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11 Reasons Why Mixed Reality Technology Will Grow in 2020

written by Nidhi Sharma | Feb 12, 2020
What Is Mixed Reality

Experience the unprecedented era of technology advancement with this radical technology.  The rise of the internet, personal computing as well as smartphones has completely transformed our lives and approx 99% worlds data is stored digitally, which is required to reach closer to 100% by 2020. The rise of mixed reality development has brought exceptional ways of experiencing information while marking digital presence.

It’s a perfect blend of the physical world with the digital world. It is the next evolution in computer, human and environment, interaction with enhanced business potential and mixed reality solutions. It seamlessly blends into our physical reality, combining several types of technology into one device and offering a glimpse of the future.

The global mixed reality market is expected to grow at a CAGR of over 40% and will reach a value of over $3.7 billion by 2025.

All the major tech companies like Google, Apple, Microsoft, and others are taking an interest in this exciting future technology while bringing innovative solutions

What Is Mixed Reality?. 

Mixed reality is also known as hybrid reality. It’s an excellent combination of the real and virtual world to produce a new environment. Its an extraordinary upgraded version of augmented reality (AR) and visual reality (VR). It strives to put fully digital objects that are trackable and intractable in the user’s environment.

It was first introduced in a 1994 paper, By Paul Milgram and Fumio Kishino. This paper introduced the concept of mixed reality and how it can go beyond imagination. This advanced technology can help you save a lot of time and money while providing with life long experience.

It’s an excellent combination of the real and virtual world to produce a new environment. The growth in mixed reality application has unlocked numerous possibilities that were initially limited to our imagination. It has changed the way we interact with each other in real-time.

To know more about these hot trending technologies read our detailed blog.

Redefine Your Experience With Advance Technologies Virtual Reality vs Augmented Reality vs Mixed Reality

Let’s find out the reasons why mixed reality technology will grow in 2019

reasons why mixed reality technology will grow in 2019

1. Empower Online Learning: –  Mixed reality is a powerful technology. It can change the dimension of education and training in the industry while influences it dramatically and bringing drastic changes. The choice of learning depends on several factors and individuals access to technology. It has transformed education and learning while providing with ample opportunities.

2. Transform Aircraft Industry: –  Mixed reality has the power to change the environment of a person’s surroundings and provide primary aircraft training to engineers involved in repairing engines.  By employing mixed reality, one no longer needed to extract the engine out of the aircraft, one can solely use the headset and can view the holographic image of the engine and get the in-depth knowledge.

3. Make Construction, Easy: – Make construction easy and allow workers to understand the technical diagram effortlessly using mixed reality. This advanced technology helps workers to understand which equipment is not working or what work is yet to be completed through virtual signals.

4. Examine the Manufacturing Industry Closely: – Mixed reality has the potential to transform the manufacturing process completely. It helps you find new ways to grow and excel at product quality while offering real-time information for various components. It allows you to get actual insight and helps scrutiny officer with it.

5. Real-time Reviewing: –  This advance technology helps in reviewing the design of a product before even launching it in the market and can cover the risk areas while identifying the weak points. MR can help get you real-time reviewing and speed up the entire process of designing and developing the product.

6. Ease Medical Industry: – Mixed reality is a combination of the virtual environment combined with the real world. It can help the medical industry and allow doctors to perform various surgical or educational activities effortlessly with building greater understanding. It allows doctors to imagine instead of actual objects.

7. Support Growing Shipping and Logistic Industry: –  Shipping and Logistic Industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in India. It helps in connecting people from around the world. The advancement of technology, making it easy and convenient for customers to deliver goods or parcel in time and provide them with the convenience of checking details using a smartphone. With this advanced technology, one can get the entire details of shipping, solve queries, and can display the answer.

8. Conceptual Prototyping: – Bring your product to life with mixed reality using conceptual prototyping. It helps the user to know how valuable and usable your product is for the end-user. With conceptual prototyping, we help you provide with the complete insight on how actual user will use the products and how you can improve by addressing their issues.

9. Embrace Team Communication: – Leverage the power of this advanced technology and bridge the gap between teams spread around the world.  It helps you streamline the complete process wherein one can see 3D versions of the product being made along with features related to language translation and stimulate video meetings.

10. Mixed Reality Remote Assistant: – Solve your problems in real-time using this advanced technology and share the work with employees remotely. This technology brings all the employees together in real-time and efficiently solves the problem using team support. It reduces the cost and allows you to walk the site without being at the location.

11. MR Make Programming Look & Feel Real: – Programming plays a vital role in the entire development process. With the great demand for software applications, the requirement for security is high. Mixed reality helps in making the whole process secure and focus on offering the customer a better customer experience. By implementing this technology, you can change the look and feel of the overall user experience.

The advancement of Mixed reality technology is capturing the world with innovations and creativity for years. Mixed reality is the outcome of melding the real world with the digital globe. Let us help you know how MR, VR, and AR App Development helps us to serve clients better and help different industries.

How Mixed Reality Applications Help Industries

How Mixed Reality Applications Help Industries? 

Helps you enhance user interaction.

Provides with detailed access to analytics.

Increase sales and generate high revenue.

Helps in increasing customer engagement rate.

Helps you build the best experience possible. 

Mixed reality is emerging as a trending technology in the technological world and has rapidly made a natural impulse outsourcing in every sector, whether it is based on mobile app growth, web development, software development. Most of the leading businesses and top-notch organization use these trending technologies.

The growth in mixed reality application has unlocked numerous possibilities that were initially limited to our imagination. Technological advances display graphical processing and computer vision that have changed the way we interact with each other in real-time.

BR Softech is a leading Mixed reality, augmented reality and virtual Reality Development Company. We help you develop advanced solutions for your business keeping the recent trends and technologies in mind. Let’s see the opportunity in every difficulty with our team of professionals and get constant and persistent results.

Nidhi Sharma

Holding years of rich experience in Content Writing on different niches and exploring ways to learn more. Majorly talks about Traveling, Games, Software, Mobile App Development, Lifestyle and attempts to spread knowledge about the latest trends and technologies.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.