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App Development

How to Reduce Mobile App Deployment Time ?

written by Nitin Garg | Oct 01, 2019
how to reduce mobile app development time

The United States app market is expected to gross nearly $820 billion in the next year. For most app developers, finding a way to get an app constructed and in the hands of consumers in a hurry is a top priority. While you want to build and deploy your app quickly, you need to avoid releasing that is not ready for mass consumption.

Getting in a hurry to release an app that isn’t quite done can have a very negative affect on sales and the public perception of your company. The following are some of the ways you can reduce app cost and deployment time without sacrificing the functionality of the program in question.

Using Deployment Tracking Software is Beneficial

The only way to ensure your app is ready for deployment is by tracking the real-time changes being made to it. Whether these changes involve something serious like choosing a database management system or minor changes like changes to colors and font, you need to know about them. A deployment tracking software program will allow you to see these changes and get information about how they affect deployment and any predetermined KPIs.

With these programs, you can reduce the amount of time you and your team spend looking for coding errors. Providing your team with this help software will ensure that the app is completely functional and ready for deployment.

Deploying in Batches is a Wise Move

When trying to release major updates to an app, you need to try and deploy them in batches. By reducing the number of changes implemented on your app, you can easily identify problems. Trying to release large data packets filled with lots of different changes is a recipe for disaster.

There are a number of tools, like Compuware and Microsystems that allow developers to create and deploy these batches with ease. With the help of automated batching you can keep your app development project on or ahead of schedule. The key to having a successful app development process is using the tools available to you adequately.

Choosing the Right Key Performance Indicators

During the initial planning phase of the app development process, you and your team will need to develop a list of key performance indicators. Not only are these KPIs designed to track user engagement, they can also help you and your team see areas that need to be improved. With this information, you can roll out updates that are actually needed.

app time reduce

Tracking things like the number of downloads and app open rate are essential. You will also need to see how long the average session is to ensure users are engaging with the app for long periods of time. If this KPI is rather low, chances are the app has functionality issues. Ignoring these problems will lead to the app taking a nosedive in popularity, which can cost your company a lot of money. This is why keeping an eye on crucial KPIs is vital.

Don’t Forget to Test The App Adequately

While speeding up the deployment process is essential, you don’t need to shortchange the time spent testing the app. Allowing your team and a group of consumers to put the new app through the paces is a good idea. The information from these user tests will help you optimize the app before release.

You should also take some time to perform security testing on the app. This will help you avoid problems with things like data breaches later on. Not only will you need to allow members of your team to test the app, using consumers is also a good idea. 

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Creating a group of consumers who have previous experience with your programs is essential. Once they have tested out the app, they will be able to provide valuable feedback. Getting insights on the user experience from a consumer is beneficial. With this information, you can easily optimize the app for long-term success. 

Putting the Right Team in Place Is Crucial

Most business owners fail to realize that every app development project is not the same. Using the same people time and time again on these projects can create lots of problems. The last thing you want is for all of the apps produced by your company to look exactly the same. This is why mixing things up a bit is a good idea. 

Putting together a team of new developers is a great way to shake things up a bit. Instead of rushing through the hiring process, take the time to weigh all of your options. Before looking for new developers to hire, make a list of some of the attributes you want. 

Does the new developer need experience with Ruby or C++? Do you need help flushing out the details for a new app? Finding the right people to hire for this task can make a big difference in the overall success of this project. 

App Development and Deployment is a Team Sport

Trying to handle every aspect of building and deploying an app on your own is a horrible idea. Putting together a team of experienced professionals is the only way to ensure this process is successful.

Nitin Garg

I am Nitin Garg Founder of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning, app, web & game development company. We are armed with 180+ geeks & 2753 clients worldwide, I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.