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App Development

Golang For DevOps, Golang For Microservices, And What Is Golang Really Good For?

written by Harshita Khangarot | Jun 02, 2020
Golang For DevOps

In today’s world, everything that you see around is either natural or technology-driven. However, with the use of technology, humans have mastered to mimic even the natural ones using the technology. The technology that we talk about runs on certain scripts containing technical coding. 

These codings are actually the alphabets of the programmer. With the help of coding, it is possible for programmers or for instance, say the developers to develop websites, applications, storages, robots and almost everything that humans once imagined. 

Golang is one of the latest innovations if we talk about the languages that a programmer uses. More than just being a language, it has provided relief to the developers in terms of its simplicity that makes it easy to develop applications. This article introduces you to Golang, the concept of DevOps and the implementation of Golang, Microservices and how Golang has transformed the way it is utilised.

Golang development companies like BR Softech can help you incorporate the language in the development of a dedicated application for your business.

Theoretic Handson: Golang 

Not just one of the most powerful, but also it is the most promising language that is developed by Google. Moreover, it is a compiled language meaning compilation of the source code is required to generate the machine code. 

The latest of the development languages, there are lots of benefits associated with the Golang. It is easy to learn, offers quick execution and has a minimalistic design. 

What fascinates the developers and programmers for using Go is that it embeds all the necessary functions that mean it is a full-fledged feature-rich programming language.


Designed in the year 2007 by Google, the language was made open source in the year 2009. It invoked an inspiration when the world was struggling with using complex languages by its easy to learn, basic and straightforward style.

It can be an excellent investment to hire Golang developers that will help you develop the much-needed application to take your business to the next level.  

Understanding DevOps

The fusion of development and operations, DevOps is neither a tool nor a software and surprisingly not a language as well. It is more of a philosophy, a mindset, and finally, one of the working ways to fuse products from the development site to the production stage. It is about creating a sync between the developer team and the operation teams without overstressing any of the two. 

Multiple phases are involved in the development of an application. In the development of a small-sized app that is too basic, only a single team can toggle through the steps that are involved in the application. 

However, things are not the same in the development of a broad-scale application as it requires multiple teams to manage the different phases right from the development to make it available for the users and followed by the further updates and improvements. 

Majority of the projects have the two teams, i.e. the developer and the operations. The developer team is solely responsible for the creation of the application that includes writing its scripts, i.e. coding, designing of the application and testing it. 

After the developer team is done with its role, the operations team comes into the role. Their job is to manage the servers, check into the security and also to manage the traffic for smooth operation, especially during the peak hours.

Golang development company can help you to build a Golang based application that will ensure smooth user navigation and provide a flawless experience. 

DevOps and Golang

DevOps and Golang

The Golang has significantly enhanced the unification of the processes of the developers and the operators. Golang has proved to be a much improved and simplified platform in writing programs for applications as compared to other languages that are way too complex.

Let us discuss some of the benefits for Developers-

  • Simplicity: The simple yet precise protocols make it easy to use for any developer working in the software company.
  • Concurrency: It is with the help of the Golang that multiple systems or say operations can be executed at the same time.
  • Speed: Applications that are developed with the help of Golang offer a flawless user experience. Navigating through these applications were smooth, whether it was the developers on the test phase or the users.
  • Scalability: Golang is an easy to use language, allows easy alterations and can be used with other languages that make it customizable.

With the benefits as mentioned above, it can be a wise idea to hire Golang developers for the development of an online platform for your business to enhance its efficiency and generate high revenues. 

Related Post: – 5 Reasons why Golang is vastly implemented in DevOps?

Understanding Microservices

The article is an effort to leave no stone unturned and to cover most of the basic information about Microservices. This will be achieved by knowing about some of the essential aspects of Microservices that includes-

  • Why do we need Microservices?

The answer to the first question comes from Monolithic Architecture. In a monolithic architecture, basically, the entire software is moulded into a single piece that is designed to be self-contained. It means all the components of Monolithic Architecture are interconnected and interdependent. 

In other words, it will give you a bound software in which each component, along with its associated components, must be arranged for proper execution or compilation of the code. So all the components are entirely inter-dependent on each other.

To provide a more straightforward picture of the Monolithic Architecture, see it as an example of a big container having a close arrangement of all the software components in it.

However, like any other platform, monolithic architecture had its own set of disadvantages. With large-size applications, the difficulties occur in developing and modifying the apps. Eventually, this slowed the pace of development. Applications that are based on large code increases the complexity. With the mentioned disadvantages, developers demanded an advanced tool to enhance their productivity and obtain effective results.

  • What is a Microservice Architecture?

When it comes to Microservices, unlike monolithic architecture, it is a set of small services that are structured around a major domain. 

This means that the small service components if separated, will have a unique identity of their own. In this type of architecture, the small service components do not share databases with one another, however, are capable of communicating.

In other words, the small services in the microservice architecture are independent and loosely bound, unlike in monolithic architecture where it is tightly bonded.

  • Features of Microservice Architecture.

Many features make the microservice architecture popular. Amongst them, the first is its simplicity. The basic structure makes it easy to use and modified for further enhancement. Also, as mentioned that the small services are loosely bound, it offers the convenience to update the required service independently rather than the rewiring the entire structure. 

Another feature that adds to the advantage is that the development of any service does not depend on any particular language that means it is a language-independent platform. Therefore, as an example, in the development of a certain domain service, some small services can be developed using Java and the other using Python etc.

  • Advantages of Microservice Architecture.

As not services are dependent on each other, it is easier to fix bugs or manage glitches in the final product. It also provides a smoother user experience at times of a fault in one service, as the affected service does not malfunction other services.

  • Companies using Microservices.

Many of the leading e-commerce and social networking platforms are based on Golang like-

Amazon, Twitter, Uber, PayPal, eBay, Netflix, Soundcloud and many others.

Microservices and Golang

Microservices and Golang

Golang, however being a new language, is also a robust language to develop applications. As the Microservice model of architecture involves many small services that are independent of each other, using Golang will make them rigid and allow them to bear heavy loads. 

Microservice architecture is used when the components of the application are meant to be scalable either for future updates or frequent modifications. Golang, having its roots laid in the C-family programming, makes it suitable to be coded with other languages.

Hire Golang developers can help you to develop a modern application with advanced functionalities. BR Softech is a leading software solution hub that can help you with your project for an enriched experience.

Final Words

Since its launch, Golang has created a revolution for the developers. Not only is it more work-oriented, but also the simplicity makes it much more efficient. It is possible to develop almost any application that was created using languages like Java and Python.  

The initiative taken by Google years back can soon be the future of the technological era. You can also hire Golang developers to give a modern touch to your idea and amp up your business.

There are many companies that you can approach; however, an expert company like BR Softech can provide you with an effective software solution for your idea.

Harshita Khangarot

A skilled content writer and a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn more, I specialize in technical, banking, hospitality, and poetry content writing; while taking every opportunity as a responsibility and believe in creativity that is beneficial for society.

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