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App Development

The 5 Best Tutorials on Mobile Apps Design

written by Admin | Mar 22, 2016
International Women's day 2016

So you might be having an amazing app idea. But you might not be able to select the best tutorial for designing the mobile app. There might be some ideas you have in mind for the app, but turning it into a reality is little difficult. So, for designing mobile apps there are many tutorials available for amateurs as well as professionals. For getting the best mobile app created having good graphics, hire dedicated graphic designer and they will get good quality mobile app designed as per your needs of the organization or business.

In today’s date, the use of smart phones is increasing. You can make a name for yourself, by turning the idea of your app into reality, and there are several tutorials available for this. Whether you are designing app for Android or ios, here is the list of tutorials to help you.

Making use of Less Text:

The most important tutorial for mobile app design is making use of less text. While designing the mobile app, you must not rely on too much text as it will kill pacing, it destroys immersion, and it will often be skipped by the players who are in need of tutorials the most.
If there is too much text, it makes for a “tell, don’t show” approach, which works against the strengths of mobile apps. The tutorials shouls be such that, “show, not tell”; they should be very interactive , so that users will be able to learn by doing.


“If you do front load your tutorial and teach your player everything at the beginning ,” the users will be overwhelmed with information and under supplied with engagement. You can replace the word “player” with “user” in that sentence, and its pertinence will be very apparent to the app designers.
Instead of overwhelming users with information which they will probably forget by the time they need it, the information must be provided in short, and easy to understand language when they need it.

It must be made rewarding:

This is the best tutorial, also means “Make it fun.” But the word “fun” is not appropriate for all apps.
If we are not able to make learning our apps fun, there are various ways to make it rewarding for overall experience of the app. This can be done with interactivity accredits the user to actually achieve things.

Learning with usage:

If the earlier 3 tips are followed, then this tutorial will take care of itself. This tutorial is as simple as accompanying an action demonstrated in a tutorial with a little bit of visual feedback.
This tutorial is supplement to “No frontloading” rule. Instead of displaying everything in your app at once, make a room for the experience which invites user to advance more deeply into the app. By disclosing more advanced features over time or by giving unexpected “rewards” as they make progress, you will see what the user gets to learn as the use app.

Listening to your users:

When you have spent much time in building and refining the app for months, who will be able to tell how it works?
User testing must be properly conducted to tell any blocks. Whenever any user get stuck, observe them. Check the comments of the users as they interact with the app. By the proper user testing, best results can be yielded.
If you are in search of a reputed company for your business requirement related mobile apps designing, BR Softech is the perfect choice, which is the award-winning web design company headquartered in Jaipur, India. The company has affluent experience in designing best mobile apps for the companies round the globe.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.