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App Development

Reshape Your Business With Taxi Booking App Clone Script Like Ola & Uber

written by Admin | May 10, 2021

Starting a business is an elementary thing, but making it successful is another separate thing. It requires a lot of effort and the right strategies. If you are in a taxi booking business, you might have heard of taxi booking app like Uber and Ola. These apps have completely revolutionized the market of taxi booking business.

Many traditional taxi booking businesses have adopted similar business models like Ola and Uber to gain a competitive advantage. Ease of booking and high customer satisfaction are the primary reasons behind the increased adoption of the taxi booking business. 

If you are also in the taxi booking business and want to fuel your business with a taxi booking app clone, then this blog post will come in handy to you. Here in this blog post, we will try to get an answer to questions like why you need a taxi app clone script, how to develop a taxi booking app, and blah blah so keeps reading the post. 

Why Do You Need a Taxi Booking App Clone Script?

For that, first, we need to learn what those reasons are driving continuous growth to Uber and Ola. Uber was nothing more than an idea on a piece of paper that was implemented in the year 2008. The customer-centric approach of Uber makes it a tremendous success. 

A convenient and cost-efficient way of booking cabs was a prominent reason for Uber’s growth. Finding an idea and building an application from scratch requires a lot of time and money. With a taxi app clone script, you can reduce the app development cost and save a lot of time you need to invest in ideating the idea. 

Before opting for your ola or Uber-like business model, it would be beneficial for you to take a quick ride on the working flow of Uber and Ola. 

Customers download the application, complete the registration process, and request the ride by selecting their pickup and dropoff location. Customers can also pick suitable cars depending on the requirement or fare.

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After that, powerful algorithms of Ola and Uber come into action and search for the nearby cabs available to take rides. The driver will receive the customer ride request, the driver has the freedom to accept or decline the ride. If any chance driver rejects the ride, the application will automatically transfer the ride request to another driver. 

Payment can be auto-deducted at the end of the ride. Customers can choose to make payments through their credit/debit card, net banking, PayPal, or other popular payment wallets. 

Customers will also be asked to share their rating & review the driver and ride experience at the end of the ride. The driver review and rating system will facilitate the other customers to choose a driver for their next ride. 

What are the Essential Features of Taxi Booking App Clone Script?

Taxi booking app like Ola and Uber are equipped with a range of features to satisfy customers with their riding experience. Three portals for admin, driver, and passenger need to be developed to make the successful operation of the taxi booking app. 

Here goes our list of distinct features for all three portals. 

Passenger Panel

Register or Login

This feature will enable the users to register or login into your Uber like app. We can add multiple logins or register methods such as email, mobile number, and so on. 

Cab Booking 

Passengers will be able to choose their preferred type of taxi and the pickup location.

Fare Calculation

The application can calculate the total fare of the ride before booking a cab, depending on ride km, and the selected type of cab. 

Cab Tracking

Passengers can see the estimated route of the travel and the time they need to complete the ride.


We have added multiple convenient payment methods to the Uber clone taxi script. Passengers can choose to make payments using their debit/credit card, mobile wallets, net banking, and many other popular payment methods, depending on the area of the operation. 

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Call/Message Driver

Passengers can establish communication with the driver using the taxi app clone script in-app call or message feature.

Driver Rating & Review

The customer can rate and review the driver depending on the driver’s behavior during the ride and the comfort of the journey.

Ride History

Passengers can see all their previous ride history and transactions on the application.


Passengers can schedule their ride in advance. All they need to do is select the time, pickup & drop-off location, and the cab will be there at the specified time. 

>>>Read More : Key Features and Development Cost of a Taxi Aggregator app like UBER<<<

Multiple Stops

Passengers can add multiple stops to their ride along the route of the eventual destination. 

Book for Friends

Passengers can book cabs on the behalf of their friends and relatives by feeding taxi clone apps their information such as mobile number or email. On successful booking, Uber taxi clone script will notify their friends with the driver and car information. 

Driver Panel


On the dashboard, the driver can see full information related to the driver’s license, car hours, total earning, and other essential information. 

Trip Notification

When a passenger requests a ride, the driver will receive a notification on the screen. 


The Uber like taxi app will optimize all the routes to find out the shortest route to reach the customer’s destination. 

call to action - tax


The driver can also establish communication using the in-app calling or message facility. 


The driver can see details of the total earning, daily or weekly earning. 

Admin Panel

Revenue Management

The admin can view a detailed report of every driver including their daily, weekly, or yearly earring. 

Driver Document Verification

The admin can review and verify the driver’s document. If anything is found suspicious about the driver, the admin has full control to discard the driver from the application.

Customer Support 

Whenever drivers or passengers face any difficulties, they can reach out to the support team to seek help. 

Promotional offers

The admin can generate promotional offers to the passenger or drivers to keep them engaged with the taxi app clone script. 

How BR Softech’s Taxi Booking App Clone Script Can Reshape Your Business? 

The Uber like app has completely changed the traditional way of booking a cab. Opting for the taxi app development company is a clever choice to the extent of your traditional taxi booking business. The following are some of the key benefits of BR Softech’s Taxi booking app clone script. 


As the market is completely changing with each passing day, it becomes essential to incorporate the latest and advanced features of the taxi app clone script. And, for this purpose, BR Softech holds your back. 

Amazing UI

Amazing UI will always go a long way to attract users. We believe in building a UI that not only remains attractive but also provides easy navigation to the users. 

State-of-the-art Technologies

Taxi clone script is built using state-of-the-art technologies to appeal to users towards the application. 


Uber or Ola taxi clone development cost varies depending on the features you incorporate with the application. Despite that, we have managed to reduce the development cost to a great extent. 

The Final Call

With technology advancement, the popularity of the taxi booking app is on the surge. It helps millions of people every day to reach their destination promptly with no hassle. And if you are willing to address the rising demand for the taxi booking app, then having a taxi clone script will go a long way to reshape your business. 

BR Softech has the right mixture of technology and experience to develop taxi clone applications by integrating the latest and advanced features.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.