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App Development

Improve your Healthcare Lifestyle with “Lockdown People Tracking App”

written by Harshita Khangarot | May 12, 2020
Lockdown People Tracking App

The year 2020 has been a year of struggle, grief, unity, compassion. Little was known about the virus that started its journey from the east will travel the entire globe leaving no nation unknown from its horror. 

With its goal to wipe out the human race without shedding a single drop of blood, it was getting hard to keep a check on the chaos that it was creating. The chaotic situation demanded the need for social distancing, and the government started spreading the awareness. 

However, even after sensing and witnessing the worldwide crisis on the news channel, it was getting difficult to make the people follow the advice of social distancing. Hence, a countrywide lockdown was imposed. 

The lockdown helped to keep the spread of the virus in check. However, it was not thoroughly followed, limiting its maximal advantage. The state of disorder demanded a need for the lockdown people management app. 

The government realized that regulations and apps for detecting COVID-19 were not enough to win in the fight against the COVID-19, but a full-fledged app to track the citizens’ movement was also required. 

Lockdown Tracking app for COVID-19 can be an intelligent investment to contribute to the cause and work towards societal welfare. 

BR Softech is a leading software solution company that can provide you with active tracking and management software to safely practice activities at your workplace.

Need For A People Tracking And Management Software

Since the implementation of social distancing and the imposed lockdown was not enough to manipulate the situation, the intervention of private software solution companies became a necessity. 

Keeping a track on people’s movement is a tedious job and demands the need for a technical approach to it. Let’s have a look at the loopholes that gave rise to the idea of people tracker software-

  • Even after imposing the lockdown, an inter-border movement, as well as the cross border movement was witnessed.
  • The number of shops operating outnumbered the permitted ones even after the precise guidelines that were delivered by the government.
  • The number of people engaged in the commercial sectors was to be screened and managed. 
  • It was utmost important for the working institutes to abide by the 33% employee criteria on the premises, which was likely to be violated.

The hurdles, as mentioned above, demanded the need of a software-oriented approach rather than the manual accounting. BR Softech, a team of responsible developers, find it appropriate to develop an app that contributes to the welfare of the society with the feature to track coronavirus patients in your area.

BR Softech Lockdown Management App: Functioning

At BR Softech, we excel in providing effective software solutions with a vast number of satisfied clients availing our services. 

Meanwhile, when the government, doctors, media and defence forces were scrutinizing the situation, the app for tracking COVID-19 was under its development phase and now ready to hit the market with its strategically laid functioning. 

Lockdown Tracking App

Keep scrolling through this article to know about the functioning of the Citizen tracking app for COVID-19

  • Installation: Like any other app, to unleash the tracking potential of the app, the user needs to download the app for their mobile platform.
  • Sign-up: After downloading the app comes the signing-up phase. The user needs to register its identity using the mobile number.

After that, stepping out becomes accountable and adds convenience as the app prompts users to register on a page on every outing. 

Let us peek into the details that are required to fill by the user on an outing-

  • Name: The most basic but mandatory information to identify the user that is travelling.
  • Time and Date: The page asks the user to input the time and date of the to be scheduled travel for efficient monitoring. 
  • Color, Vehicle Name and Registration Number: User needs to enter the vehicle’s detail used for the travelling. It will enhance the accountability and minimize the chances of inappropriate usage of private vehicles as well as the vehicles assigned to supply essentials. 
  • From to where: A section dedicated to add the journey details that are the starting and endpoints of the trip. This accounts if the user has come across a virus prone area.
  • The number of passengers: Updating the number of passengers will not only help in tracking the people that accompanied but will also ensure whether the user is following the guidelines laid by the government that limits the number of passengers on travelling

Benefits Of People Tracking And Management Software

The citizen tracking app for COVID-19 will not only be helpful for the government to emphasize its planning but will promote the interests of private organizations as well. The need for effective screening is what makes the people tracking management software a must-to-have. 

Citizen Tracking App for Covid-19

Scroll down to know about the advantage of incorporating the people tracking and management software in operations-

  • It helps track the path travelled once the user registers with the app. This not only helps to set guidelines and restrict the user from getting near the red zone but also helps predict the chances of the user getting infected.
  • The app allows the management to track people’s mobilization aiding in effective management and organize safe dispersion and informing about the possible exposure to the virus.
  • The app also lets the administration keep a check on the number of shops available/operating in society. Also, it accounts the type of commerce going in the area for enhanced regulation.
  • The software has a provision for QR scanners that helps the police official intervene in the scenario of any suspect. 
  • The tracker can help maintain the 33% staff threshold that has been declared by the government. 

To keep the employees safe, it is mandatory to allow a minimum workforce only at the office premises. The software aims to promote social distancing and alert in case if it is voided.

  • It cut short the long process of applying for an outpass and waiting for it to get approved. With the help of its software-oriented alternative, the user can conveniently enter the required information and register themselves before moving out.
  • Organizations can track their employees’ movements for enhanced security and limit their presence in the office if in case of suspected exposure.

The benefits, as mentioned above, make the app an essential software to have in the fight against the deadly pandemic. The people tracking and management software with the potential to track coronavirus patients in your area makes it a valuable tool.

The app allows the admin to trace the suspects and their immediate contacts in the past 15 to 30 days period. It not only suggests the quarantine period but also provides real-time alerts to avoid any human until the quarantine periods collapse.

Last Few Words

According to the Ministry Of Health And Family Welfare, India in its fight with the outbreak of deadly coronavirus, has recently touched the number of 46008 active cases.

Since no vaccine or drug has been developed yet that targets the COVID-19, it is suggested to take precautionary measures and limit movement unless it is a case of an emergency. 

Companies with its expertise like BR Softech has been successful in developing software that helps in people management by identifying the hotspots, dispatching alerts in case if contacted any infected person, suggesting self-quarantine in case of suspicion, and providing real-time updates.

BR Softech’s citizen tracking app for COVID-19 is an ideal software solution that can help the government as well as private sectors to operate with precautions and keep the risk of contamination at bay with precise tracking of citizens and employees respectively.

Harshita Khangarot

A skilled content writer and a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn more, I specialize in technical, banking, hospitality, and poetry content writing; while taking every opportunity as a responsibility and believe in creativity that is beneficial for society.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.