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Google AdSense Alternatives in 2016

written by Admin | Jun 24, 2016

Do you love to get your creative juices flowing, by blogging?

There might have been various times you registered for the AdSense account, and might have got failure.

Various bloggers get themselves registered for AdSense and they become frustrated when they face failure.

Well, AdSense is not the only platform for the publishers. There are so many other ad networks which are far cry from AdSense, which gives awesome revenue to the publishers.

So, blogger out there! Don’t be upset, every cloud has a silver lining.

Top Google Adsense Alternatives:


Infolinks is the acclaimed monetization networks in today’s date, a perfect solution which is guiding more than 150,000+ online publishers in 100+ countries to earn good revenues from their unused ad space. Infolinks have their free to use native ads work flawlessly with the other ad solutions and they don’t mess up with the experience of the user. Infolinks has the wide variety services like efficacious contextual and video ads, gripping display banners and other customizable products which are surefire for you to get the most from your traffic.’

Infolinks has the marvelous platform, which is plain sailing to blend and intermix in your site, and it does not cost a king’s ransom to the publishers, no set up fees is required, page views or page visitors does not have any minimum requirement. There is a different criteria for selecting infolinks advertisers, they must be quality-oriented . That is the reason, infolinks works with the top-notch brands like Facebook, Ebay, TripAdvisor, Amazon, Hyundai, Pizza Hut adn the list is long.

BR Admob:

It is the best similar website like Google AdSense, a perfect platform for advertising your brands, products and services. It is the smashing app for the digital marketing. It is the high-end solution which provides you more revenues and more visitors. In this stunning alternative, the user at first logins and applies the the category, he then gets a code by which he will get the payment. On the other hand, the publisher will signup/login and will create a campaign. The publisher will add the price weekly, monthly or on daily basis, then the publisher will add the classy banner and the payment will be first sent to the admin panel by the publisher and admin sends the payment to the user. The admin panel logins and will add the category, th admin panel also has the option of adding/ removing the category, then the admin panel will send the report and in th final stage, the admin panel will eceive the payment from the publisher which he will send to the end user.

Revenue Hits:

Revenue hits is another leading strong network which provides services from soup-to-nuts, like Sliders, Pop-unders, Banner ads, etc. If you opt for using Revenue Hits, let you ads run for 5-6 days for getting awesome results. Revenue Hits is the Performance Ads network, that is they give you payment for the best quality results. Revenue Hits are far cry from other kind of alternatives available. Since it is Performance ads network, helps various publishers to create better revenues.

The giants like Yahoo!Bing Network is being powered by the is the graded technology company which is know for developing high-end digital advertising products for both the publishers and the advertisers. They have around 500 employees spread in the cities like New York, Zurich, Los Angeles, Mumbai, Bangalore.

If revenues is concerned, runs the #2 largest contextual ads program around the globe. is renowned for managing various technology, business relationships in context with publishers throughout the world. In today’s date, has turned out to be the admired contextual advertising company which offers class solutions for the advertising to the diversified client base.

Propeller Ads:

The best alternative, Propeller Ads is the UK based Ad network. It is one of the acclaimed pop-under networks. They provide wonderful services like games, dating, entertainment, gambling, finances, software, etc. You can generate higher revenues by using Propeller Ads than the AdSense. It is one of the best alternative if you have the mobile traffic, they work with other kind of ad networks which monetizes the apps and the mobile services, and eventually it provides higher ROI. If you have wonderful traffic from the countries like Australia, US, UK, then you must opt for Propeller Ads.


Adversal is another admired alternative for the AdSense. They provide attractive banners, they also have wonderful image ads. Adversal can also work better with other languages also. By using Adversal, your account gets the approval instantly at the drop of a hat and they also have the Pop under/ CPM ads as the option available. It is the perfect alternative for the Google Adsense, if serving ads is concerned.You must have around 50,000 p[age views to jump on the bandwagon of Adversal.

Amazon associates:

Amazon is the highly favoured online store in the world. If you have a clasy website which talks about any product that can be searched on the Amazon, then the Amazon associates is the perfect option for you. If you write about stunning products on your blog, Amazon native ads is the perfect alternative for you. Amazon also has the amazing affiliate program. If you get marvelous US traffic on your blog, then the Amazon native ads would be the best Google AdSense alternative for you. It provides 3 kinds of ads: Recommendation ads, Custom Ads, Search Ads. It offers the quality-oriented product ads in the responsive ads unit which you can place anywher in your function-rich site/blog. It displays the ads based on your selected categories and as per your quality blog contents.


So, listed above are the top-class Google AdSense Alternatives which are in trend these days. Now, the ball is in your court, as to which one would turn out to be the best choice.

Choose any of the alternative Apps for your business, we will help you in getting the perfect app created for helping you to get higher revenues.

BR Softech is the leading mobile and web development company, having expertise in developing feature-rich apps on different platforms, ios, Windows and Android.

Have you got the idea of an app, that will enhance your business?

Feel free to contact us, and we will help your idea turn into reality on your mobile screen.


I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.