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How Grow Your Hotel Business after a Coronavirus Outbreak

written by Admin | Jun 02, 2020

Numerous lodgings, particularly those in Asia, are making earnest alterations in their techniques as they attempt to support their benefits. In any case, it’s difficult to tell where to make changes without imperiling your income post-emergency. That is the reason we’ve gathered the best guidance from hoteliers around the globe on how they’ve reacted to emergencies previously, and how they’re changing methodologies to win in the hour of coronavirus.

Did you know that the photo-sharing site Instagram is one of the popular social networking platforms having 500 million users? Then, why not promote your hotel business here for growth and more fan following. The engagement rate on this platform is considerably high; almost 75 percent take some action on Instagram. 

When it comes to Instagram, 76 percent of users post visuals of their vacation experiences and so you can grow your hotel business using the photo-sharing platform as an effective marketing tool. 

Can use relevant Instagram hashtags to gain maximum exposure for your hotel or resort. As far as hashtags are concerned, they are like connective tissues bringing visitors to your Instagram page. So read on to learn about the three best tips to grow your hotel or resort business. 

Use Instagram to pique audience interest 

When you have a hotel, first know what content type would appeal to your targeted audience. For instance, travelers love to see high-resolution photos of tourist destinations as well as food. It could be anything like sharing travel experiences, tips, and images of local cuisines. 

Next, use the relevant hashtags to reach out to travel enthusiasts. Did you know that photos with related hashtags have 12.6 percent more level of engagement? Make sure you use popular and not so popular hashtags to boost the engagement level. When you use less popular hashtags, your website will easily rank better and seen by your targeted audience. 

Then, you can set a location if you want to see your posts gain 79 percent more engagement. It will help tourists to find your resort while they search for photos from your geographic area or location. Make sure your Instagram posts are not self-promotional. You need to build engagement through stunning travel photos of waterfalls, mountains, beaches, and monuments. Only self-talk will not help in building engagement. 

The key to successful Instagram engagement is storytelling and blending promotional posts naturally. The rule is posting a single promotional content and four non-promotional ones. When it comes to promotional content, display one photo of your hotel rooms and tell your audience that they can avail of a 10 percent discount. Again, you can post an image of a breakfast platter showing sandwiches, sausages, sunny-side up, bacon, tea, coffee, or orange juice. If you would like to learn more about Instagram engagement, you can look up or similar platforms. 

Know your audience better 

Before you post Instagram content, you should determine who your customers are, first. When you try to build a feed for all, you would have a tough time hanging on to your worthy guests. The ideal way to find your targeted customers that fits your business is through hashtag research. For example, if you are targeting honeymoon couples, use hashtags like #romanticdestination, #weddingdestination, and the like. 

You can find the appropriate hashtags by using search tools like Display Purposes or Top Hashtags. The best way is to create a file where you can save the related hashtags that you would like to use in your posts. 

Use lodgings 

  • Are you despite everything just getting started? Or on the other hand would you say you are shut to the general population yet have enough staff to work a constrained help? In any case, on the off chance that you can, you could make your ways for those out of luck. They may be: 
  • Remote laborers who can’t return home and need cover 
  • Health laborers or government authorities who maybe need settlement on crisis excursions for work 
  • Homeless individuals complying with isolate sanctions 
  • If you decide to go along these lines, make certain to submit to your nearby government and World Health Organization guidelines for sanitation. Putting people group and others initially is flawless on the off chance that you are capable, however you should have the option to guarantee they are ensured. 
  • Sanitation units in the rooms are a beautiful touch on the off chance that you can – and they show the visitors you are putting their security and prosperity first. 
  • Checklist guides for tidiness and social separating in each room can enable visitors to comprehend what they ought to do to remain solid and maintain WHO and government counsel. 
  • Put sanitation and social removing updates up in open washrooms and different territories where individuals may gather. 
  • Some lodgings in Europe and the US are making their rooms accessible to help flooding emergency clinics. Not for everything except nearby governments are attempting to arrange this where it’s required. 

Read more – How can Software Companies protect their organization from Coronavirus

Look to different pieces of the business 

Do you have an eatery on location that is shut its entryways, yet you have staff still solid and ready to work? Begin pondering contribution remove! Local people in your locale are stuck at home, some not ready to cook or need a break from getting ready for the family at each feast. Offer up contactless conveyance of your scrumptious food to their entryways. 

Need to offer back to your locale for those out of luck? A few cafés are giving prepared suppers to wellbeing laborers on the cutting edge. This is an extraordinary method to give back while keeping the staff occupied and doing what they love. 

Do you have a spa or wellbeing focus at your inn? Provided that this is true, maybe your staff is quick to share intercession, yoga, and practice classes online by means of YouTube or Video Chat meetings – make this accessible to your crowd through social channels or different mediums (SMS or Facebook Messenger on the off chance that you utilize that for instance). In the event that that isn’t pertinent, you could make online aides or tips for individuals battling to remain dynamic at home. The World Health Organization have even mutual a manual for staying in shape and well at home.

Maintain consistency 

The best way to drive Instagram engagement is through consistency. When you flood your followers’ feed with numerous posts after a long time, it would mean a troublesome experience. However, if you post Instagram content daily, four times a week, or every week, your followers will learn about your business better, which helps to improve post engagement. 

Then, it is not just about a consistent Instagram post. To gain more fan following and engagement, make sure your feeds are consistent too. For instance, choose some of your brand colors and maintain consistency with such colors. You can also use a specific theme to ensure post consistency for your targeted audience. 

Are you looking for – Similar App Like Instagram

Make every post visually attractive because Instagram is about stunning photos and videos. The best thing is you do not need to use multiple tools to create eye-catching posts. You can simply use your smartphone’s camera and a few Instagram filters to create stunning, high-resolution content that resonates with your audience. A couple of times, you can hire a professional photographer to take pictures of the special areas of your hotel such as a poolside bar, the dining hall, suites, ocean-facing rooms, and things like that. 


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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