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App Development

Basics of a Short Video App Features, Tech-Stack, Money Model and the Cost

written by Saloni Agrawal | Sep 04, 2020
Short Video App

Is there anyone who doesn’t know about TikTok? I think everybody knows about it as it was so popular among people. After its ban, there were so many development companies who were working towards making TikTok clone. But none of them got as much success as TikTok. We all know that TikTok, a video social networking app, has 500 million active users monthly. When it was just two years old, it had over one billion downloads all over the world. 

It was known as the second name of entertainment, for every age group. But do you know what were the reasons behind its popularity and what made it more appealing? Or what things are necessary to make a TikTok clone app? In this article, we will provide you with the details on how you can create an app similar to TikTok? And, for this, you have to know everything about Tiktok. Let’s Begin-

Overview of TikTok

This music video making app lets the users generate and edit their videos. They can also share these videos with their friends or on other social media platforms. This app provides users with the opportunity to lip-sync with the background music, and they can also choose some of their favourite dialogue or song. This app, like Karaoke, attracted a large number of audiences. 

Videos made on this app or from the gallery can be edited through so many filters or effects. This platform is a way to display your talent to people and connect with them. You could also convert your video into a live wallpaper. As per the research, users spend around 52 minutes on TikTok daily. This app is equally popular among men and women. 

If you want to develop Tiktok clone script, you must know about its features, tech stack, cost estimation, and money model. Here it is all. 

Top Features to Add in a Tiktok Clone App

When you are going to develop a TikTok like application, it is significant to include the most exciting features into it. It will be good to start with the MVP along with some basic features and also the integration of some new and advanced features for app improvement.

Signup & Login Process

Without signup to the app, users can’t post any of their videos on the app. For signing up, they have multiple options such as- through email, phone no, or from any other social media account. After sign up, they have to pay attention and remember their credentials, so that next time it can be used for login, or you can continue to use the app without logging it out. 

Profile Customization

All the users have to make their profile or account on the app with the essential information, and they can also customize it with a different name, profile picture, or adding a unique bio. These things allow users to make their profile different from others. 

Admin Panel

It is used for user management in the app, and through it, you can delete or block disturbing users. Also, it can help you to record or store posts from specific users or data of new users, and many more. 

Push Notifications

To have a Tiktok clone app, you have to build trust in the users that it provides the same content like TikTok. Notifying people whenever there is some new content from any user will be the best way of it. You can inform the user regarding new videos, likes, comments, and so on. It can be executed through Google Cloud Messaging for Apple and Android push notification services. 

Video Editing 

All the users on this app should know about these basic video editing features to edit their video and make it better. These include playback speed, adding music, beauty mode for smooth skin, and so on. It will also have filters, stickers, animations, and masks. Users can post their videos easily on the app.

Live Streaming

It is a kind of premium feature of the app, where app users can get virtual god from their admirers that are bought with app coins and can also make live streams

Read More: Best Live Streaming Video App for Mobile

Social Sharing

The app must provide sharing options for users to have more fans and followers. It should offer users to connect their profile to other social media networks. 

QR Code Scanner

To have Tiktok clone, this feature is included as it allows people to follow and subscribe each-other through sharing the unique QR code available on the app.

Content-Based on Location

It is one of the advanced features of the clone app. It allows locating the content posted by users and the device with the same location. 

How to Develop Tiktok Clone App?

Through development, you can transform your idea of making an app similar to Tiktok into reality. Here are the steps-

Identify the Target Market

First, analyze who your target audiences are and do your planning accordingly. To analyze the users, find out where they live, user’s age, the device they use, etc. Also, you must consider their behavioural trends like the will to download the app, low tolerance, booting time, security and privacy, and so on. 

If you want to attract the users, you will require to accomplish the desires and requirements of the users. Identify the persona of the user and try to have an exact idea regarding your ideal users before doing app development. 

Select the Right Monetization Model

The single purpose behind developing an app is to make money. For this, you have to pick the suitable business model for monetizing your Tiktok clone app. Take a look at these three ways of monetization model-

In-app Purchases

If you add the feature of live streaming by using virtual currency, then it will be bought with the real money. Hence, you can make money through the app. You can also provide the option of exchanging coins for gifts too with the virtual currency.


At the beginning of the app development, you can do the things to have an investment with the fundraising. Also, you can get money as a donation from individuals and large-scale businesses.


This option consists of in-app advertising types like cost per impression on each ad running in the app, cost per click when every time the user interacts with the ad, cost per action when advertisers only pay for particular activities like app installed, or signup, etc. 

Read More: An Indian Tik Tok Clone Mitron Clocks 5 Million Downloads

Technology Stack of the Clone App

For developing Tiktok clone script, get the proper knowledge about its technological aspects. Firstly, you should hire a development team with the right people included. So, after identifying your target audiences, and selecting the right kind of business model, it is time to pay attention to hiring a development team to begin the project. The entire project planning goes through different phases that include business analysis, cost estimation, needs validation, and technology stack. The project and its cost can vary as per your project scope, business priorities, and features. Team hiring will have a workflow, and development would be better. The development team will include-

  • Project Manager
  • Business Analyst
  • Android developer
  • iOS developer
  • Delivery manager
  • UI/UX manager
  • QA engineer
  • Back-end developers

Required Technologies for Tiktok Clone App

After hiring team, you must know the entire development procedure included in tech stack-

Programming Languages

  • For Android App development, you can use Java and Kotlin programming languages.
  • For iOS app development, you can use C or Swift. 
  • Despite that, while creating a hybrid app, you can use technologies like Xamarin, Flutter, and React Native

Artificial Intelligence Technology

  • It is used for customizing and filtering all the data of thousands of users. 
  • AI algorithm was also used by TikTok to understand and add tags automatically with the help of object and image recognition. 

Cloud Storage

  • Amazon S3 or Google cloud storage
  • The cost relies on the chosen network, operation, and data storage.


  • Apple push notifications for iOS
  • Google Cloud Messaging for Android


  • SQL
  • MongoDB


  • Mapkit/Core Location frameworks for iOS
  • Google Maps API

Cost Estimation for Developing a Mobile App or Tiktok Clone App

Estimation for Tiktok Clone App

The final cost for developing Tiktok Clone app relies on different factors as it is tough to estimate. It includes a development team, design complexity, app platform, requirements, features, so on. For calculating the approximate app cost, you must know the price per hour and several hours. Then, you can estimate the price and always consider the guideline of the app store and app version. 

To hire the right team, knowing their experience will be one of the easiest ways. It plays a crucial role in determining the development charges per hour. Here are the factors through which app development cost can vary. 


Designing an app has always been a tough job to do as it is something that catches the users at first. For developing Android and iOS apps, it takes around 100 hours for both types.


It depends upon how many features you are adding and their complexity too. These are the major elements of the cost of Tiktok Clone app development. To include some of the advanced features in an app, the development team needs more time. For a basic app, it takes-

  • Project management- 150 hours
  • Custom development- 600 hours
  • Business analysis- 50 hours
  • Quality assurance- 100 hours


It relies upon which platform you choose, be it iOS or Android as only these two are popular in the market. If you want an app for both platforms, you need to increase your budget. In comparison to Android, development of iOS tends to need 30% or 20% less time. Because there is a majority of Android devices. 

Development Team

There are two ways of development. And, these both the option is-

Outsourcing App Development Company

It has become so popular nowadays that everybody is adapting it. It relies on the budget as you can select the software development company that can complete your requirements and suitable for your budget.

In-House Android or iOS app developers

It tends to be more exclusive since there are included expenses like software and hardware purchases, rent, taxes, and many more. Although you can connect with the development team in a better way.  

call to action for tiktok

Final Verdict 

Everybody wants alternatives for popular things; hence, many businesses are trying for Tiktok clone development. We, BR Softech, has expertise in developing social media apps at a reasonable price. Our knowledgeable team ensures to provide high-quality to our valuable customers. As a leading mobile app development company, we understand the need of present time and provide apps with new and advanced features, impressive design, and suitable to customer’s requirements. By hiring us, we ensure you will get a proficient development team for the app development. “

Saloni Agrawal

I am a passionate and full-time writer with experience in academic writing and blogs related to the IT sector, High-tech, and lifestyle. I’ve grown my skills of content writing with the time and have keen interest in learning and exploring new things.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.