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App Development

How much does it cost to design an application ?

written by Admin | May 07, 2017
How much does it cost to design an application?

We already get an idea that how much it costs to make a mobile app. Today we will cover what is an an average cost of application’s design – a thing that will be promoting your business and attracting people 24 hrs a day, a thing that is a powerful marketing tool.
When we ask ourselves: “How much does it cost to design an app for my firm?” we want to have all unrevealed points considered and the price estimated adequately.

So, what shall we start with when we are setting feet on the path of custom application’s creation? Just like planning a journey, it starts with a plan! A project design, a concept development.
The cost to design an app made up of plenty of variation, and there at every stage of design creation, should be considered individually and each of them influences the final app design price.
We provide a mixed bag approach to tell the issue of app design cost or app designers cost and to make sure that we do everything right so that our customers understand what they are paying their money for. This is a mandate of our company, to produce complex things but explain everything in simple terms.

Learning again about Design Creation to know Cost of Application

I. Data collection and analysis.

When you plan a strategy for a very important objective of your application, then on its own it decides the needs of UX/UI design that are going to be implemented.


  • We need to set goals and openly resist to problem, for which an app should provide solution. To determine and streamline the best design features and functions of your application, set a clear business goal.
  • Audience definition. The key question here is “Who are we doing this for?” At this stage market and consumer research are performed, and discussions with stakeholders are conducted.
  • Reorganization of user roles, formation of used cases, behavioral scenarios and collection of user stories.

Influencing factor #1.

Hours spent. There are case where we need to use the fixed budget scheme, but on the other hand, while working at complex design projects, it is reasonable to have regard to the number of screens rendered. We tend to discuss all cases on individual basis, so that all benefits of this or that type of payment can be availed.

Influencing factor #2:

Choosing mobile platforms and devices. There are cases where you find that Android app design cost would be a bit higher, because it often takes more time (15-20%) to be developed in comparison with iPhone ones. Consequently, you would need to be ready to pay more for designers’ time in this case. All the benefits and dis benefits of platforms available are described in the article, for example How to Choose a Mobile Development Platform?
Roughly estimated time: 20 to 40 hours.

What do we get at this stage?

That is when we able to know that what customer actually need and make all essential preparations in order to start satisfying his or her request.
II. Prototyping

  • To be frank at this juncture, we develop and formalize concepts, build work flow and perform usability testing. This is where user experience (UX) design starts being turned into reality. The whole app idea passes a feasibility test.
  • Do not rush. You need to decide how many multi screens your application will need. This doesn’t only become a starting point for designers you hire, but also directly influences potential price to design a mobile app.

Influencing factor #3: We need to rely on not so complex concept that is more the screens, the higher is the cost.
Influencing factor #4: You may want to design different interfaces for various screen sizes or set a limit and stick to one specific screen size for a smartphone or tablet.
Influencing factor #5: Native, web or hybrid application. We got to know the variation in our Mobile app Development: Native vs Cross Platform App article
Roughly estimated time: 40 to 80 hours.
What do we get at this stage? Prototyping is about taking your idea and embedding it into application with some basic functionality. A prototype is very important factor as it allows your major customers to see substantial pros of your product instead of getting meager visualization and product description. A good prototype supplies half of the progress to your project design, which we discussed in details in our article about importance about prototyping
The formation and repetition of prototypes may take more time than it is expected at initial stage. However, good prototyping in fact is able to save your budget. How’s that? To be informed with prototyping, the team already has all the required structure needed to start working on important features, by the time the project moves to the development stage. This also leads to less risk of changing user requirements that may occur in the life cycle of a project.
Influencing factor #6: Changes in user requirements
We at BRSoftech always work as a team player and one unit with the client to avoid and eliminate all possible misunderstandings. And this is how we save time and budget, so that final products exceeds our mutual expectations.
III. Incorporation of visual (UI) design
In case the previous stages frankly answers the question “Why we are doing this ?” then form answers to the question “How we are doing this (but still not the app UI design cost) ?”


  • At this stage, all app’s screens are rendered and the content and elements are organized for each screen with consideration of previously approved color scheme.
  • Point to be noted that the visual design states how the product will work, as the user keeps moving from one screen to another. You can hire UX/UI designer from BRSoftech.
  • Wire frames – framework of the upcoming design are created. Their basic aim is to add practicality to each screen and to exhibit the dependency between the screens just gray boxes with main elements. Thus, wire frames are depiction of design elements, disadvantaged of interactive component. Their role lies in communication and documentation.
  • When a wire frame starts to talk or let us when it starts it work, it becomes a prototype – an interactive representation of the final product. What is the role of a prototype? It models user experience, simulates user interface design and helps performing extensive user testing. It address the stakeholders to review a solution, so that it is tested with users before spending money on coding.

Roughly estimated time: 40 to 200+ hours
What do we get at this stage? We get the essence, feel and look of the product. This in turn would mean that sampling out the right colors, shapes, fonts, frames etc.
The cost of a mobile app design cost depends on a global location?
It is in fact an influencing factor #6.
The following are hourly rates for design services in various countries:

  • In US and Canada the rate is $50-150 per hour
  • In Western Europe and UK the rate is $65-130 per hour
  • In Eastern Europe the rate is $30-50 per hour
  • In India the rate is $5-25

The Final Words:

The cost to design an android app or cost to design an iOS app depends on the following things:

  • Complexity of the app and number of custom elements
  • A type and number of platforms and devices the app would be used at
  • Amount of features implemented and screens rendered
  • Designers’ proficiency and experience
  • Geographical location of design services company
  • Possible changes of user requirements

The objective of the article was to let you know that how much does a mobile app design costs in BR Softech. We believe that by such a small paragraph, we have tried to let you know the design development in our company. Please be informed that what could be better than a business relationship and understanding the practicality of internal processes or attitudes of the partner company, is it right?


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

About Us

BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.