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What Tools Can be Used for Measuring Performance Appraisal?

written by Admin | Jun 14, 2019
Tools Can be Used for Measuring Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisals is an essential component of the Human Resource Department as they offer the most useful and information that helps in the assessment of the knowledge, skills, and ability of the employees. These appraisals help in eliminating productivity issues and eliminate untoward behavior and also help to motivate employees to contribute more to the organization. There are a number of measures that the organization implements to perform performance appraisal and let us discuss the most important of them here.

Tools for Performance Appraisal:

Setting goals, coaching the employees, and evaluating the performance of the workforce are critical components of employee engagement. They are linked with the success of the organization as well. With the technology advancement it has become easy. There are multipal software and mobile application development companies who provide organizations with complete solution. For those organizations wanting to fine-tune their present employee appraisal program or to build competent employees right from scratch, these employees’ appraisal programs can help. The key components of employee appraisal are as follows:

  • Communicating the mission and goals of the organization and understanding the same
  • Establishing the compelling and clear performance expectations
  • Offering for honest and ongoing performance coaching and discussions
  • Helps in maintaining ongoing information relevant to the performance
  • Discussing annual performance and summarizing appraisal results
  • Enhances employee participation in performance appraisal processes
  • Offering performance appraisal training for all the employees

One Stop Solution for all the Performance Relevant Tools:

There are a number of online solutions that render easy to use performance appraisal tools and serve as a comprehensive 360-degree instrument. It helps the organization and the human resource department gain a holistic perspective of their performance appraisal. The tool also identifies the training needs of the employees and identifies the gaps in their behavioral traits.

  1. The Three Pillars of training needs Identification:

The three pillars of training needs are why to train, who to train and train for what. These pillars help to identify and develop key competencies for employees in achieving business goals. It helps in identifying the skills gap for every employee based on their competency levels. It helps to design a customized training plan based on individual skills, skill gaps, and training needs.

  1. Curating the best training program for the organization:

The 360-degree instrument helps to identify potential employees and train them for their unique skill sets that are required to succeed in every job function and job role. The tool is behavior based and helps to identify behavioral gaps to work on. They are indeed a dominant success predictor for most of the roles. The tool helps in future proofing and helps to augment learning ability within the organization by identifying all the needed skills to develop a prospective workforce.

  1. The working mechanism of the performance appraisal tool:

The 360-degree comprehensive performance evaluation tool helps to understand the specific set of competencies that needs to be developed across different job roles and verticals so as to achieve the desired goal of training. The tool creates custom assessments for different job roles and also assesses the current proficiency of the employees for required job roles. The tool also analyses the results of assessments using individual consolidated analytics and reports. Thus they help in building up an optimum training program for the employees.

The easy to use performance appraisal tools also helps in succession planning so as to understand the behavioral dynamics of the employees observed while they are on the job. It identifies key competencies that are required to succeed in critical roles. The reliable and valid tools help to evaluate the candidate’s readiness on competencies. The tool used customized reports to pick the right candidates for succession. The tool is also developed and tracks the growth of selected candidates. The tests are mediated through,

  1. Pre-Built tests:

The tests are readymade assessments that get mapped with pre-defined competencies that are relevant to specific roles and job functions. These competencies are identified using basic and extensive research.

  1. Custom defined assessment battery:

The customized assessments for the specific roles in the organization help in identifying the key competency of the employees. These customized tests and assessment tools are built using the tools of personality, behavior, cognitive, and Domain skills.

  1. Results are blended with virtual and offline tools:

The assessment tools are blend with virtual and offline tools that offer a high degree of reliability for all the required job competencies. All the individual development plans are included in the assessment reports.

The tool is very intuitive and is user-friendly. The 360-degree appraisal and feedback process is a seamless platform that aims in quick set up automated reminders and an effortless administration. The system also offers excellent reports and dashboards with clear information that calls for action. The tool offers comprehensive feedback reports, easy to understand dashboards and group reports.

Understanding The Assessment Battery for Performance Appraisal:

After using the instrument, the tool also shows the ways to map key competencies based on the organization’s competency framework. It also aligns with future business objectives. It creates a customized assessment battery using multiple proprietary tools so as to measure the mapped competencies. The tool also runs assessment over a representative population and benchmarks scores with the population.

About the tool:

The performance appraisal tools are an extensive library of cloud-based tests that combine the magic of cognitive and behavioral sciences. The tests are curated by Small and medium-sized enterprises with over 40 years of extensive field experience. The tests are quick and cheap and are highly reliable to conduct assessments the way the clients want. The battery of assessments can be customized as per the organization’s competency framework or any other specific role function. There is a set of ready to use tests that are pre-customized for every job function and role and are based on a competency framework.


Along with tracking the performance of the employees of the organization, its data analytics metrics helps to gain deep insights into competency gaps and the key improvement areas. The tests are developed by industry experts and are affordable to be used by all organizations irrespective of their size and management. 


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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