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Deep Learning: How New Frameworks Will Drive The Next Generation of IoT Mobile Apps

written by Harshita Khangarot | Apr 07, 2020
New Frameworks Will Drive The Next Generation of IoT Mobile Apps

IoT as a technology is becoming an essential integration in the machines for effective and efficient usage. It is with the help of the internet of things that the real-time statistics of computers working in an environment is received.

IoT has changed the way humans used to interact with the machines. Also, it has enhanced the efficiency of machines in the real world environment with reducing the manual work and automation of various processes such as collecting data, synchronization with electronic devices etc. 

Provide the users with the comfort and advantage of this technology by the IoT application development from an established development company like BR Softech.

Components for Your IoT Mobile Application Development

The process of the IoT mobile app development goes through different stages. The developer needs to work precisely to build a flawless, well-synchronized network between the physical devices, software and the network. The four essential stages have been discussed below to give you an idea about the same.

Hardware: The hardware required to build an IoT device requires low-energy sensors. These sensors should feature Bluetooth and internet connectivity. 

There is much hardware available in the market. You can also go for an optimized sensor which can be built depending on the idea and the usage. The mobile device will also be IoT hardware for the ecosystem.

Software: It works as a control panel and manages all the interlinked devices. It can be a cloud-based mobile application or web application. The software should be able to collect information from the devices as well as from the users.

Cloud: Nowadays, new technology is used for storing the data on the network as storing and processing vital information is not practically possible on the physical devices. It will also assist in processing the data.

Network: During the process of IoT application development, one should ensure that the network should be capable of linking all the devices with real-time updates. It should transfer data both the ways that are from the application to the devices and the sensors and vice versa.

Salient features in IoT application development

Salient Features in IoT AppWith the development of an app comes many challenges. The right developer with regular testing will help you overcome and fix the bugs in the application.

  • Security: The IoT application, the devices and the network should not compromise on safety. As an IoT ecosystem consists of various connecting points, the hackers tend to find a loophole to gain entry and access the confidential information

While developing an IoT application, a secure network needs to be established for the users to prefer it.

  • Adaptability: Users face inconsistency when it comes to IoT applications. It becomes troublesome while connecting devices of different brands. The IoT application development should be technology oriented rather than brand-oriented, which will ensure enhanced adaptability and hence reliability.

IoT and everyday life

The integration of technology in everyday life has made life much more comfortable. IoT gives a platform for humans to conveniently perform daily tasks with the interference of machines and electronic devices capable of providing real-time feedback. This has simultaneously raised the needs of IoT mobile app development.

From smart cities to smart cars, the interlinking of mobile-based applications with other devices not only gives the efficiency of the devices that we use but also provides feedback on how the quality can be improved.

Development of IoT app

There are multiple stages that the developers in coordination with the stakeholder go through in the process of IoT app development company. Some of these are mentioned below.

  • Selecting the platform: The first step requires the developer to choose the right platform catering to the needs and idea of the client. Also, the budget plays a vital role in selecting the platform for IoT app development.

There are multiple platforms available in the market, such as HomeKit, Android Things, ThingWorx, Xively, Ubidots, Azure IoT Suite, IBM Watson, Oracle IoT, Kaa. 

No matter what platform you chose, the more flexible it is in supporting multi-brand devices, the more successful it gets amongst users.

  • Hardware selection: Choosing the hardware is another typical task that requires vast market research. The developer can either go for customized hardware or select pre-existing hardware by a reliable brand.
  • Speed: In the case of the IoT application to be a success, the network should attain a lightning-fast speed. As application transmits real-time data from the sensors to the machines and voice versa, a high-speed connection must be the top priority.
  • User security: For the IoT application to be a success, the developer must deliver a secure platform with no loopholes to resist the potential hackers from hacking into the system and manipulate its processing. Also, there is a lot of confidential information circulating on the servers that should remain safely stored on the servers.
  • Adaptable for the increasing data: As with time, the number of users increases, and so does the data storage on the servers. The app should be flexible and welcoming for the new data, and this can only be attained by consistent screening.

The development cost of IoT applications

Development Cost of IoT AppThe cost to endeavour projects of IoT mobile app development varies from idea to idea. The cost of selection and implementation of different tools for making IoT applications, the devices and checkpoints at technology aspect vary.

Many factors are necessary to consider estimating the price of development.

  • The idea plot, the framework depending on the target audience, is the most essential. The type of operation is enough to give you a rough estimate of the cost incurs.
  • The technology used in the development of the app is another deciding factor.
  • The fee charged by the developer for developing the application, be it on an hourly basis or the cost of completing the project.

Some IoT applications

  • Nest: This is a smart home dedicated mobile app. The application is designed to synchronize with your home appliances and provide a detailed description of the energy consumption. It is compatible with smart devices at your home.
  • The application also notifies you about the quantity of smoke in your home atmosphere and the amount of CO2 being emitted. It also enables you to remotely lock the doors of your house and provide information about the ongoing activities. Nest supports a maximum of 25 users at a time.
  • Blossom: Blossom is the application that is suitable for gardening enthusiasts. It lets you turn on the sprinklers and water the lawn remotely. Also, you can schedule the time for watering the lawn or set it to automatic sensing the weather. The application also features multiple modes for a variety of plants, garden or the location it is being used for.
  • Whistle: The application comes as a relief for all the pet owners. With a single attachment of a GPS device on your pet’s collar, you can track their live location and get rid of the hassle of chasing them around in the house. A most important advantage of the application is that it uses the internet instead of the Bluetooth which allows you to track the pet even if you’re a thousand miles away.


The IoT technology is aiding the life of the individuals to be it personal or professional by linking the devices and collecting the data. This interlinking of devices provides real-time data to the users and makes their life simpler. 

You can also dive deep in the ocean of IoT technology and provide the users with a dedicated application to fulfil their needs. Demand for service provider app development is rising tremendously. With many companies out in the market, it can be a tedious task for you to search the right company.

To make the job simpler, BR Softech, a leading IT and software firm, a hub of experts that will help you give wings to your idea and develop the desired application with complete after sales guidance.

Harshita Khangarot

A skilled content writer and a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn more, I specialize in technical, banking, hospitality, and poetry content writing; while taking every opportunity as a responsibility and believe in creativity that is beneficial for society.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.