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App Development

What does it cost to develop an iPhone app?

written by Admin | Nov 23, 2016

The app development trend and market is increasing at a rapid pace. We are the leading web and mobile app development company who have dedicated team of developers having prowess in developing similar app like Estimote which helps in making life of people very easy. Numerous people are making use of the mobile apps and this is the reason why app development is quite in trend these days.

Since the Apple Pay has launched, Apple now has good access to 90% of US credit cards. The craze for app has now widely spread for all the leading operating systems, like BlackBerry, Android and many more.

Apps also plays a very important role as the marketing and promotion of business to generate decent sales leads in quite less time. It helps to drive more traffic to your business and website and thereby increase in revenue.

Cost of developing iPhone app:

Well, the mobile app development cost varies on number of reasons like the awe-inspiring features, astonishing user interface and many more reasons and factors. It also depends on the devices on which you are developing the app on.

You must consult with your developer about the kinds of apps you are developing and on which devices, for instance, just for iPhone, or in particular iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPhone 6, iPad or all these listed Apple gadgets which is being loved by the people to the core.

List of development costs for different example projects:

#1 Plain sailing table based app:

For developing the plain sailing table based app, it will cost you around $1000-4000. For this you will have to provide the quality-oriented and impressive content which will grab the eyeballs of the app user. If you are just well-versed with the Photoshop then you will have to supply the incredible graphics by which the cost of the project can be reduced and come to $1500. The costing shall raise up when you desire to have numerous other features like GPS locators, Social media integration, etc in your attractive app.

#2 Database app:

For developing this particular app, you will require the budget of around $8000-$50,000. For this you will have to provide the complete content, alluring images, sound, etc which is required for this app. The pricing of this app will vary as per the logic you create in developing this particular app. The contents of this app will be analyzed into the logical syntactic components.

#3 Games app:

The craze for gaming app is increasing to the core among the masses. Angry birds app development costing will amount to around $125K TO $180K. Even if you keep the gaming app simple then also it gets too complicated. The reason why app developers develop the gaming app in huge numbers is that people download game apps in huge number.

Designing cost of iPhone app:

The whole designing of the app makes a significant effect on the overall ROI and the user experience The astonishing design will help your iPhone apps to be converted into downloads from just the viewers on the app store.

The best way to increase more app downloads you must invest a decent sum of money for app designing as such. Hire dedicated mobile app designer who have knack in designing the mobile app which will leave the users gobsmacked.

4 Types of costs for app designing:

#1 Just for the trendy iPhone:

It generally requires $500-10,000 for developing the apps on the iPhone. This will provide you the base level designing which you will then send to the developer who will help you to add the images in the coding.

#2 For the iPhone 6 Plus which is compatible:

It will require the app designing cost around 25% more of the cost of just iPhone app designing cost. These kind of images will be sized at 2208x1242px height (more than twice of 640×1136 of iPhone 5)

#3 In case of iPad :

The app designing cost in case of iPad will be around 50% additional to the above cost of iPhone 6 Plus Compatible. Well, the layout is quite similar and the user flow too. But since it is iPad, you will have to develop good functions for the iPad speed and size which will require wonderful designing.

Closing Thoughts:

So, for developing the wonderful apps on iPhone you need good creativity skill to attract the app users which will help you to increase your app downloads on the app stores which in turn will increase revenues of your business.

If you also have an iPhone app idea then feel free to contact us and we will assist you in developing the best apps which eill get huge number of downloads on the app store.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.