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Top 6 Upcoming Trends in Technology that will Amaze you

written by Admin | Jun 22, 2016

There has been a rapid change in technological advancement over the past 5 years. Latest smartphones, multi-touch tablets are the recent trend in the technology that has made our life so easy and beautiful.

Well, these latest technological trends are just the beginning. Technology will get more advanced in the near future.

6 Upcoming Trends in IT industry:

Google Driverless Car:

There had been the time when you might have thought of driver-less cars. This has now turned a reality. Though the source of data of this amazing technology has not yet been revealed, the Google driverless car is powered the artificial intelligence which makes use of the input by the help of video cameras in the car, a sensor located on the top of the vehicle with special sensitivity of factors, trends, etc and the position sensors linked to different positions of the car.

Google Driverless Car

As of now, this amazing technology has victoriously driven upto 1609 kms without any of the human commands involvement.

Project Fiona:

The remarkable technology for the people who love gaming to the core. This is the amazing technological advancement in the gaming tablet. Razer’s Project Fiona is a wonderful gaming tablet which is created to enhance the gaming experience. Once this technology hits the market, it will be the top-notch for the future tablets, because the technological companies might be looking forward to develop their own trendy tablets for the purpose of gaming.

Project Fiona

Firefox OS:

Ios and Android have been a grand success in the technological trend, but both of these have their own set of rules and policies, which certainly hinder the mind-blowing creative attempts of the developers. Now, the Mozilla also have come up with the smashing mobile operating system, that will grab the choice of the end-users and it will also attract the end-users. It is called Firefox OS.

Firefox OS

This wonderful Firefox OS has been constructed on open source and it runs on the web technologies like HTML5 and CSS3.


The recent problem faced by devices today is that they operate independently of other hardware or software, and it involves vigorous attempts for the technology competitors to join hands with each other and develop marvelous products that can be linked with each other.


Google Glass:

This amazing technology has reached our life in the form of stimulated experiment and the education app, Google has come up with recent technology trend Google Glass. With the help of this incredible Google glass, you will be able to view all the social media feeds , Google Maps, Text, and also navigate with the help of GPS service and click photos. You will also be able to get the recent updates even you are located on the ground. At present, this wonderful device is provided to only few developers, but it will also be expected that other technology company will vome up with similar new technology and developing the reasonable consumer vision.

Google Glass

Eye Tribe:

Technology enthusiasts were constantly pandering over the eye tracking technology. Eye Tribe has left the tech people spellbound. This wonderful technology had hit the market for controlling your tablet, slice the fruits in Fruit Ninja with the movements of your twinkling eyes.

Eye Tribe

Closing Thoughts:

These are the wonderful technological trends for making life of the people easy.

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I am the admin of BR Softech PVT LTD - an Award-winning App, Game & Blockchain development company. My thesis is to work with hard-bit and get the best Exposure. I have driven by the spirit of entrepreneurship and dream to build a billion-dollar-company.

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BR Softech Pvt. Ltd. excels in providing cost-effective IT Solutions. Established in August 2010 with over 10+ years of rich experience. An Apex rated IT serving company around the world. Our team of innovative and creative designers deals in web designing, mobile/ software development and other digital marketing services intending to deliver outstanding digital outcomes.