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Web Development

21 Things to Consider Before Website Designing and Developing

written by Admin | Jul 13, 2018
Website Designing and Developing

This is normally the starting point of web designing business. Web presence outside of social media. Website designing that meets your goals is not easy. It’s a big process that required your focus with planning and intelligent approach to the market. Sometimes business owner looking for web developers to build their website quickly, poorly and inaccurately.

According to website designing developer. What will produce a website that’s good for today or tomorrow for improvements whatever come in the next several years? After a number of years of working with clients and dealing with the issues that arise just because they were not aware of what to expect, here I decided to write a short blog article with my personal experience or recommendations. On what to watch for when taking the leap onto the web Designing. Website designing company in India regularly continuously raise.

The design of the website is the first thing about the Web Designing that is noticed by the user and keep him glued to it. Design should always be attractive, contemporary and easily navigable. The target of my this blog/post for who are not IT experts people. But they want to set up a website and don’t know how to do. In this post, I explain what is the best way to get the desired result. What will allow you to take your site and begin the optimization and marketing process?

21 Things To Consider When Designing Your Website

1. The Purpose of The Website:

The goal of the website and the design it has to serve should be clear to you and the creator.

2. Feedback From the users:

Feedback is the one of most and helpful way to know users demand or satisfaction. Get feedback from the users who visit the website.

3. SEO familiar design:

At the time of website designing, you must take care into consideration the SEO factor, so that users may easily find it on the google. SEO is the major part of website marketing and the design should be SEO friendly.

4. Target audience and the market:

Every business has a target the market with the audience. Always focus on the design of the website must make sense of client. Every business wants to target.

5. The price of running the website:

The website must not drain resources, rather should generate it. You must access the cost of running the website before you start designing it.

6. Choose a Designer:

Choose a designer

At the time of selection, the designer must be chosen with the care and must be skilled fully with inventive enough to come up with a compelling design.

7. Availability of time to design the website on your own:

Suppose if you are a designer, you should ask yourself whether you have enough time to do the project if you not look must your competent designed to perform the task.

8. Choose a web hosting site:

At the time of choosing the website, a lot of factors should be considered, including bandwidth provided, space, cost, and security. Web hosting site provides have a efficient support service.

9. A plan of action:

For your website first, carve out a plan how to wish to implement them. A perfect method or a plan is a very important as it let you set aims and think of a way to achieve them.

10. Adjustable design:

The mobile first approach is a compulsion while designing a website. Always the website designing must be responsive. Mobile phones taking the center stage. So that it adapts to the screen size of the mobile or a tab device.

11. Domain name registration:

At the time of domain registration name, you should be very careful because they explain too much about your business even though there is a deficiency of words. The name you choose should be the one that etches deep down into the people mind. Always care the name of the domain is related to your business, it can easily remember your brand and name. The major benefit of this people will memorize the domain and easy to pronounce and spell.

The brand name guarantees that along with creating a brand identity it should be the one you can optimize for search engines optimization easy to search will automatically take your website to the top of the search engines. More traffic on your site even number of customers search your website. This all depends on your domain registration name be careful at the time of this.

12. Simple professional and clear design goals:

We have already explained you know the importance of choosing an expert professional Web Designer to design your website. The creator has a cleared plan when setting out to a picture of a website like building a design. Is that appealing and beautiful are experts from all dimensions.

  • Characters of a high-quality web design?

  • Readable

  • Attractive

  • Understandable

  • Intuitive navigation

It is all are mandatory to have flashes and animations on your websites. It will only divert the attention of your customer from the main point of focus content and products which is a loss.

13. Color:

an important role of color in website

Color plays an important role in creating a great impact on people when they visit your website. When it comes to using colors in your website design, the magic of colors in web design and it needs to be an essential part of it. Colors maintain the power to generate various kinds of responses in a human being that include happiness, joy, peace, irritation and many more.

This’s necessary to reflect your company’s target audience, branding, and the element of color theory. What colors will your target audience respond to? If the color scheme is comparable to your logo and branding. There are a lot of things to consider when you choose a color.

Using a dark color on a light background and vice versa!

The audience category matters when you choose a color. It depends on your website what kind and which product on your website suppose baby product on your website. Pink is a favorite color.

14. Navigation:

Experience of the user one of the factors that need to be considered at the time of website designing. Navigation is important for guests. Your website offers the ease of navigation, people need that why they are scrolling through it. Sitemaps make it easy to drive through the site and also, it is one of a useful suggested way for making crawling easier for the search engine. Some of under performing pages you can make your site easy navigation.

15. Loading times:

You need to design your site accordingly to ensure that the site loading speed decreases. One of the ways to ensure a reduced loading speed for your site is to reduce the number of under performing pages. Remove all the unnecessary extra elements like images and videos that take too much of time to load. Most of the designer normally has a habit of packing in a lot of many things such as graphics and flashes. Don’t overload your page with too many useless things.

16. User experience:

  • Yourself force be spending a lot of money on designing your website but is it worth the effort any money if there is no one to sell it use it.

  • Part of the factors that define how long a user will stay on your site.

  • Your website for all the parts that are useless and burden for the website.

  • A lot of things like the description and specification of your product should be provided as such readers can find whenever they look for it.

  • The website provides the best user experience are loved by people.

17. Multiple browser compatibility:

Why I need to mention this when there is hardly anyone around who prefers to using internet explorer. We have a broad category of our users who utilize Mozilla firefox, google chrome, opera, safari many other browsers. Please them and to ensure that their needs are taking care of when they try to load your site via these browser.

18. Social media integration is important:

Social media integration is important

Social media combination is as important as optimizing your site for the search engines. Not an innovation you are doing by integrating your site with social media. Most of the people engaged and active over these social media sites.

  • Previously take up the social media space and our a connection with your people.

  • Don’t miss this golden opportunity to connect with people.

19. Captcha:

Provide a captcha code at the end of your contact forms. They help to save your time. Sure only human beings are filling in the forms and no machines are fill the forms. Captcha saves a lot of your time and effort. Maximum of the proprietors complain later of time being optionally utilize due to robotic involvement because of doing not use captcha codes.

20. Content is King:

Content is one of the important parts drive search engines and people to your site. On the time to considering the Web Designing site. An outstanding content curator to develop the content for your business. The writer has a clear knowledge of the current market trend your business blend in all the details deliver your people with whatever they need. User complete solutions on your website. One of most thinks we discuss previously creating content SEO friendly because of google search your website through the keywords you have in your content.

21. Call to Action:

Call to Action

The landing page requires a strong call to action. Gives a clear indication to your people on how they can read you. Call to action bring them nearby to you or talk with you if any inquiry he can mail also. If they difficult to find your place he can call a cnfrm. Additionally, the color and the content are the other parts that need to be considered when designing call to actions. This all is a major factor you should be considering when Web Designing.


In this article, we discuss 21 things to consider before website designing and developing here we focused on all the main and important point generally we do a mistake. If you follow my article you can easily create Web Designing on your own. Hire web design company is a big responsibility.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

About Us

BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.