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App Development

Upcoming Trends of Mobile Game Development: How it will Shape the Future of the Gaming Industry?

written by Nidhi Sharma | Jan 02, 2020
Game development trends 2020

The explosion of technology advancement and the quick adoption of trending technologies is making a significant difference in the mobile game development industry.  Many popular IT companies are focusing only on providing game development services as the demand for ultimate mobile game development has increased at a high level. We’ve all witnessed dynamic dimensions of the gaming trends in the past few years, and it has caught the attention of gamers around the world.

Every second IT Industrialist is switching towards game app development. The craze has increased at a high level, and platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have also started to develop the innovative mobile games, as they are the force with the demand to introduce the engaging games for entertainment.

A Statista report suggests that With over 2.7 billion smartphone users across the world, it’s no surprise that the mobile app industry is thriving. App usage and smartphone penetration are still growing at a steady rate, without any signs of slowing down in the foreseeable future.

Witnessing the changes and noticing these trends it is quite obvious that emerging mobile game trends 2020 are not going to slow down soon in the near future.

The competition is exceptionally high in the global gaming market, and entities are bringing innovative tools and technologies to offer a unique and advanced platform to their customers. It has been a new challenge for game developers to develop a unique and modern solution. Each year new technology, features, tools, or trends have been introduced in the market. The main objective of every game app development company is to bring an advanced platform that can fully satisfy the requirements of the customer. Moreover, treasure the trending technologies and develop an excellent next-generation game.

The main attribute to develop an efficient game is with the combination of the best functionality and designing. The functionality should be invincible, and designing should have an ability to attract viewers and make them feel like they are playing at the venue. Along with this, advanced features have become indispensable and helps us to turn the game refined and impressive. To continue the interaction, the players on the platform, the new features and trends are beginning and marking their presence in the global market.

So here in this blog, we bought you the upcoming game development trends in 2020, which will redefine the future of the game development industry.  Follow the futuristic approach of game development and understand the market demand for better user experience and more significant results. Any mobile game development will be incomplete without the use of these upcoming technologies and advanced features.

Mobile Game Development Trends of 2020 – Formula for Success

gaming trends 2020

1) VR And AR:

This technology has become the superpower of the game. It will enable users to have a real experience. AR and VR technology has grown widely in the world and adopted by all the game enthusiasts. People have shown a deep interest in the modern and latest technology, which results in the near future, the mobile gaming industry is definitely getting unlimited opportunities for game developer

AR and VR technology helps users to experience the real world virtually and it is the most demanding technology and it gives a feeling of modernity. The addition of this technology brings the quality of elegance to the gaming platform. AR developers have to smartly execute this latest technology to the platform so the user can experience the real world into Virtuality.

2) Integrate With Social Media Platform:

Nowadays people are crazy behind social media, a large group of people found online only. So people prefer to play games with their friends and family, so they look for a platform where they can invite them. So, linking with social media platforms is really essential and it attracts a large number of groups. Enabled people to invite, engage and share with other gaming friends. Players feel intense fascination on the social media platform. It will help customers to increase their usability. They can play their favorite game with their friends at any corner of the world.

3) Multiplayer Feature:

Players prefer to play with their known ones, multiplayer feature is a demand of the gaming industry, it is a most essential part of the game. It enabled users to play with their friends or family and allow them to enjoy the experience. To add this feature is a Lil bit difficult task for game developers as they have to develop while keeping the functionality of multiplayer in their mind for the game. This will also be helpful for the social media platform as it will help players to engage with the community and open them an opportunity to enjoy the interesting mobile interactive sessions.

4) Offer Cloud Game:

Cloud games are a new trend and demand for the gaming industry. Yes, now people prefer to play cloud games as in this user don’t have to think about the storage space and they don’t have to bother downloading the game, they can play live games. It is the best way to redefine the games and to opt for technology. To use this technology, people should only have smartphones and a suitable internet connection. It would not be wrong to say that the coming year 2020 or in further year’s cloud game will be the king of the future gaming industry. It is an online game. Basically, cloud games are dependent on two main types and they are video streaming and file streaming.

5) Mobile Games:

Now people have reduced their interest in playing games on PC, now they prefer to play the game on mobile devices. As in this hustle-bustle life, for them, it is not possible that they can be stuck to the PC all the time and play the game. They are forced to switch on mobile games as in free time also they can easily access the mobile games as they can play the game anytime and from anywhere. Mobile is often the first choice for players to play the game. In the market, the demand for mobile developers has also increased as compared to PC developers. Customers are looking to hire a mobile app developer in the global market.

In 2019, global mobile game revenue grew to $68.5B. Newzoo estimates that by the end of 2020, that number will hit $76.7B – a 12% increase. With a near year right around the corner, here’s our analysis of what you can expect from the mobile gaming industry trends in 2020.

6) Target Every Generation:

Those days are gone when games were only for the children, now games should be targeting everyone girls, boys, sensible ladies, working employees, etc. The game should cover a wider group of people and not age targeting should not be limited. Everyone can play it even elderly people can also enable them to play and pass their time on it.

7) Offline Games:

It is counted among an essential characteristic and others use to look for this feature, so they can be enabled to play offline games. This feature is beneficial when people use to travel or they don’t have internet connectivity. In that case, an Offline game feature doesn’t lead to disappointment. It will increase the preference of the players to opt for your game as nowadays, mobile games have no value if they are not connected to the internet. Basically, the offline game allows players to continue their gaming sessions if they are not connected to the internet. Even now, Google has added a novel category of offline gaming application to its play store. Numerous video gaming trends in 2020 are creating a buzz in the offline gaming market.

8) Add Live Activities:

Android app developers and iPhone app developers both have to add some features to attract the players as games are not enough to impress the players. Now the time has changed and app developers have to add some features to attract the audience and people are keen to know about the live events and updates in the society or what’s going near them. Through the live activity, game developers can add live elements and it adds interest, rennation and trust factor towards the platform.

9) Location-Based Games:

Now people can play the game on the location-based it is a new preference of the gaming industry. These types of mobile games are based on GPS enabled. Android game development offers a huge opportunity for the user. This type is a new demand to the world.

10) Live Interaction:

This will be an additional feature to the app as people are attracted to social media and they like to chit chat at the social level. So via live interaction people can entertain themselves along with playing the game. It will add an entertainment feature towards the gaming platform and offer an opportunity to interact with other players.

11) Better Consoles: –

The emergence of technology has replaced traditional consoles with handheld consoles. These handheld consoles are catching the attention of gamers around the globe and becoming the next big thing in the future. These are smaller in size as compared to home video game consoles and contain tons of fantastic games, better battery life, speakers, and attention-grabbing features.

12) Wearable Games Trend: –

Virtual reality has blessed the gaming industry with wearable games. Leverage the power of technology advancement by converting your idea of wearing your own device in existence and making the best-selling next-gen game. This advanced technology certainly helps the gaming industry 2020 to bring something new and innovative in the market and seek the best possible outcome in the future.

13) 5G Internet: –

The most significant revolution in the gaming industry is the introduction of 5G. It offers in-depth coverage, reaches to challenging locations, ultra-low complexity,  high density, extreme user mobility, robust security, utmost capacity, and ultra-low latency. It implies a faster, more secure and dependable connection for smartphones, PC’s, consoles and other devices.

14) Cross-Platform Technology: –

With the introduction of cross-platform technology, game application development companies are offering more engaging and better user experience.  It’s a creation of a software application that is compatible with multiple mobile operating systems and allows developers to leverage the power of technology. There are many popular cross-platform mobile development tools which have captured the attention of developers all over the world like Xamarin, Monocross, Sencha Touch, and many others.

15) Revolutionary Game Engines: –

In the age of revolutionary trends and cutting edge technology gaming industries are coming up with advanced game engines and offering enriching gaming experience to the world. These gaming engines offer complete screen coordination with 2d and 3D technology. Many famous companies like Unity, Microsoft, and others are offering revolutionary game engines and allow game designers to build groundbreaking games.


Above points, will be the demand for the game app development, these upcoming gaming industry trends will be the most demanding features and in the coming years, without these characteristics, the game will be counted as an incomplete. With time, challenges for mobile game development companies have also increased as they have to develop an advanced and enrich feature application with all the modern features. Mobile application developers should be skillful and experienced to develop a modern app with suitable market demands. With these features, the mobile app development company should offer features like creating graphics, technology-enabled improvements and user-friendly themes at affordable and on a project to the clients to satisfy the clients.

These Upcoming mobile game development trends will change the shape of the gaming industry. The advanced gaming platform will be a combination of exciting and fantastic game features. May the list of upcoming trends expand according to the time and demand of the market.  It would be fascinating to see the changes in the coming years. There will be new strategies, robust solutions, and appealing technology for better future game trends 2020.

Nidhi Sharma

Holding years of rich experience in Content Writing on different niches and exploring ways to learn more. Majorly talks about Traveling, Games, Software, Mobile App Development, Lifestyle and attempts to spread knowledge about the latest trends and technologies.

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