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App Development

Unity 3D Game Development and 3D Engine Fundamentals

written by Saloni Agrawal | Nov 04, 2020

At present, Unity 3D is the most famous gaming engine around the world that is used by various top development companies. This engine has a visual interface for Android game development for cross-platforms and an agile contributing community. Unity 3D engine can be referred to as a multi-platform game engine mainly used for creating video games and simulations for Consoles, PC, websites, and mobile devices. 
Unity Technologies built this game engine and first declared for OS X at the developer’s Apple conference in 2005. After that, it has been extended to each existing platform.      

Overview of Game Engine

A game is known as a framework that lubricates the task types required to be completed when creating a game. If you want to show the images on your device’s screen, that is called a sprite; it can also be done through this.
We may require to draw text or menus on the screen. You can also organize the sprites, and sometimes, games have realistic physic, and due to that, objects fall or collide with gravity. A game engine can help have these things and so on. 

Fundamentals of Unity 3D Game Development

Unity can be known as an engine only with a group of animation, physics, and 3D rendering in real-time. It is most useful for fully-fledged connecting prototypes for UX studies. It provides full support for AR and VR, and therefore, it could be a beneficial tool for exploring the automation, architectures, and simulations with your clients.

Unity Editor Window

For 3D game development, this window is split into two parts, and here we have got the details-
Game View– shows the previews of how the player will see the scenario from the camera
Scene view– permits movement and location of the GameObjects in the scene
project/assets– all textures, prefabs, scripts, models, etc. are gathered here
Inspector- have details on the chosen GameObject in the scene
Hierarchy– structuring and nesting of GameObjects including the scene

Unity Game Objects

These are known as the basic building blocks of each thing in the unity 3D game engine. You can also know it as- everything you put within a scene in Unity should be referred to as a game object. 
If you have any web design background, you can try game objects as being the same as
elements! These are boring containers but also highly extensible to develop difficult visuals and functionalities.
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Unity Built-in Components

It has two types used in Unity game development– the actor component model and key built-in components. 

Key Built-in Components

Here are a few examples-
MeshRender– Permits you to assign aspects to a 3D mesh.
MeshFilter– Permits you to assign assets to a game object to a 3D mesh.
Rigidbody– Makes the realistic physic simulation performed on GameObjects, including 3D meshes and target detection events.
Mesh Collider– Makes game object detection able during collisions. 

The actor component model

Unity engine works off an actor component model that puts all the game objects together, called actors, and components are called scripts. You will get the advantage of reusability and clear communication channels between components.   

Developing Custom Elements 

All the built-in components control visuals and physics mainly, but for creating a game, you will require to accept input from the user and alter these standard elements and Gameobjects. Start with these-
Go to the selected gameobjects>choose component> to type your component’s name in the search bar> new script (c#)
It still has not been updated with the amazing stuff that came up with ES6, and in this, most of the stuff dependent upon c# stuff that is ported over to JavaScript.   

Altering the GameObjects

In 3D game development, after having user input, developers want GameObjects to respond within our scene. There are some kinds of response we can take into consideration-

  • Rotation, Translation, scale
  • Making new GameObjects
  • Sending messages to available components/GameObjects 
  • Accessing through tagging, inspector variables, send messages, and transformation.


It is similar to a laser pointer, and when it comes into contact with a rigid body or Collider, it comes back as a hit and passes the project details. Here are these two scenarios to understand-
To design a weapon system for a Unity game, you can have a raycasting for detection and even can alter its length so that these melee items only have short ranges. 
Develop a ray via mouse pointer to a point in 3D space if you want the user to choose units with their mouse in a game.

Source: ( )
This code is a little bit complicated, and the thing to understand is that casting a ray to where the mouse is emphasizing in 3D space needs the ScreenPointToRay alteration.     

Collision Diagnosis

Unity 3D is itself a strong tool for game development, and both the rigid body and Collider are the components that can be included in an object. The only rule is that an object added in the collision should have a rigid boy and the other Collider. While using raycasting, rays will only communicate with other objects along with collider elements.

Source: ( )
After setting up within any of the custom-made elements included in the object, you can use the OnCollisionStay, OnCollisionEnter, and OnCollisionExit approaches to answer the collisions. Once having collision data, you can get the GameObject to supervise and use what we earlier grasped to communicate with the elements included.  

Key Advantages of Unity 3D Game Engine Provided for Game Development 

For 3D game development, if you are using the Unity game engine, you must know everything about this game engine. Here are some of its frequent advantages-

Enlarging the Unity Editor

Unity game engine makes you able to include custom controls to the inspectors to impact the world while using edit mode. For instance, you must create a custom tool window for developing modular houses.

Building GUI’s

Unity 3D includes a fully-fledged UI engine for implementing GUI in your game. In common, these elements work quite the same as the rest of the engine.

PBR and Materials

Unity 3D runs off a rendering engine that is physically dependent and enables natural materials and real-time lighting. For this, you will either require to know about 3D modeling first or learn to use models created and optimized by a person before getting to this for developing stuff that looks amazing.

Affordable License

The game engine’s overall cost can differ from a few dollars to millions of dollars, all based upon their functionalities and features. Despite being the popular game engine for Unity game development, it is easy to afford the license of Unity 3D. So, developers can go from two existing versions, including a professional edition with a $75 charge in a month and a free personal edition—persons who go for the latter use unlimited access to Unity cloud build pro and Unity analytics pro. 

Numerous Asset Store

The Unity Asset Store includes game developers and a good collection of pre-designed textures, 3D models, scripts, sounds, and rich animations like a famous character, building, or a scenic background, etc. Developers can purchase needed assets easily without significantly requiring to develop these themselves. 

Large Community Support

Unity 3D has got huge proactive coding community support of over 2 million members, and still, it is getting that support. Developers can seek reasonable solutions and suggestions from other developers whenever they have a problem or some related project samples or troublesome code.
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Various Resources for Game Design

Unity game development has one of the amazing communities out there and numerous highly dedicated pros in the service area to put the content up for next to nothing or free. It is an industry that needs concept artists, 3D modelers, programmers, and game designers, and many more. 

Features of Unity 3D Game Engine Provided for Game Development 

  • Developing and Eliminate GameObjects
  • Events for GameObject  
  • Physics Aligned Events
  • Trading with Timing and Vector Variables      
  • Return Types and Coroutine
  • Access the Elements

Closing Thoughts

After reading this blog, we hope you have got something useful to know about Android game development using the Unity 3D game engine. Here we have provided some of the fundamentals as well related to Unity 3D game. Even today, there are so many leading gaming app development companies like BR Softech, who prefer the Unity 3D game engine for game development. 
At our company, you will get all amazing and high-quality services provided by skilled developers along with rich features and assets at a reasonable price. All the points discussed above prove that the Unity 3D gaming engine is efficient from each perspective to create 2D and 3D games with good ease. If you still have any doubt, contact us to have our assistance!

Saloni Agrawal

I am a passionate and full-time writer with experience in academic writing and blogs related to the IT sector, High-tech, and lifestyle. I’ve grown my skills of content writing with the time and have keen interest in learning and exploring new things.

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