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Foremost E- Commerce Trends and Their Impact on Design [with Infographic]

written by Admin | Sep 25, 2018
E- Commerce Trends

As we all know, people are so busy in their professional lives that they don’t even have a time to visit to the shop and do shopping for themselves. It has been observed that now people use to avoid the window shopping at the market and they prefer to shop from the online stores. Hence, E- Commerce is the result of this preference. There is a demand of many best products to sell online to make money.

What is E- Commerce?

E- Commerce, nowadays this term is very common, and every second person is in need of the E- commerce service. The best example of E – commerce can be defined as online shopping.

In simple words, E- Commerce is a process of buying and selling of the products on the internet via payment system. It is commonly known as an online shopping. In 2018, there is a demand of many popular products to sell online.

What is E- Commerce?

E- Commerce is also known as E- Business and Electronic Business. The E- Commerce sector has started ruling the lives of the people as it is fast and easy process and one can shop online from their living rooms and offices. In this hustle bustle live no one has time to visit to the market and spend their hours, now people prefer the doorstep service. In the initial days, E- commerce was done partially with phone calls and Emails.

History of E- Commerce

The E- Commerce sector has introduced in 1960’s, long back ago, organisations use to inter exchange the data via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), to transfer the documents of their business with each other. Michael Aldrich invented the E- Commerce platform, In 1979, he invented online shopping to enable online transaction processing between consumers and businesses, or between one business and another, a technique known later as E-commerce.

Whereas, professionally, this solution was found in 1994 by Jeff Bezos and it was one of the first American E – commerce company to sell products on the internet platform. But in 1999, this platform has come into limelight.

This platform has increased rapidly and in initial days people were not aware with this solution, but now time has changed and this platform has become the need of the people.

Know about the crucial part – E- Commerce Website

E- Commerce websites are reasons which made E-Commerce platform successful. Hence, E- commerce websites are the online portals, that enables the online transactions of the goods and services. On a single platform you can make your order and payment and you will receive the service on your door.

There are different E- commerce websites in different fields. The most common website is retail selling and other websites are also in the field like auction websites, business-to-business services, music portals, consultancy websites, finance management websites, etc.

Different types of E-Commerce Websites

There are different types of E- Commerce websites as here it is listed below:
types of E-Commerce Websites

  • Business-to-Business (B2B)
  • Business-to-Consumer (B2C)
  • Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C)
  • Consumer-to-Business (C2B)
  • Business-to-Administration (B2A)
  • Consumer-to-Administration (C2A)

Benefits of E- commerce Websites

Benefits of E- commerce Websites

Global Market: Through E- commerce platform the vendors get the chance to introduce their products and service to all over the world. A physical stores can only serve their service to a limited geographical area.

24 Hour service: The best part of the E- commerce portal is that the service is provided for 24 hours. The online stores are open for 24 hours. It is always open and most convenient, easy and fastest option.

Fixed Price: The price is fixed in the online store, customer doesn’t have to bargain the display price is a relevant and original price. The price is fixed.

Reduce Cost: This platform reduces the expenses of the owner as it saves the operations management, cost which includes the staff management, labour, transport etc. On the website a user only has to display the products and have to give the details of the product in the form of content.

Targeted Marketing: You will be able to do the marketing to the target audience only, Hence you will be able to reach to the relevant and appropriate audience. It will save your efforts and energy.

Without investment Business: Hence, through this platform you can start a niche business and start a business without any investment.

Saves time of the owner: It Save time of the owner as the owner doesn’t have to spend his full day at the shop, he can work from anywhere and manage the business from anywhere.
As we know that, there are two parts of the coins and the same goes with everything, which exist in the universe as one is an advantage and second disadvantage. So here also eCommerce also has disadvantages.

Disadvantages of E-Commerce Platform:

Disadvantages of E-Commerce Platform

Fraud and online insecurity: In E- Commerce Trends 2018, it has been noticed that there could be the chances of fraud, there is online insecurity. Sometimes the mismanagement occurs and we demand for something and we get something else.

Data privacy issues: The data is not secured on an online platform, there are the privacy issues.

No testing: The user is not able to test the product or service.
Dependency on electronic devices: By E-commerce, there is huge relevancy on the electronic devices.

How to Start an eCommerce Business?

The online store should be launched logically, an online store will not take less than a day to launch. For the perfect E- commerce platform, you have to follow the steps which include these steps.

Disadvantages of E-Commerce Platform

  • Research
  • Building
  • Launching

You should go step by step to launch your platform and here is complete steps:

1. Products You want to sell: This is the foremost step that you have to decide that what products do you want to sell. Your product should have the strong base and people should be in need of it. As all are dependent on the products and find the Trending products to sell 2018.

2) Research About Products: Research about the products deeply, you have to research deeply by researching, planning and the price.

3) Make it the Online Brand: Now it’s time, to make the online brand as you have to make it brand, then only it will sell, it’s time to decide the key elements like logo, Domain name, brand guidelines to gain the trust of the people. Always keep the popular products to sell online

4) Decide How you want to sell: Decide the way how will you sell it. Decide the path of it.

Top Companies which are ruling the E- Commerce Market

In market there are some companies which are ruling the eCommerce Industry

  • Amazon
  • Ebay
  • Alibaba
  • Walmart
  • Toabao
  • Etsy

Factors which are able to divert the mind of the consumer important trend and design to influence

How To Influence Consumer Mind

Artificial Intelligence: This software is able to make the system same as the human, it reduces the human efforts. Most companies prefer to have the AI tool.

Augmented Reality: It works best for the shopping experience and it has open its ways to all the sectors. 70% of buyers have trust and be a loyal to the platform. Augmented Reality introduces the experience of the real world and it only ‘augmented’ in the size and shape.

Chatbots: Chatbots are the imperative part of the eCommerce design as it revert back to the clients the queries they have, they used to sort them out on chatbot quickly and instantly. It is related to AI.

Shipping speed: Shipping speed is the crucial part as the viewer will depend on the platform, and it tells the time consumption between the click and delivery.

Recommendations: Recommendation, it is possible through AI as it to recommend people that what they should go for. Time to time it recommend them on the platform. 30% of the sale are dependent on this factor and it increases the sale.

Shop the look: Enhance the look, add charm to the shop as well as add pictures and videos which can be worn in different style to attract the audience.

Customisation: Make a unique product and sell it at a right price.

Social Media: Have a strong presence on social media, on Facebook, Instagram etc.

Mobile presence: It is important that you should have a mobile support as mostly people prefer mobile to order.

Prominent E- Commerce Trends and Their Influence on Design

Hence, in this blog we brought everything about prominent E- commerce trends and their influence on design. Nowadays, E- commerce platform is ruling the industry and it is a prominent part of the society, now people can order their shopping needs only by one click and they can get the service at doorstep. If you are also looking for the eCommerce development, so plan some essential points and designing through which you can impress and divert the mind of your client’s.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.