-19 cases worldwide have crossed a lakh’s mark. This in turn has made people panic. Therefore, countries around the world are fighting with this outbreak by lockdown. Even the cryptocurrency development services providing companies are facing the repercussions of this pandemic. 

This price decrease has led to negative results in the crypto market. Trading exchange industries are affected the most and that’s why entire technology has a threat of this Covid-19 outbreak.

There is a huge impact of coronavirus on Crypto markets: 

Impact of Coronavirus on Crypto MarketsIt is seen that many exchange sectors are impacted by this sudden outbreak. There is an increase in numerous problems like downtime, server issues, etc which hampers smooth functioning of trade exchanges. Furthermore, few exchanges are also getting unstable due to lags in application. 

Crypto markets will again rise in near future:

Well, due to coronavirus, cryptocurrency development company faces issues in advancement of business but it is sure to increase the business in near future when different sector industries start rising again around the globe. Governments of different countries are taking important measures to cope up with this pandemic in different ways and revising the fiscal policies which will take cryptocurrency to the next level. 

Read more: –  How can Software Companies protect their organization from Coronavirus

Different ways Covid-19 affecting economy of the world: 

The biggest impact is faced by the GDP of any country. But, fighting with coronavirus is the need of the hour looking at the number of cases being increased in 3 months. Though researchers believed that global GDP was expected to rise this year to a lot of extent. But the sudden outbreak will not be able to make it possible and the world will see a drastic decrease in Gross Domestic Product in the year 2020. 

Manufacturing industries are affected a lot: 

Due to lockdown, industries are not functioning which has led to reduction in the country’s economy as a whole. Furthermore, the countries with trading tie-ups with China, will face another big impact on their businesses. Even investors are afraid to invest in this kind of crisis. Most of the traders have also planned liquidation of assets on major platforms, namely Ripple, Bitcoin, etc. Initial Coin Offering Software development companies are seeing the consequences of the same.

Coronavirus has impacted future of Bitcoin: 

Bitcoin industrial sector has led to use of fresh mining equipment each time. Mining farms are required to make use of new equipment because there are wide changes that take place in algorithms. Moreover, if miners belong to China, then it is said that extension of quarantine time will also further reduce the economy of China. This pandemic will also restrict the manufacturing of any new machines and equipment. In this way, Bitcoin halving will decrease the IT sector functioning. 

Experts believed that post coronavirus outbreak, finances will go to Bitcoin because it is secured digital currency. But, this technology trend decreased because the economy worldwide is watching a reducing trend. 

Functioning of Bitcoin solely depends on demand and not on GDP or economy condition. This is the reason why Bitcoin cost is showing rapid changes in this situation of crisis. It is true that Covid-19 is slowing down the cryptocurrency development services in the entire IT sector but it is sure to again increase in future. 

Currently, there has been a long quarantine time but if it continues further then the Bitcoin sector will see devastating results. Moreover, in today’s date, Bitcoin has only touched the industrial sector around the globe. It is yet to spread its wings because crypto is not available for public use such as exchanging Bitcoin for important things like clothes or food. This is the reason why the crypto market is seeing a declining trend due to Covid-19.

Bitcoin is a kind of digital gold and this has seen a huge repercussion as soon as the coronavirus outbreak was in its beginning phase. So, crypto markets are currently in the negative impact. Stock markets of various countries are seeing a record low due to the virus outbreak. Industrial sectors worldwide have begun to perform low and that’s why crypto markets are declining. Due to the economy going down, the cryptocurrency technology sector is affected badly.

Closing Thoughts: 

So, it would not be wrong to say that the cryptocurrency and Bitcoin segment is the top most in witnessing a decline because of the coronavirus outbreak. It is also important to know that this technology sector will take time to grow again after this virus outbreak ends. Though, it can be said that after the virus outbreak, the technology sectors like Bitcoin and cryptocurrency will be the first to heighten first because they are digital currency market.

Harshita Khangarot

A skilled content writer and a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn more, I specialize in technical, banking, hospitality, and poetry content writing; while taking every opportunity as a responsibility and believe in creativity that is beneficial for society.

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