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Reasons Why Influencer Marketing is Right for Your Brand ?

written by Admin | May 22, 2017
Influencer Marketing

Folkes to be honest the Influencer marketing has become one of the most go after marketing tactics in 2017. A study has revealed that brands increased their influencer marketing budget by 59%.
With so much content online, already, it’s hard for brands to cut through the noise and get their message to the target audience.

In fact, how to deal with content is the matter right now. The question is no longer how to create content, but how to get people to respond, read, and act on it.
To be frank as a brand, the strategy should be clear in mind, and on paper for promoting your content, product, and ideas. There are lot of brands that are targeting the same consumers so you need to make a strategy on how to reach these consumers faster.

The unpleasant truth is, that a marketing pertaining to influencer may not work for every product, content, industry, or scenario.

Are you wasting time with influencer marketing ?

So, how you will get the assurance that you’re not wasting time with influencer marketing? Let’s start with a simple question:
1) Does Your Product Have Mass Appeal?
Before one get into the influencer marketing, one needs to examine whether or not your product will interest enough consumers.
Remember that every product has a topic- and that topic must be popular to be successful. These are simple tips on how to gauge product’s appeal:

  • Does the news possess your content? Have you ever heard ?
  • How many similar products are already in the market ?
  • What about demographic appeal? Does your product have it ?
  • How excited the consumers to know more about the product ?

All these questions are so important as far as influencer are concerned because you’ll be exposing your product and content to thousands if not millions of people at the same time.
But if your product is niche, then the whole idea of leveraging on this marketing tactic may be futile.
More importantly, you need to be able to determine the marketability factor of your product. For example, people will take lot interest if it is a mobile app. Similarly the games pertaining to video, mobile and thrones will have a equal mass appeal.
This also means that influences will likely help you amplify its reach if you spend time designing a product that will resonate with a broad audience.
Hence a niche product will not make sense. Because it’s an indication that you can’t meet up with the demand, as it were.
2) Is Your Design Up to Par ?

Yes, design matters.
Design plays an important role in branding. Design always comes first but you can use social media as well to improve your brand.
A serious design makes it easier for consumers to know your brand. But that’s not all – it also meets the following goals:

  • Communicating a clear value proposition/message
  • Proves your credibility to consumers
  • Creating loyalty with new and existing customers
  • Connecting and sharing information with your customers

Whether you’re using an agency or doing it yourself you need to get your design in order. You need to understand the objectives before you start making strategy using web page design, content design, or product design.
Truth is, using famous people, celebrities, power users, and experts to sell products and services is not a new idea.

Having a professional look is critical.

A good design is the one that helps you in creating the first impression and it does not matter what you want to promote (article, video, podcast, ebook, mobile app, software, whitepaper, etc.). It will educate, inspire, and influence decisions.
If you have a good content then you can give influencer a reason to like, share, and promote your content at will.
The Over app is a good example. The app’s one-page website has a user-friendly interface and intuitive design, and the great use of video makes it fun.
Note: The essence of a having a professional design isn’t so you can look good (although it’s a good reason) in front of influencer and consumers, but you want to capture the audience smoothly and convey your message more clearly.
3) Do You Have a Social Media Presence?
To be honest and frank social media is the lifeblood of influencer marketing.
Now one can automate postings with tools like Buffer, Hootsuite and more so in this way you don’t need to spend time on facebook, instagram or pinterest.
The social media will have a great presence so that when an influencer tweets your content/product or retweets it, you can take advantage of that social proof to engage with your audience better.
Let me tell you a fact that to drive influencer the brands put large amounts of money for marketing success. In fact, it’s estimated that 52% of companies have a stand-alone sponsored social budget for their brand.
To enhance influencer you don’t need to run after social media like anything. Trust me, you’ll be distracted if you choose to dominate Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and other social networks at once.
The rule of thumb is to start small.
When influencer are sharing your content on social media, it’s important if you’re being tagged in the post. This way, you’ll get a notification and can reshare/retweet the post to get more traffic to your website. You can also look for social media website clone solution.
4) Are There Influencer for Your Target Market?
Influencer marketing begins with engagement. Yes, you need to engage only the right people. When you do that, then you know you’re on the right track.
In case of Influencer marketing you don’t need to connect with every forum that comprises of social media. It makes no sense. Or does it?
Here’s a case scenario: Let’s say I’m promoting my new book to help mobile app developers get more downloads, who do you think is my target influencer?

  • A finance expert?
  • A personal coach
  • An app marketing expert?

Sure I heard you, “the app marketing expert.”
It will be mistake if you will be contacting influencer.
To identify influencers it is important to take into consideration the audience type, content type and style, and level of engagement. Endeavor to build relationships with influencers, and don’t be carried away by influencer’s huge number of social fans.

Quality always beat quantity.

The Final Words

Please be informed that one can make informative resolution concerning influencer marketing – whether to invest into it (and position yourself to get results) or ditch it.
Remember that influencer marketing isn’t a fluke. As a matter of facts, it’s come to stay – and if you start using it, you’ll reach more consumers and save a lot of money on native advertising.
Get clear on your objectives, and don’t forget to make your influencer criteria unique to other brands.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.